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  • The overkill of an empire

    As I sit here this morning. Searching for news to post on my little corner of the web. I'm Browsing all my source sites, that normally bare trustworthy news, and i came across an article called is sony in big trouble. with a picture of a graveyard resting behind it. the picture was self evident in its own, that the ps3 was as good as dead. and ill admit like most of you, It gave me a warm bubbly feeling, thinking of a next generation that wasn't ruled by sony yet again,
    especially when you consider the drastic darth vader like personality that has came over sony since the ps2's wide spread domination of the market. Saying things like, yes its expensive. But you will pay whatever we ask because were sony.

    This new more confident and some what arrogant face of sony hasn't been accepted well among many, But that got me to thinking. I went to my collection of games which i keep in an entertainment center all to itself. Its a lifetime's collection everything i've ever owned (game wise) that haven't traded or given away to friends. And I noticed something. a great deal of my most beloved and cherished games are psone and ps2 titles. of course there are many game cube games and a few x-box games. But a very large number of my game collection are playstation titles. From final fantasy. to kingdom hearts,castlevania,metal gear, legacy of kain, area 51, god of war, and even dragon quest 8,

    Those are just playstation 2 series and titles. I could go on, But the point is. Everyone has lost faith in a company that used to be our friend. Sony used to understand its fans. They used to give us what we wanted even if we didn't know we wanted it. And I do suppose there are many valid reasons for us to distrust sony these days, they threaten our scene. force us to update our consoles offering us little in return, more or less, saying if you want to play our latest software , you will update!!..

    This hasn't went over very well with the majority of the gaming population to say the least.
    But the question still remains, That sony is suffering, not financially, But there fan base has become alienated from the very creators that brought them so much happiness.
    Is this justified? Does sony really deserve the massive cold shoulder there getting from its fans, just because there business tactics have been what some would call ruthless?

    Maybe... Or maybe anyone under the kind of pressure sony has been under would crack, The business is made to look friendly in the magazines. its made to look like a representation, of what we would picture as a dignified board meeting with the often disagreement that is laughably resolved
    over a cup of coffee and a nice chat. But in reality, with each generation, with each new wave of technology that comes about, each company puts there very reputation on the line, there life blood if you will. when a console fails, its a massive loss for there respective developer. and not just ouch they hurt there pockets kind of loss, were talking bankrupts, massive lay offs to cut finances, recovery periods, And un predictable reputation damage. (look at what happened to nintendo the once ruler of the VG world)

    The reality Is. There are two sides to every company. The side the fans see, and the business side.
    The problem with sony is there business side had become the side there showing more of lately.
    There cut through tactics may work on there competition, But not there fans...

    Perhaps the media is to blame, its always been said the pen is mightier then the sword. A little bad press will go a long long way, Sometimes even in the news, Its best to take what you hear, even if you know its true, with a grain of salt. Sometimes the way a message is delivered can be more important then the message itself.

    In conclusion, I wrote this article because i was really on the anti sony bandwagon for a long time, But i believe this whole anti sony mentality has went to far, The media scares us with an uncertain future, But other then some horrible business moves with the psp. Sony has yet to truly betray us.
    You must realize guys. They don't call them the friendly console competitions. they call them the console wars, Who knows how bad press gets leaked, and who was paid what to leak it,

    Im not defending sony, Im only not kicking them when there down, You don't kick a company that has brought you so much happiness in the past. when there down.. If we lose sony, we will have lost more then just another console developer. In many ways they changed the business for the better.

    Thoughts opinions?

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    This article was originally published in forum thread: The overkill of an empire started by shadowprophet View original post
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