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    The DCEmu the Homebrew Gaming and Theme Park Network is your best site to find Hacking, Emulation, Homebrew and Theme Park News and also Beers Wines and Spirit Reviews and Finally Marvel Cinematic Universe News. If you would like us to do reviews or wish to advertise/write/post articles in any way at DCEmu then use our Contact Page for more information. DCEMU Gaming is mainly about video games -

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  • German software devs planning Kinect SDK release for PC

    We've highlighted German developer Evoluce before for its impressive Kinect hacks, both to control Windows 7 applications and command soldiers in Ubisoft's RUSE. This time, Evoluce has announced plans to empower more hacks through the release of its software development kit for PC. The "3D-Sensing Custom Software for Kinect" -- which could, admittedly, use a better name -- promises to provide would-be devs with "core features," such as "3D virtual reality experience with full-body avatars" and "touch-free user interfaces."

    A region-restricted video demonstration of the SDK is available to German viewers onProsieben.de, but the rest of us are going to have to wait until Evoluce actually releases its kit for a chance to check it out. But who knows -- by that time, Microsoft may have gotten its own, rumored Kinect SDK together. Hurry Evoluce!

    This article was originally published in forum thread: German software devs planning Kinect SDK release for PC started by wraggster View original post
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