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  • wraggster

    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 14:08
    1. Categories:
    2. Playstation Vita News

    Tokyo Game Show, the next major industry clambake following Gamescom in Germany later this month, has announced some of its tent-pole talks.

    As detailed on Andriasang, Square Enix CEO Yoichi Wada will take to the stage at Tokyo's Makuhari Messe on 15th September to discuss "The Essence of Game Industry Revolution" in this year's keynote address.

    Wada will then be immediately followed by Sony double act Shuhei Yoshida and Yoshio Matsumoto with their ambiguously titled "All About PlayStation Vita" presentation.

    No word from any other publishers yet on what their plans are for the show.

    Last year's event saw some fairly significant announcements, including debuts for Capcom's DmC and Asura's Wrath, Yakuza: Of the End from Sega, and a fistful of M.I.A core-orientated Kinect titles from Microsoft.

    http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...to-keynote-tgs ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:51
    1. Categories:
    2. Apple News
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    MobileMe's impending demise just got one step closer, folks. Apple's updated iCloud.com to now sport an official login page with what we're assuming is Cupertino's rendition of a CNC-machined aluminum unibody badge. It looks like those of you rocking iOS 5 or OS X 10.7.2 and who've also created an iCloud account are probably already busy frolicking through email, editing contacts and slinging calendar events all from the comfort of your browser. Those services already existed under its predecessor, but it looks as if Cupertino has spruced 'em up with fresh paint jobs. A screenshot from MacRumors also shows the addition of an iWork section, which we'd surmise means the previously siloed iWork beta now has a new place to call home. We couldn't get past the migration step with our trusty MobileMe account (disappointing proof is after the break), but you're more than welcome to tap the more coverage link and have a go yourself.

    http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/01/a...cing-for-extr/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:50
    1. Categories:
    2. Apple iPad
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    A native Skype app for the iPad has finally appeared, opening up your Apple slate for voice and video chatting with others on Macs, PCs or even TVs. It's not listed as an update to the existing iOS app, but as a separate Skype for iPad download that's only shown up in certain countries so far -- at first we couldn't find it on the US iTunes but it finally appeared after some searching. Just like Skype for iPhone, everything works over both WiFi and 3G, but one key difference is the ability to instant message during video calls. Check after the break for the full release notes and the demo video that leaked in June.

    Update: So, we've just taken the app for a quick spin via a 3G to WiFi call and it's laid out very nicely -- maintaining the familiarity of its desktop client. Getting a video chat started was quick with acceptably clean audio and mostly consistent video streaming (aside from an occasional freeze-frame). Whether you're in landscape or portrait mode there's access to recent conversations, and you can even start conversations within your current chat; we'd say that the former works out better for getting around, although it does make it hard to stay in frame. Overall it feels like a souped-up version of the iPhone release, and impressions aside, the gallery down below should give you a better look at what to expect.

    Update 2: Just as suddenly as it appeared, it has now been yanked from iTunes stores everywhere. A Tweet from the official account says it went live "prematurely" -- your guess is as good as ours as to when it will return.

    http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/01/s...ith-voice-and/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:48
    1. Categories:
    2. Windows Phone
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    What's in a logo? These days, it's everything -- it's one of the most recognizable symbols a company can have, and it appears Microsoft isn't taking its emblems lightly. Over the course of the past week we've noticed an interesting trend: the Windows Phone branding has shed the circle-based icon in exchange for a square-shaped variant, appropriately reflecting the platform's "tile" look and minimalist theme. We first thought this was a fluke when we peered at the new logo at Fujitsu's IS12T event last week, as though it were a localized version made for Japan; as it turns out, however, this is indeed an official change across the board. If you need more proof than the source link below, yesterday's press invite for Nokia's Gamescom party features the new squared variant as well. We're still holding out for a green robot-shaped logo, but this will have to do for now.

    http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/02/w...-to-be-square/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:42
    1. Categories:
    2. Android News

