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  • wraggster

    by Published on January 8th, 2007 19:59

    via gamespot

    This Nevada town, where betting and speculation are the norm, is an appropriate place for talk of a price cut to the Xbox 360 to find traction.

    Yesterday, two analysts--Michael Goodman and Colin Sebastian--spoke of a possible announcement from Microsoft. Goodman, of the Yankee Group, went so far as to consider a $100 price drop for the one-year-old-plus console--a doubling of the traditional $50 reduction. A third, Wedbush Morgan's Michael Pachter, offered his opinion as well, which, not surprisingly, contradicts Goodman's and Sebastian's.

    In a morning note to investors, Lazard Capital Markets analyst Colin Sebastian hedged his bets, declining to speculate on an exact figure a price cut could take, but he did introduce the topic.

    Pegging his theory on the dual combination of greater production efficiencies and component cost reductions for the console, as well as a shift of the platform to a more mass-market consumer audience, he said a price drop in 2007 was a "possibility."

    "At CES, Microsoft is introducing several new services and updates for the Xbox 360 aimed at broadening the content available over the platform beyond video games...specifically, Microsoft is now positioning the Xbox 360 as a media hub and set-top box for the living room, linking broadband connectivity and the Xbox Live service with providers of traditional media content through Internet protocol television (IPTV)."

    Goodman put a few more chips on the table, telling GameSpot he was looking at the March-June time frame as fertile ground for a price drop--and that if Microsoft really wanted to disrupt the console playing field, it would slash the price by $100.

    "It's a market share battle," Goodman said. The $100 cut in price is what Microsoft would do "if [it] wants to be super competitive--put Sony against the wall and put competitive pressure on the Wii."

    Pachter scoffed at talk of a preemptive Microsoft price drop. The rationale? Greed.

    "Microsoft will not cut price below its cost of production," Pachter said. He posits that the 360 currently costs Microsoft $359 to produce, so "why not enjoy a $50 profit per box," he said. In addition, assuming a price drop, Pachter still saw little upside: "I'm not convinced a $300 [price point] will spike demand."

    But it was on philosophical grounds that Pachter based his reluctance to join the price-cut chorus. "Microsoft is not in the business of wealth transfers to the consumer...they don't give anything away." He also doesn't see Microsoft playing the role of a price leader; rather, he sees the company as a follower in the marketplace, or a price taker, in conventional business-development lingo.

    "Sony isn't prepared [to drop the price of the PS3] until summer," Pachter said. And with no Electronic Entertainment Expo in May to use as a platform for news, there isn't the usual incentive to target such drama (a price drop) in late spring--it can wait, according to Pachter. Wait until Sony does drop the price, he says, and then watch out. "Microsoft will follow, eight seconds later."

    And when will Sony deliver a lower-priced PS3? Maybe it was the setting that got to him: "A Sony price drop?" Pachter pondered. "July 11. mark that day down in your calendar."

    GameStop currently sells the two Xbox 360 configurations for $399 and $299. The Wii is priced at $249 at most retailers. ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 19:58

    via gamespot

    The Vic Viper takes flight again today as the NES edition of Konami's arcade shoot-'em-up Gradius has appeared on the Wii's Virtual Console. Acting as the game's wingmen are a pair of TurboGrafx-16 games, the vertically scrolling shooter Soldier Blade, and the action-role-playing game Dungeon Explorer. All three games are rated E for Everyone.

    Originally released in 1986, the NES version of Gradius puts players in the cockpit of a starfighter fending off an alien invasion through seven stages. Designed for one or two players, the game is available for 500 Wii Points ($5).

    The second shoot-'em-up of the week, Hudson Entertainment's 1992 offering Soldier Blade borrows the colored power-up mechanic of its fellow TG-16 shooters, Super Star Soldier and Blazing Lazers. Soldier Blade is a one-player game and sells for 600 Wii Points ($6).

    Finally, Hudson Entertainment's 1989 action-RPG Dungeon Explorer originally required the TG-16's TurboTap accessory to allow simultaneous cooperative play for up to five players. Fortunately, the Virtual Console release allows five-player action with any combination of Wii Remotes and GameCube controllers. Players pick from eight different character classes ranging from genre staples like the fighter to more obscure choices like the bard or bishop, and then set out into the world to conquer a series of dungeons. Dungeon Explorer is available to download for 600 Wii Points. ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 19:58

    via gamespot

    The Vic Viper takes flight again today as the NES edition of Konami's arcade shoot-'em-up Gradius has appeared on the Wii's Virtual Console. Acting as the game's wingmen are a pair of TurboGrafx-16 games, the vertically scrolling shooter Soldier Blade, and the action-role-playing game Dungeon Explorer. All three games are rated E for Everyone.

    Originally released in 1986, the NES version of Gradius puts players in the cockpit of a starfighter fending off an alien invasion through seven stages. Designed for one or two players, the game is available for 500 Wii Points ($5).

    The second shoot-'em-up of the week, Hudson Entertainment's 1992 offering Soldier Blade borrows the colored power-up mechanic of its fellow TG-16 shooters, Super Star Soldier and Blazing Lazers. Soldier Blade is a one-player game and sells for 600 Wii Points ($6).

