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  • wraggster

    by Published on February 8th, 2006 18:52

    ZodTTD has updated his Playstation emulator for the GP2X.

    Whats New

    From the quickly written changes.txt:
    UPDATED February 8th, 2006
    New in version v0.35:
    *** LARGE UPDATE ***
    - Speed increase due to figuring out how to still read and write to memory cards with faster timings of the psx's "root counters". Enough of a change in speeds of games that I released this as a new version.
    - Speed increase in games where stretch blit occured. Reason? Well for 640x480 games, I scaled down by 2 with better code. And for games with resolution only slightly larger than the GP2X screen, I centered the screen and removed the edges. Also, for screens smaller than the GP2X screensize, instead of stretching the screen, it leaves the resolution intact, not only making things look cleaner, but speeding that up as well. So see if it's ok enough to live with. If not, let me know.
    - Hopefully the timings didn't screw stuff up, if they did, let me know and I'll fix it.
    - The B button now selects a game. Chose to do this by request.
    - SELECT button now works! This means games like R-Types are playable! Yay!
    - All blitting code except certain instances where stretch blit is required, is done in assembly, thanks to AntiPasta. Thanks AntiPasta!
    - INCLUDES A SECOND VERSION OF V0.35: I included Unai's "work in progress" GPU revisions in a seperate GPE file. Try it out and you should notice about 3 or more FPS in actual gameplay. Note that this version has a bug in a certain type of graphic routine so some graphical glitches will most likely occur. Once the bug is fixed it will be merged into the main release. This is more of a preview.
    - Too busy to note all the minor changes. ;P

    My main interest in this release is to see:
    A. How performance is in this release.
    B. Any graphical glitches that weren't in previous releases in this one?
    C. Any memory card issues?
    D. Does frameskip seem to work better now? If so, how large a frameskip was optimal? I have a feeling frameskip still sucks all round.

    Some stuff I already know about this release:
    A. The sound still sucks, working on getting it timed right. For now, it's recommended you turn off sound and get the performance boost.
    B. Movies, and the sound that accompanies them, are still very choppy. Working on fixing this.
    C. If the framerate goes over 80 FPS, things get choppy. Use frameskip if this happens. it shouldn't occur as much as the GPU timings are set so the GPU doesn't hog all the resources.
    D. If sound is turned off and then back on, the emulator screws up and will most likely crash.
    E. If frameskip is used in certain parts of certain games, you will get a flickering image of the previous frame. Turn off frameskip if this happens. :/

    What's to come in the NEXT release:
    - Progress has been made in translating my crappy C blitting code into ARM assembly. I'm learning it as I go, and AntiPasta and Tinnus have been great help. If the assembly version of the stretch blit code is fast enough, I'll put it back into the emulator.
    - Hopefully sound will be cleared up a bit. Right now it's pretty choppy.
    - Bug fixes...I have a feeling this release will uncover a bunch of bugs. :/
    - Merging of Unai's GPU revisions into the main code. For now, try out Unai's version, and if it works well for your game, enjoy the speed increase!

    Now that the timings can be changed easier, I've allowed more frames of animation to be blitted, meaning stuff doesn't skip as much. I seemed to have unclogged a bottleneck in the psx emu core, and hopefully this will give Unai some room to optimize his GPU. Some games REALLY sped up with this release, while others didn't. Frameskip isn't working as well as it could so far, mostly due to the CPU emulation as a bottleneck. This is why a dynamic recompiler is so important, as it will allow room for the GPU to shine.

    There's a good amount of improvements to be done. Expect the coming releases to be good ones.

    I hope you understand the changes being made to the emulator in this release are more expieremental than anything. I'm trying to see what games are sped up by what optimizations made in this release. There are quite a few graphical issues to be dealt with, such as clearing the screen before drawing a screen that is smaller than the GP2X screen, but I left it too see if it gives performance gain... so bear with me.

    I really appreciate the flood of help I've received. Thanks especially to Unai, AntiPasta, Urielka, and Tinnus.

    P.S. Just tested a few more of my games with this release. Final Fantasy Tactics is almost playable at about half full speed when the GP2X is overclocked. Einhander is playable if the GP2X is overclocked. Games seem to run much smoother as well. What was once 8 FPS in Buster Bros is now 25+ FPS with frameskip 0.

    Download here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/gp2psx.shtml ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 18:47

    A600, KaosOverride & miq01 have released a port of fMSX for the GP2X, this is the first MSX Emulator for the GP2X.

    Download here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/fmsx.shtml ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 18:41

    Squidge has released the PC Engine emulator for the GP2X he has been working on, heres what he posted:

    I’ve just released version 0.1 of SquidgeNgine. No sound, frameskip, frame limiter etc yet as this is just the first version. But lots of games are playable

    Download here --> http://gp2x-emulation.dcemu.co.uk/squidgengine.shtml ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 18:32

    Puck2099 has released a new version of his port of Openjazz, an interpretor for the Jack Jackrabbit game.

    Heres whats new

    - Increased game speed from 20 FPS to 60-100 FPS (Thanks to paeryn's Hw Accelerated SDL).
    - Changed buttons functions by popular demand.
    - Added audio support (no sound fx because OpenJazz doesn't support them yet). You must convert all .psm files to .s3m with Chronos Module Converter and copy them in Openjazz's folder (Thanks to A600 for his code).
    - Added volume control (Thanks to Rlyeh's minilibs).
    - Changed screen resolution from 320x200 to 320x240, now it's seen in full screen.
    - Fixed bug that avoided Jazz to jump as high as he should do.