    Thought Android was killing it in the US? Try the rest of planet Earth, bud. The latest from our friends at Canalys has Google's mobile OS on 48 percent of smartphones worldwide, or nearly one out of every two sold. Mountain View's stratospheric rise came at someone's expense, and it looks like Nokia's the loser here folks, which corroborates the data from last week's IDC report. Espoo's foibles are troublesome in a market that grew 73 percent year over year, especially when Samsung shipped 421 percent more handsets than it did a year ago. As a result, the Korean company has surpassed Nokia in smartphone marketshare, just like its rival in Cupertino. Despite the rampant growth, the research firm suspects Sammy could have done better, noting that it had failed to capitalize on Nokia's "weakened state around the world" with its "global scale and channel reach." We'll see if Samsung takes Canalys' constructive criticism to heart in Q3, but while you wait, you can read the full report after the jump.

    http://www.engadget.com/2011/08/02/c...ng-couldve-do/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:35
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Nintendo boss Satoru Iwata has said the firm acted early with its announcement of the drastic 3DS price cut because it needed to accelerate sales BEFORE the holiday shopping season.

    "We feel that those who have experienced the system appreciate its attraction, but this appreciation has not necessarily been expanding at the speed which we had expected," he said. Nintendo, he added, hopes that dropping the price now, rather than waiting for the holiday season like normal, will hopefully accelerate sales enough to take full advantage of the key titles coming up (Super Mario 3D Land, Mario Kart 7).

    "Without creating such a circumstance, we would not be able to realize explosive sales in the year-end sales season," he said. He's also hoping the move will coax in developers who are on the fence. "Software publishers are currently reviewing which development teams will work on which projects, and the results of which shall be launched next year and beyond. Removing their concerns on the sales of Nintendo 3DS hardware will be very critical for us to be able to enrich the applicable software in the years to come."

    "Even though we understand this, for us to elevate Nintendo 3DS to be the platform that can sustain our business, we have concluded that we need to take the best possible measure we can take now, even at the cost of short-term profitability," said Iwata.

    The decision to slash the price of the 3DS less than six months into its lifetime wasn't part of Nintendo's original strategy, but Iwata said it would help retailers plan for the end-of-year sales period and encourage developers to stick with the platform. The company will now reportedly make a loss on every 3DS sold.

    http://www.computerandvideogames.com...d-sales-iwata/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:33
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Nintendo has revealed it will be adding GBA titles Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby & the Amazing Mirror to the list of free games it will be offering as part of the 'Nintendo 3DS Ambassadors programme'.

    The programme has been designed to compensate early 3DS adopters following an earlier than expected hardware price cut.

    Nintendo is to offer 20 free downloadable games to early 3DS buyers in a bid to prevent them "regretting purchasing" the system.

    Beginning September 1, eligible users will be able to download ten NES games for free including Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Jr., Balloon Fight, Ice Climber and The Legend of Zelda. These will be released later in the year as paid downloadable games for other 3DS owners.

    Ten exclusive Game Boy Advance Virtual Console games will also be offered. These will include Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3, Mario Kart: Super Circuit, Metroid Fusion, WarioWare, Inc.: Minigame Mania, Mario vs. Donkey Kong, and now Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 and Kirby & the Amazing Mirror. These games aren't planned for general release in the future.

    http://www.computerandvideogames.com...ames-revealed/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:31
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Namco has said that Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions save data can be deleted by holding ABXYLR on the 3DS.

    Earlier this week, the game's QA lead had suggested game save data was permanent and couldn't be erased. "There is no way to erase the save from within the game itself without misusing the hardware, causing corruption," ShackNews was told.

    Namco has now apologised for any confusion caused by the "miscommunication", Edge reports.

    Capcom recently caused quite a stir with its decision to utilise a permanent save file system in Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D - so much so that it's unlikely to repeat the strategy with other games.

    http://www.computerandvideogames.com...3ds-save-data/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:27
    1. Categories:
    2. DCEmu

    EB Games has told MCV that it believes a national classification system like the rest of the entertainment industry is best for Australia.