    Finally, Hudson Entertainment's 1989 action-RPG Dungeon Explorer originally required the TG-16's TurboTap accessory to allow simultaneous cooperative play for up to five players. Fortunately, the Virtual Console release allows five-player action with any combination of Wii Remotes and GameCube controllers. Players pick from eight different character classes ranging from genre staples like the fighter to more obscure choices like the bard or bishop, and then set out into the world to conquer a series of dungeons. Dungeon Explorer is available to download for 600 Wii Points. ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 19:53

    via engadget

    We interrupt our regularly scheduled CES blogathon to bring you some important industry news from the world of video games: the PlayStation 3's new (sort of) SIXAXIS controller has been honored by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences with a Technology and Engineering Emmy. Details are scarce, but the award will be handed over at an awards presentation being held tonight at ... wait, CES! Everything is captured in its gravitational pull, there's no avoiding it. Regardless, we're not sure exactly why the Sixaxis is receiving this honor, short of it being a technology product that undoubtedly involved some engineering, but we can't help but think something in the world of television must have been more deserving of such accolades. ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 16:14

    New from Divineo UK

    Charge Link by Nyko is a wireless controller USB charging cable for Playstation 3 that can be used while playing (easy with its 10 feet/3 meters length). It can also be used with any Mini USB device and as always with Nyko the quality standard is just perfect and the cable comes a special shield that insure high quality protection and high lifetime.

    Specifications & extra information

    • Simultaneously charge and play with the PS3
    wireless controller
    • Can be used for various USB compatible devices
    • Extra long 10ft cable
    • Includes Velcro wrap for clean and convenient storage
    • Unique woven cable shielding improves cable durability
    • Can be used with other Mini USB devices such as the PSP and digital cameras ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 16:13

    New from Divineo UK

    High Definition Digital audio/visual cable by Nyko for the Playstation 3. Enjoy the full graphical power of the PS3 with this high quality cable that brings high definition 1080p resolution to any display with HDMI socket!

    Specifications & extra information

    • Enhance the PS3 gaming experience with high definition quality
    • Upgrade the quality of both audio and visual output
    • Full 1080p resolution output
    • Conversion free digital connection
    • Fits into any HDMI outlet ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 16:11

    New from Divineo UK

    The Smooth As Silk full shells for Xbox 360 wireless controller have been colored using a special process that makes the surface extra smooth and very pleasant to use for gaming.
    They come in 4 versions: All Black, All White, Black(top)+White(bottom) and White(top)+Black(bottom).

    All versions includes the Blue light kits (optional installation) that requires simple soldering to be installed. ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 16:08

    via cvg

    After insisting the contrary with its first console, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates has said that the Xbox is not just a game console but a "general purpose computer", as well as reaffrming the company's strong support of PC gaming.

    Speaking to blog site Kotaku, Gates said that now that Microsoft has established itself as a gaming company, it feels more confident to branch out into other avenues such as the freshly-announced IPTV service for Xbox 360.

    "The reason we got into Xbox was not just for gaming," Gates said. "It's a general purpose computer. In terms of the first generation in particular, where we were so known as a PC company, the need to make clear how we were prioritizing the needs of demanding gamers, that was super important."

    "We wouldn't have done it if it was just a gaming device," he continued. "We wouldn't have gone into the category at all. It was strategically getting into the living room. This is not some big secret, Sony says the same things."
    But despite the Xbox 360's new position as a multi-purpose home entertainment box, Gates says that PC gaming is still very much part of Microsoft's plans: "I can stick up for both the PC model where you don't pay any royalties, you can introduce games without asking anybody, that's a great thing. And you will see a lot of innovation".
    "PC gaming is where you will see that really cutting edge high-end type stuff happening. As the Xbox gets cheaper and cheaper some very cool things happen there."
    "But both of these models, even in the living room are still very, I think very important. The kind of openness and variety of the PC, and then the kind of very inexpensive deep integration that Xbox represents. Really bootstrapping off of video gaming but being far more than that." ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 16:07

    This new trailer from SSX Blur shows the new Wii-exclusive boarder in action, complete with two handy Wii Remote icons that reveal how stunts will be pulled with the Wii Remote.

    As you fly off ramps, you can perform flips and spins by shoving the Remote left and right, or tilting it forward or backwards. Kicks and grabs are done with A and B.

    It otherwise looks like the game will control as normal, using the Nunchuk analogue stick to steer your character, which is good news considering we were dreading an awkward motion-control system that could have ruined a decent game.

    It looks pretty good too, and will look even better on your TV. SSX Blur is due to go on sale in March.

    Trailer Here ...
    by Published on January 8th, 2007 16:07

    This new trailer from SSX Blur shows the new Wii-exclusive boarder in action, complete with two handy Wii Remote icons that reveal how stunts will be pulled with the Wii Remote.

    As you fly off ramps, you can perform flips and spins by shoving the Remote left and right, or tilting it forward or backwards. Kicks and grabs are done with A and B.

    It otherwise looks like the game will control as normal, using the Nunchuk analogue stick to steer your character, which is good news considering we were dreading an awkward motion-control system that could have ruined a decent game.

    It looks pretty good too, and will look even better on your TV. SSX Blur is due to go on sale in March.

    Trailer Here ...
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