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  • Darksaviour69

    by Published on July 25th, 2008 20:13

    Microsoft's very own Mr Halo has told Eurogamer that Bungie's series could soon be getting its own dedicated event to rival the likes of BlizzCon and QuakeCon.

    Speaking to us immediately after the Halo Wars and the Halo Universe panel yesterday at Comic Con 2008 in San Diego, O'Connor, who earlier this year quit his post as Bungie community manager to oversee Halo at Microsoft Games Studios, insisted the franchise was "big enough at this point that it can stand on its own".

    "You can do a HaloCon. Nothing on [the scale of Comic Con], but you could bring a few hundred people just to see a Halo thing. We're really not worried about Halo's ability to stand out and shine in the future. There's plenty of stuff coming."

    While making it clear that no formal planning had yet been undertaken, he explained that the "passionate and loyal community" had made the prospect of a standalone Halo showcase attractive. "We do things for [the communtiy] all the time. Bungie has done fanfests at E3 and it would be lovely to see something bigger, something more ambitious in the future."

    O'Connor also moved to play down the furore over Microsoft's decision to pull a new Halo reveal from its E3 conference, stating: "It's E3, it's complicated. You saw the Microsoft press conference - there was a ton of stuff. And someone, somewhere decided strategically that another time is better, and it will be, and there's going to be an announcement and it's going to be awesome.

    "Halo gets plenty of attention, and Halo will get plenty of attention if there's any new stuff to announce."

    He refused to be drawn on the timing of the announcement, quipping: "I wouldn't know anything about that! Halo can stand out at E3 or stand out at another time." And after a lacklustre E3 earlier this month, which has drawn sharp criticism from across the industry, O'Connor said it was time that consumers were involved.

    "E3 is what it is now, but I still think there's space for a really big consumer videogames show. If you look around Comic Con, people are doing business here, people are unveiling things, they're revealing stuff. But the people who are enjoying it are the people we're making the games for, and it's a really unique experience and one the industry could get tremendous value from.

    "At E3, the fans are there, they're just using the Internet. Why not charge them an entrance fee and make the thing a profit centre rather than a loss leader?"

    Via Eurogamer ...
    by Published on July 25th, 2008 13:53

    Final Fantasy WON’T be the saving grace in Japan for the Xbox 360

    Final Fantasy does not need to be released in Japan for the sole reason that Xbox 360 in Japan is pretty much the equivalent of finding a VII gaming system in America. In Japan, they don’t want much to do with the Xbox 360. They support their countries products and have no need for a American console with more shoot’em ups that you can shake a stick at.

    Final Fantasy 11 was on the 360.

    FF11 on the 360 was a joke, as far as I can remember (the beta). The game had a install time that was just ridiculously long. The game was known to have a 6 to 10 hour install time. You could not just set the game to install then go off to work. You would always have to click different things every hour or so. On top of having a install time that took as long as a watching the full Matrix Trilogy + Animatrix. The game did not even support Xbox Live features. You had to use a key board to chat, yes a Keyboard how lame is that. There was away around this, you could still use private chat, on the guide blade to chat with people but its not the same, as being able to chat with anyone you come in to contact with. Now you would think that would be the end of FF11 on the 360. On top of all that nonsense the made everyone pay to play FF11 on top of our normal Xbox live fees. So you pay 50 for live, then had to pay another 11 on top of that…LAME!

    Blu-Ray Wont be a issue

    Blu-Ray while convenient wont be needed. Many of the same people boasting about blu-ray did not have a problem swapping disc in the last generation. Another thing people forget about is when developers make games the usual practice is three magic words, Compress, Compress, Compress. When game developers put games on DVD’s they use top notch file compressors. On blu-ray there is not need to compress anything. That is why MGS4 took so much space they didn’t need to compress a thing for that game. That move alone paid off look how nice MGS4 came out looking. How many DVD’s would FF13 take up? Who knows, not me. It would not be the first Xbox 360 game to come Multi-disc format, and it wont be the last.

    Microsoft Needed to get FF13 on the 360.

    No one will deny that the PS3 has the worst lauch in history. I (even being a Xbox fanboy) never thought that the PS3 was a bad system. I figured if the PS3 did well then the 360 would be pushed to do better. And that is exactly what is happening. Sony and MS are feeding off each other right now to push and push to become the best.

    Now a days well after the internal launch of the PS3 . The PS3 is doing much better, The reason that it has started to sell is because of the price cuts, two major retailers offered 100.00 USD gift cards for buying a PS3. They also pack in free blu-ray movies and free games, and The PS3 is also the BEST and cheapest blu-ray player out there. It is hard to turn down a deal like that. MGS4 also helped to push some systems for Sony.

    Microsoft needed to get FF13 on the 360 not to stop Sony, not to Kill Sony, but to slow there momentum that they have gained over the past few months. I personally know many people who have a 360 and were going to by a PS3 just for FF13, now they are just like “well we can get it for the 360 now” . Will this move work for MS ? Only time will tell.