    After the Australian state and territory Attorneys-General reached an 'in principle agreement' last month to introduce an R18+ classification, problems began to arise concerning the ability for individual states and territories to implement the rating in different ways. Some states are already indicating that they intended to deviate from the course by either abolishing the MA15+ category or altering the guidelines for both.

    Debra McGrath, EB Games national brand and marketing manager, told MCV: "A national classification system, as it exists in other entertainment industries, is the best solution for the implementation of R18+. We look forward to making the necessary changes required to properly implement the R18+ classification on a national level."

    The likelihood of an ubiquitous national shceme, however, is quite low, and the logistical issue surrounding a state-by-state implementation will have to be met by all local retailers.

    McGrath continues: "EB Games will follow whatever guidelines are necessary to successfully introduce R18+ and will make any changes required around logistics and distribution to support the process."

    "This is a massive step forward for the Australian Gaming Industry and the greater Australian consumer. EB Games are proud to have helped our customers have their say."

    EB Games helped the process, with over 46'000 submissions being made during the campaign for an R18+ rating.

    http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/eb-ga...-system/082573 ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:26
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    By introducing real money auctions for virtual items in Diablo III Blizzard has upped its game in the fight against illegal 'gold farmers'.

    For online games such as World of Warcraft where it can take months or even years to forge a strong character, time is money.

    Forget monthly subscriptions and microtransactions. There are thousands of gamers out there willing to pay hundreds of pounds – illegally – for a fast-track ride to the top.

    Right now you can search the web for high-level accounts and receive the most powerful in-game characters, weaponry and items within minutes of making payment (and maybe pick up a computer virus on the way). Don’t want to spend months reaching the level cap in Warcraft? Not a problem. Rubbish at Final Fantasy XI? Doesn’t matter. You can buy your way through the games.

    Although these sales aren’t as prolific as they were four or five years ago, they’re still a problem. Blizzard Entertainment’s World of Warcraft was heavily plagued by ‘gold farmers’ in its early days – players who use computer-controlled ‘bot’ characters to harvest virtual currency and rare items before selling them on websites in exchange for real money.

    Blizzard has stamped down on illegitimate websites and eBay sellers in recent years, but the problem persists. So if Blizzard can’t beat ‘em, why not join ‘em?

    The developer-publisher has announced it is introducing an in-game auction house system in upcoming PC online RPG Diablo III. But not any old auctions – ones that allow players to spend real money on virtual goods.

    Users will be able to buy, sell and trade digital items such as swords using real-life currency, with sellers taking the majority of the sum and Blizzard taking a small cut for each transaction. Gamers can still opt to trade using virtual currency or simply exchange items for other items.

    “The real money auction house provides players with an easy-to-use, Blizzard-sanctioned way to collect money for items they obtain while playing Diablo III,” says a statement on the Diablo III auction house page.

    “It also helps protect players from the scams and theft often associated with questionable third-party sites by providing a secure, completely in-game method for purchasing and obtaining the items they want for their characters.”

    Although Diablo III is not the first online game to feature such a system – Sony introduced it to EverQuest II players years ago – with Blizzard adopting the payment model it could have massive implications on the illegal virtual item businesses across the globe.

    Gold farmers will still get to play and trade items in-game, players won’t be as tempted to surf dodgy third-party websites and Blizzard takes a small cut of every sale made in-game. Everyone’s a winner. Almost.

    Blizzard will still face problems battling those who sell accounts online. Because although the real money auctions are a welcome addition, they only apply to items. There will still be a black market for characters with entire accounts going up for sale. Blizzard may own the rights to every character on their servers (with players simply paying to control them), but keeping an eye on 11m users is a huge strain. There will always be a few that break the system.

    Blizzard may never stop gold farming and those who use in-game bots to level up characters quickly. But by embracing this business Blizzard has not only retained a tighter grip on the buying decisions of its players, it’s taken one giant step towards blocking out the black market entirely.

    http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/opini...rt-move/082571 ...
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