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  • wraggster

    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 11:24
    1. Categories:
    2. Nes News

    News via AEP
    The NES emulator HalfNES has been updated. HalfNES download

    0.028 (3/2/2011)
    Rewrote/refactored a bunch of code to make things more object oriented. Also
    changed the display code to use Java´s double buffering scheme instead of my own
    hackish method, which MAY have made things a bit faster but definitely fixed that
    occasional flicker that was there before. (Simplified the code, too!)
    Also made some changes to the sound engine, so Contra and a few other things
    sound closer to how they should.
    Next update will hopefully bring more visible improvements.
    :: Homepage

    Download Here ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 11:21
    1. Categories:
    2. Nes News

    News via AEP
    The NES emulator puNES has been updated.

    added AxROM (mapper 7) emulation.

    :: Homepage

    Download Here ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 11:07
    1. Categories:
    2. Gameboy News,
    3. Nes News
    Article Preview

    News via AEP

    A new version of DSP Emulator has been released. DSP emulates ZX SPECTRUM +3, ZX Spectrum 128, ZX Spectrum 48, Arcade, Amstrad CPC 464, NES and Game Boy.

    + Lazarus [leniad]
    - Added Coleco console. For now you can not save snapshots.
    - Added GameBoy console.
    + M6809 CPU [leniad]
    - Core Optimized, more speed.
    - Fixed DAA opcode
    + M680X CPU [leniad]
    - HD63701: Added OCI timer and especific opcodes
    - Added more opcodes
    - Fixed many bugs
    + HD6309 CPU: Core Optimized, more speed [leniad]
    + Namco Sound: Added CUS30 chip, digital audio missing. [leniad]
    + MCS51: New CPU, includes i8751 [leniad]
    + Controls: Reviewed the engine, improved joystick control [leniad]
    -Spectrum [leniad]
    +BUG: Fixed mouse use
    -Black Tiger [leniad]
    +ENHANCE: Added i8751 MCU, removed protection patches
    -Breakthru Hardware [leniad]
    +BUG: Fixed ROMs loading
    -Legend of Kage [leniad]
    +BUG: Fixed graphical errors
    -Sky Kid [leniad]
    +Added driver with sound
    -Namco System 86 [leniad]
    -Rolling Thunder: Added driver with sound
    -Hopping Mappy: Added driver with sound
    -Sky Kid Deluxe: Added driver with sound
    -Roc´n Rope [leniad]
    +Added driver with sound
    -Repulse [leniad]
    +Added driver with sound
    -The NewZealand Story Hardware [leniad]
    +The NewZealand Story: Added driver with sound
    +Insector X: Added driver with sound

    :: Homepage

    Download Here ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 11:00
    1. Categories:
    2. Nes News

    News via AEP
    The NES emulator puNES has been updated.

    fixed another bug and now Incredible Crash Dummies run without problems.
    correct a couple of bugs in the mmc3 emulation.
    added MMC3 emulation.
    Correct a a bug in the controller routine (thanks Dwedit).
    Correct a little bug and now all cpu_interrupts_v2 test roms passed.
    Implemented reading of $2004 during the rendering.
    (thx to Quietust for the info and for the read2004.nes test rom).
    I worked hard on the CPU and PPU emulation and now many
    of test roms worked perfectly (thanks blargg).
    Added OpenGL support.
    Implemented APU Frame Interrupt (only this for now).
    Many bugs are gone.
    :: Homepage

    Download Here ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 10:56
    1. Categories:
    2. Gameboy News

    News via AEP
    A new version of the Game Boy emulator zBoy has been released.

    zBoy v0.12 [28 Feb 2011]
    - Added the "--EPXSCALE" command-line parameter, to scale the video screen using the EPX algorithm (instead of the default nearest-neighbour scaling),
    - Added the "--EPXSCALE3" command-line parameter, to scale the video screen using a modified version of the EPX algorithm (triple scaling),
    - Added the "--EAGLESCALE" command-line parameter, to scale the video screen using the EAGLE algorithm,
    - Fixed a bug in the hiscore saving module, that could lead sometimes the emulator to crash,
    - Added support for saving hiscores in following games: Ms. Pac-Man, Tetris, Asteroids, Tetris Attack, Galaga & Galaxian, BattleCity and Dig Dug,
    - The LY (LCD) counter is incremented even when the LCD is disabled (otherwise Baseball don´t start).
    :: Homepage

    Download Here ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 09:36
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    News via http://www.aep-emu.de/

    A new version of the Doom, Heretic and Hexen source port Doomsday Engine has been released. They also created a new build system, which will be generating new releases on a regular basis. More information after the break.

    You can find some shareware versions of Doom and other ID games at Q-Marines DOOM WADs Dat project page.

