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  • wraggster

    by Published on May 22nd, 2006 02:04

    Ficedula has released SylphAMP, heres the info:

    SylphAMP is a Winamp-to-NDS interface; install it in WinAmp as an output plugin and all the audio is streamed to a DS on the local network rather than sent to the speakers.
    See the readme for instructions on how to use. Bear in mind this is an early alpha-style release with possibly the most horrific UI in existance. And it isn't very functional either. But if you want to stream MP3s and so on from WinAmp to your DS, it just about manages that most of the time

    Download and Give feedback via comments ...
    by Published on May 22nd, 2006 01:59

    ETk posted this wip news about his megaman clone for the DS:

    Uhm.. next level finally added. Had to update the event editor and game again.

    Game Changes:
    -Added teleport.
    -Fixed palette bugs when change level.
    -Event code optimized.

    Event editor changes:
    -Added option to edit level name and path
    -Added Teleport type events
    -Can save automatically the event data now
    -Changed pointer
    -Changed colours, location, etc..
    -Fixed some minor bugs

    No new demo yet, sorry

    More info --> http://etk.scener.org/ ...
    by Published on May 22nd, 2006 01:09

    StrmnNrmn posted this update about his N64 emu for PSP:

    Just a quick update on the dynarec status, as I know a lot of people are more interested in this than the grizly details of branch delay instructions

    Last weekend (13/14 May) I managed to assemble the fragment buffers into native x86 code, and execute this dynamically. I spent some time debating whether to target MIPS or Intel initially, but I decided that it would be a lot easier for me to debug the code generation on the PC than it would be to debug code gen on the PSP.

    In the end I'm glad I started with the PC as it allowed me to fix a number of hairy problems without going down the torturous path of debugging self modifying code on the PSP with just a few printf() statements to help track down any problems.

    With this version of the dynarec, 200KB of N64 code was now generating just 2MB of x86 assembly (i.e. an expansion ratio of around 1000%). The PC version was running around 60% faster with dynarec enabled than with it disabled, which is a pretty significant speedup (although this is still very early in the process).

    What's also important is that this is before I've done any real optimisation of the generated code. For each instruction I'm still calling the generic instruction handler which has the overhead of figuring out which source registers to use, which register is the destination etc. The *real* speedup comes from generating code to handle op codes explicitly, as you remove all this decoding overhead along with the overhead of jumping to another function. Once you've removed most of the generic instruction handling you can start looking at caching register values to minimise the amount of memory that's being moved around.

    With the PC version up and running fairly successfully, I've spent this weekend getting the PSP code generation working. I don't want to go into too many details (as I want to go into more depth in future posts), but I know people are keen to hear some news about how this is going.

    I got the basic code generation working on Saturday morning (thankfully I'd already resolved most of the tricky issues in developing the x86 version the previous weekend). I spent most of Saturday afternoon fixing some really horrible instruction cache related bugs. I'm still not 100% sure I've fixed them, but it seems very stable at the moment. At the moment I'm at the same stage with the PSP version of the dynarec that I was with the PC version last weekend - the code generation is running fine (and executing on the PSP without crashing more importantly but I've only just started looking at optimising things. It's still too early to speculate on numbers for the performance improvement it will give. Currently it's running around 10% faster with dynarec enabled, but it's still very early days.

    More soon.

    by Published on May 22nd, 2006 00:20

    OK thats all 11 entries for the first PSP News Lua contest, i personally thank all for their entries, lets hope next time more sites post news of the comp instead of just posting the news and not linking back, but anyway im exceedingly busy for a few days but by wednesday ill announce the winner. ...
    by Published on May 22nd, 2006 00:16

    PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.

    Heres Entry #11

    Electris 1.0 by Kagato

    Electris is a puzzle game in the "falling block" genre.
    The goal is to align the blocks to create closed circuits. As the circuits are closed, they are removed from the board. Be careful -- you can place blocks such that you can't close a circuit! Large circuits will give you 'circuit-breakers' so you can clean up mistakes.
    Keep an eye on the timer as well; if you take too long to make a circuit, a penalty row will be added to the bottom of the screen.

    1 point for each block dropped
    10 points per block in a closed circuit
    Chain circuits earn a score multiplier
    25 point bonus if circuit-breaker erases no blocks (double if dropped to floor)
    PSP with firmware 1.5, or:
    PSP with firmware 2.0 to 2.6
    eLoader (http://noobz.eu)
    LuaPlayer (http://www.luaplayer.org)
    See the documentation for each package for installation instructions.


    Copy the "Electris" directory from the zip archive to the "PSP/GAME/luaplayer/Applications" directory on your PSP.


    As of this writing, version 1.0 has only been tested on firmware 1.5 with LuaPlayer 0.19. (The previous version was tested on firmware 2.01, and no fetaures have been intentionally added to prevent operation on 2.0+.)

    This initial release features a single game mode. Future releases will introduce other game modes with different play styles, though all will focus on completing circuits.