    Well there you go, That is why MS Xbox 360 does not need FF13 to be a PS3 Killer, but it did need it. Now that MS has secured another PS3 exclusive what does the PS3 still offer? First party titles that's about it. Sounds to me like there turning into Nintendo.

    Via Minimum Wage Gamer , Thanks to PhoenixTilt for tip. ...
    by Published on July 25th, 2008 10:48

    Ever since music games became popular, the musician trolls have frequented forums and comment threads everywhere. Typically, these trolls are known for comments like "Yeah, I'd rather play a real guitar, thanks." Imagine then, how strange it must be for real musicians to play fake versions of their own songs. Enter Rush performing the Rock Band version of "Tom Sawyer" backstage at the Colbert Report. To make a long story short, they fail at 36% completion. They don't seem to broken up about it though. Fabulous success can give you that kind of confidence, we suppose.

    via X3F ...
    by Published on July 24th, 2008 15:02

    Bizarre Creations has moved the release of Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 to next Wednesday. National holiday.

    This Xbox Live Arcade sequel will cost 800 Microsoft Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.60) and had previously been expected in August.

    Retro Evolved 2, unveiled during the Microsoft E3 conference last week, will feature multiple game modes, local head-to-head or co-operative action, and even a co-pilot mode where one person shoots while the other person steers, which sounds rather rude.

    There are plenty of new special moves, swarms of colourful shape-shaped baddies, and 1080p even-fancier visuals.

    Geometry Wars 2 also has the usual Achievements and leaderboards to prove your thumb-stick abilities to the internet.

    Via Eurogamer ...
    by Published on July 23rd, 2008 10:39

    Posted at Capcom's blog

    Just wanted to drop everyone a line that we're working on a patch and it will have several fixes for the open beta. I'll be dropping details shortly, but the overall experience in the beta will be vastly improved.
    by Published on July 23rd, 2008 10:37

    There is much confusion over what exactly Portal: Still Alive, an upcoming Xbox Live Arcade release of Valve’s excellent platformer-thing, is. After all, it was announced amazingly vaguely during Microsoft’s E3 press conference, and there was little followup. So I asked Valve’s Doug Lombardi, and he explained it to me.

    Portal: Still Alive is a standalone version of the original Portal that can be purchased through Xbox Live Marketplace. In addition to Portal itself, it will include a number of levels that are not part of the game’s story, and do not feature story-related elements such as GLaDOS voiceover.

    The game is exclusive to Live Arcade, at least for a while, but PC players can get basically the same experience right now anyway. Here’s why.

    You may have seen Portal: The Flash Version, a clever Flash-based tribute to Valve’s game. You are slightly less likely to have seen the Portal: The Flash Version MapPack, which recursively ports the Flash game’s levels to Portal itself.

    Still Alive’s bonus content consists of 360-certified versions of the levels from that pack.

    via Remowned ...
    by Published on July 23rd, 2008 10:03

    After a long time playing second fiddle to COD4, Halo has reclaimed the top stop for most played game last week. It seems that with the legendary being reduce by 200 point (to 600) and the free map cold storage, was enough to entice gamers back to Halo 3.

    The much hyped (and controversial) Too Human demo also makes it into the top 10.

    As for the Arcade, Golf: Tee It Up! starts of well, taking top spot, Soul Calibur continues to sell well after 3 weeks on the market Place, at No 2, while Schizoid has a poor debut at 6th, with Coffeetime Crosswords also starting bad, just scraps into the top ten.

    Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s)
    1 Halo 3
    2 Call of Duty 4
    3 GTA IV
    4 Gears of War
    5 Guitar Hero III
    6 Rock Band
    7 Too Human Demo
    8 Battlefield: Bad Company
    9 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2
    10 FIFA 08

    Top Arcade Titles (Full Versions)
    1 Golf: Tee It Up!
    3 UNO
    4 DOOM
    5 Worms
    6 Schizoid
    7 N+
    8 Geometry Wars Evolved
    9 Wolf of the Battlefield: Commando 3
    10 Coffeetime Crosswords

    Source Major Nelson ...
    by Published on July 22nd, 2008 09:19

    This Wednesday, take on dancing with your fingers or flying planes as two new games hit Xbox LIVE Arcade.

    In Go! Go! Break Steady, choose a character and make them dance by following visual cues on the screen. Once you have mastered the button break dancing, you are taken to a mini game where you shoot balls to make sets of three or more.

    There are 20 songs to choose from and the game features local and online co-op and versus modes.

    Go! Go! Break Steady can be yours for 800 Microsoft Points and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

    Relive another classic with 1942: Joint Strike when it also hits Xbox LIVE Arcade on Wednesday.

    In this World War II flying shooter, take to the skies with your newly updated 3D HD plane as you blast enemies below to smithereens. Avoid obstacles such as missiles and explosions alone or with a friend. Co-op is available online or locally.

    1942: Joint Strike can be yours for 800 Microsoft Points and is rated E for Everyone by the ESRB.

    Anyone planing to pick up either of these games? ...
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