    Downloads via comments ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 18:26

    Source Emuholic

    Rems let me know on IRC about the 2D game Halo Zero that is currently being remade for the GP2X. The graphics are taken from the original PC version but the actual game code is written from scratch by Sawamura.

    The current version is a demo so its not fully playable just yet but is coming along nicely.

    Download and screenshot via comments ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 17:51

    Tipiak has once again updated his "Touch and Bomb" game for the Nintendo DS, download the latest version from the release thread here --> http://www.playeradvance.org/forum/s...ead.php?t=1267 ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 17:48

    UPDATE New release version 13.1

    Some updates today..

    CPU: Fixed crashes when using SWIs in Thumb mode
    GPU: Fixed colors of extended palette OBJs in OpenGL mode
    GPU: Added emulation of the master brightness setting
    GUI: Improved the map viewer

    Mic has updated the best Nintendo DS Emulator for windows with a new release, heres whats new:

    CPU: Optimized Thumb emulation
    CPU: Added support for mode changes on MOVS
    CPU: The IntrWait SWI can now be interrupted even when IME=0 (as it would on a real DS)
    GPU: Added support for main memory (FIFO) display mode
    GPU: Modfied reference coordinate calculation for rotoscale OBJs
    GPU: Fixed vertical OBJ clipping
    GPU: Fixed a problem with 1D bitmap OBJ mapping
    GPU: Fixed a bug where BGs would not be drawn if the VRAM selection bits in DISPCNT were non-zero
    MMU: Fixed 16- and 32-bit writes to VRAMCNT_*
    MMU: VRAM banks mapped to extended palettes are no longer accessible
    GUI: Added an OBJ viewer
    GUI: Added a map viewer (does not yet support all types of maps)
    GUI: Improved the tile viewer (VRAM bank selection)
    GUI: Changed the screenshot keyboard shortcuts to Ctrl+1..Ctrl+3 so as to not interfere with dialogs were entering numbers is needed

    Download Here --> http://nintendo-ds.dcemu.co.uk/dualis.shtml ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 17:39

    Source Eurogamers

    PSP owners still looking for something to follow on from the puzzling fun of Lumines (at least, those of you who haven't given up and bought a DS yet) might be interested to hear that 505 Gamestreet has signed up Japanese developer Cyber Front's puzzle game Koloomn for release on February 24th.

    You've probably heard of it even if you think you haven't - it's actually the game known to Americaland as Ultimate Block Party. Released in the US late 2005, it got some pretty decent reviews.

    The idea is to rotate four blocks in a little square to make same-coloured groups, which then disappear. It's done on a Tetris-style grid, and - not unlike Zoo Keeper - you can start chain reactions with a bit of swift spinning.

    There's Tutorial and Practice modes, an "Endless" mode, an Arcade mode and some Vs modes including Wi-Fi multiplayer for two of you. In multiplayer, each cleared colour is like a special attack against your foe - red makes your opponent's cursor bigger, orange makes the colour of your cursor unrecognisable in your rival's play area, blue makes giant blocks drop on him, yellow hides entire rows from him, and purple makes chunks of his blocks clump together unbreakably. ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 17:39

    Source Eurogamers

    PSP owners still looking for something to follow on from the puzzling fun of Lumines (at least, those of you who haven't given up and bought a DS yet) might be interested to hear that 505 Gamestreet has signed up Japanese developer Cyber Front's puzzle game Koloomn for release on February 24th.

    You've probably heard of it even if you think you haven't - it's actually the game known to Americaland as Ultimate Block Party. Released in the US late 2005, it got some pretty decent reviews.

    The idea is to rotate four blocks in a little square to make same-coloured groups, which then disappear. It's done on a Tetris-style grid, and - not unlike Zoo Keeper - you can start chain reactions with a bit of swift spinning.

    There's Tutorial and Practice modes, an "Endless" mode, an Arcade mode and some Vs modes including Wi-Fi multiplayer for two of you. In multiplayer, each cleared colour is like a special attack against your foe - red makes your opponent's cursor bigger, orange makes the colour of your cursor unrecognisable in your rival's play area, blue makes giant blocks drop on him, yellow hides entire rows from him, and purple makes chunks of his blocks clump together unbreakably. ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 17:39

    Source Eurogamers

    PSP owners still looking for something to follow on from the puzzling fun of Lumines (at least, those of you who haven't given up and bought a DS yet) might be interested to hear that 505 Gamestreet has signed up Japanese developer Cyber Front's puzzle game Koloomn for release on February 24th.

    You've probably heard of it even if you think you haven't - it's actually the game known to Americaland as Ultimate Block Party. Released in the US late 2005, it got some pretty decent reviews.

    The idea is to rotate four blocks in a little square to make same-coloured groups, which then disappear. It's done on a Tetris-style grid, and - not unlike Zoo Keeper - you can start chain reactions with a bit of swift spinning.

    There's Tutorial and Practice modes, an "Endless" mode, an Arcade mode and some Vs modes including Wi-Fi multiplayer for two of you. In multiplayer, each cleared colour is like a special attack against your foe - red makes your opponent's cursor bigger, orange makes the colour of your cursor unrecognisable in your rival's play area, blue makes giant blocks drop on him, yellow hides entire rows from him, and purple makes chunks of his blocks clump together unbreakably. ...
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