    I'm interested to hear any feedback. If you've got any comments, suggestions or bug reports, feel free to send me an email at [email protected] .


    - Thanks to Raf for lending me his 1.5 PSP for the 1.0 development period. It helped speed things along a lot!

    - Matteo Zatti kindly allowed the use of his music in the game. The track is "Something In The Air", available here:

    Version History:

    1.0 -
    - Initial public release

    New features:
    - Menu system
    - Multiple difficulty levels
    - Background music
    - New game instructions
    - Pause menu
    - More consistent controls
    - Delay loops replaced with Timer classes

    Bug fixes:
    - Help screens failed to load on firmware 1.5

    0.1.1 [BETA] -
    - Splash screen updated to reflect new project home. (Was Pineapple Productions, now Studio Kagato)

    0.1 [BETA] -
    - First beta.

    Download and Give Feedback Via Comments ...
    by Published on May 22nd, 2006 00:11

    PSP News and Lik Sang are proud to host a mini comp aimed just at coders who Code in LUA. Here are the entries one by one.

    Heres Entry #10

    Cargame v0.2 by dalejrrocks

    Here's my entry for the competition - cargame v0.2. This is the second version of my first PSP homebrew game. Cargame is a two-player(for right now, the next version may add one player) racing game. It's fun to play with your friends. Changelog and readme are included. It's packaged with luaplayer.
    I hope that you enjoy this game.

    Download and Give Feedback Via Comments ...
    by Published on May 21st, 2006 20:42

    Via Stuff

    Jackass: The Game, previewed at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles earlier this month, lets players perform stunts similar to those in the TV series, which have involved riding in shopping trolleys and the "Human Wrecking Ball".

    The game is due out in November for a handheld and a home console – possibly the PlayStation and the PlayStation Portable, though Sidhe will not confirm this.

    Mr Wynands expects to do even better with Jackass, a TV series that's almost a cultural phenomenon with young males in North America, where it still pulls in viewers four years after the last series was filmed.

    Jackass was a magnet for both viewers and controversy during its three-year run on US-cable network MTV. Though it wrapped up in 2002 it has been kept alive in reruns, including on New Zealand's C4 music station.

    AdvertisementAdvertisementCritics blamed the show for encouraging young people to participate in dangerous stunts, especially as it grew in popularity.

    A Jackass movie was released in 2002 containing stunts and uncensored clips that weren't allowed on TV. It cost $US5 million to make and earned more than $US60 million in North America alone.

    "We're trying to create a game that's true to the licence," says Mr Wynands, who says he's a fan of the show's stunts. "They involve a certain amount of physical endangerment, but nobody's head is going to get blown off with a shotgun. Jackass isn't about that."

    Jackass director Jeff Tremaine is helping to design the game. So far the game's virtual stunts include rolling down a hill in a garbage can trying to avoid traffic and driving bumper cars on top of a skyscraper. Others are titled Bus Surfing, Grenade Golf, and Extreme Unicycling.

    There'll also be a "director mode", letting players save their stunts and replay them with several camera angles and trade them with friends.
    by Published on May 21st, 2006 19:26

    Sonic Battle Arena is a game which features Sonic Charactars written in Lua and being coded by TheMarioKarters, PSPHax0r9, Vaza, and Popcorn Devil. Graphics are done by Skinticket, Vaza, and madsoul.

    The game is a 2-D Sonic Fighting game coded in LUA
    This game was made from scratch, not a mod of an existing game

    Heres whats done in this release:

    Sonic is fully done!
    Tails engine is fully done!
    Knuckles engine is fully done!
    Enemy AI is partially done!
    Initial release level is done!

    Try this WIP Sonic Fighting game for yourself by Downloading Via the Comments - Give Feedback

    via mariokarter ...
    by Published on May 21st, 2006 18:48

    Heres the info:

    ARComics, Inc. continues to retool their vision/version of what a digital comic book could be with input from the visitors to the site. The site currently has several short animated Macromedia Flash teasers available (as well as artwork and information on various properties) that will give you an idea of the type of content being developed. Be sure to check out the latest release: THE FRONTEERS, to see the evolution of the ARComics digital animated episode on the Sony PSP.

    ARComics sees the PSP screen size, Internet/network connectivity, commercial success and target demographic as a perfect venue to bring an entertaining means of reading to a new generation by blending technology with art and storytelling.

    The ARComics.com version of the digital comic book is certain to stand apart.

    Also note, the ARComics.com is looking for assistance from the comic book, technical, art and videogame communities to showcase up and coming pencilers, inkers, colorists and flash animators (the potential to have your work seen is enormous).

    More info --> http://arcomics.com/news.htm ...
    by Published on May 21st, 2006 18:46

    Xart has released an app called Select which is a GUI for Eloader, heres the details:

    Installing, place the select folder in ms0:/psp/system folder and edit the eloader config file to point to the select pbp file


    Current BUILD still being tested.

    Keyboard for renaming files & folders
    Fillter effects for backdrops
    Drag & Drop moving of files

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    via xart ...
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