    Last week I had some time off from work due to illness and decided to spend the time productively: we now have a system that is building a binary release automatically on the three major platforms: Windows, Mac OS X, and Ubuntu.
    Let us consider for a moment the significance of this development. As Doomsday is a hobby project, it is only natural that team members stray out from the source trunk into developing interesting and fancy new things. However, this does not help at all with producing actual releases that people at large might want to use. In essence, the situation is missing gravity: the far-flung development branches need a constant pull to become part of the official release stream. Hand-made releases lack gravity because it is cumbersome to make them and no one wants to do that on a regular basis. Hence, no releases for months on end. Also, important bug fixes are left stranded on some development branch with a bunch of half-finished changes with no way to get them released quickly. But with an automated build system churning out releases effortlessly (and on a regular schedule), we have the necessary gravity to motivate team members to finalize their work and integrate it back to the trunk (in reasonably-sized chunks) to get it released.
    I have decided to make some other important changes as well. The never-ending “Beta” phase is now over and done with. The team’s goal is not to make “Beta” quality releases — each release should be stable and good enough for normal use. The trunk (i.e., master branch) is henceforth intended to be as bug-free and stable as possible. New code will be merged in only after it has been finished with in a development branch. Consequently, the version number of the Doomsday Engine is upgraded to 1.9.7 (from beta7).
    Builds and Numbers
    As the build system will be generating new releases on a regular basis, there is a need to identify each build. The builds created by the system are tagged with a build number. Since these are (at most) daily builds, the build number equals the number of days since January 1, 2011. For instance, today’s build number is 59. When we increase the Doomsday version number, the build number will not reset.
    As to the build schedule, for now I have set it up for biweekly (Monday/Friday) builds. Every week, at exactly 12:00 (EET) on Monday and Friday, the system tags and builds a new release. The releases will become available for download within a couple of hours from the build time.
    Official Stable Releases
    As the automated builds are not intended to be the “final” releases, but rather work-in-progress versions, we will still need to manually mark certain builds as official stable releases. These will be linked to on the project web site. However, in practice, this means that the latest release files are simply uploaded to SourceForge and the build tag is removed from the file names.
    Nifty Things
    The automated build system has a couple of useful features. First of all, the builds can be tracked using RSS. One can subscribe to the build event feed and be immediately notified of each build via the RSS app of choice (or Google Reader). This is extremely helpful for both the team members and the users. The feed itself provides links to the build files, compiler logs, and the Git changelog of all revisions since the previous build.
    Another nice feature is that the build system maintains an apt repository for Ubuntu users. Currently I am able to only build 32-bit binaries. On the plus side, the .deb packages also include Snowberry, so the experience should be on par with the other platforms. As a bonus, the .deb package contains an apt source list file that automatically retrieves updates from the Doomsday Builds repository. I.e., once the .deb is installed, new builds can be installed simply by running apt-get.
    The 64-bit build can be done manually from source.
    Source Releases?
    For the time being I have decided not to make any source releases. There are two options available if you wish to have access to the source:
    For just viewing the source, the SF.net repository source browser is quite helpful.
    For full access to all revisions, clone the Git repository on your local computer.
    Development Practices
    For team members, it is worthwhile to appreciate the importance of the master branch from here on out. It is crucial that any changes made in the master will not break the automated releases. The RSS feed will guarantee that everyone knows the current state of the master, and also who is responsible for any breakage (as the committed revisions are logged). In case a breakage occurs, my first action is to remove ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 09:34
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    News via http://www.aep-emu.de/

    D2X-XL is an OpenGL-port of Descent II. Supported platforms are Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.

    Fixed: At basic and standard lighting, door animations weren´t visible
    Fixed: Scrolling in the netgame browser garbled the browser display
    Fixed: Graphical shield gauges were under/overflowing for the light and heavy ships ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 09:32
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    News via http://www.aep-emu.de/

    Commander Genius formally known as CloneKeen Plus is an interpreter for the Commander Keen 1-3 Series for Windows and Linux.
    It has been released in a new version.
    Download it here.

    - Tied up the code!
    - New Audio System!
    - New Graphics System!
    - Fixes in the IMF Player
    - Audio changes now Keen Galaxy has sounds (also thanks to FCTW for his help!)
    - Keen 5 Support initial support. (Thanks to furan for his help and cleaning up some code is it!)
    - Council members, slugs and platforms are in. They don´t work properly yet (Also many thanks to FCTW!)
    - New Packages are available. Now Windows Installer is shipped and the Deb Packages are updated ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 09:30
    1. Categories:
    2. Apple iPad,
    3. Apple iPhone

    With scratches and dings more than just commonplace in iDevice ownership, Apple may be tinkering with newtechnologies that will reduce the unsightly blemishes that adorn our ubiquitous mobile gadgets. According to information made public this week, The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has awarded ownership of a "scratch resistant metal device coating" to Apple.

    U.S. Patent No. 7896981 is described as "Nitriding stainless steel for consumer electronic products." According to the patent's "abstract" summary, the coating represents a "cost effective system, method and apparatus adapted to provide a nitride layer on stainless steel used for the manufacture of consumer electronic products."

    http://modmyi.com/forums/iphone-news...e-coating.html ...
    by Published on March 2nd, 2011 09:28
    1. Categories:
    2. PSP News

    News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&...7&view_reply=1

    The PSP Genesis Competition continues to produce material involved. This time is the French developer UnlimitedX to put meat on the fire with his Kingdom of War . Based on the amateur version of the PSP MMORPG Warcraft , this new online RPG is proposed as an alternative to it. At the moment the game is still in the early stages of development, has many bugs and the only dedicated server is always active. The hope is that it can reap a sufficient number of successes that warrants the opening of new servers.
    Meanwhile, the developer provides us with what has been achieved so far, with a beta version playable (in French) so as to get an idea of the product.

    Changelog v8 - Pictures and downloads:
    .: Changelog:.
    - Fixed some bugs
    - When a character is engaged in a fight: a) the PV decreased by 50% b) increase Stamina and Hit Points
    - When a character is engaged in combat, a shield appears next to the bar PV
    - Decreased time to respawn
    - New animations
    Download Here ...
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