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  • wraggster

    by Published on January 28th, 2005 21:47

    This has been done before, but not released or never really made public. It's something which I'm not totally sure I will carry on with - mainly did it "because I can". So after 2 hours of hacking... here is Gentoo on the Gamecube:[br][br]Is anyone actually interested in this? Give me some feedback. [br][br][br]http://gentoox.shallax.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=383[br] ...
    by Published on January 28th, 2005 21:08

    Nokia today released earnings for the Oct-Dec '04 quarter. In its bread-and-butter sector of handset sales, the company says it sold 66.1 million units in the quarter, up 19.5 percent from 55.3 million units a year earlier. Share in the handset space for Nokia today stands at "about 34 percent" according to the company, up a percentage point from the preceding quarter. The statement went into only brief detail on games in the N-Gage library. The release deadpanned, saying: "sales of several key N-Gage titles started, including Pathway to Glory, Pocket Kingdom, and the Colin McRae Rally." A reference to sales carried no context other than a figure--one assumes a reference to a worldwide tally--of units sold since launch. "By the end of the quarter, Nokia had cumulatively sold 1.3 million N-Gage devices." Overall, net sales for the Finnish handset maker for the quarter increased 3 percent. Profit, however, decreased 19 percent. ...
    by Published on January 28th, 2005 21:03

    Second quarter financial results from software giant Microsoft have seen the Home and Entertainment Division, which is responsible for the Xbox, posting a profit for the first time as sales rocketed.[br][br]The division announced a profit of $84 million on sales of $1.41 billion for the three months ended December 31st, reversing a loss of $397 million on sales of $1.27 billion in the same period last year.[br][br]Although it still remains unlikely that the Xbox will ever break even overall, given the scale of losses in its life to date, achieving a profitable quarter is a huge milestone for Microsoft and reflects both the huge success of Halo 2, which has racked up $300 million in revenue since its launch, and the strong hardware sales of the platform during the holiday season.[br][br]Microsoft's figures reveal that 19.9 million Xboxes have now been sold, with the lion's share - some 13.2 million - of those in North America, where the platform has improved its year-on-year market share in for the past 14 months consecutively.[br][br]Europe lags far behind with five million consoles sold, while the Asia-Pacific region manages just 1.7 million consoles, giving a clear indication of where Microsoft's games strategy has been a success - and where there is still much to be done to shift Sony and even Nintendo from their market positions.[br][br]Interestingly, the Xbox worldwide figure isn't that far ahead of Nintendo's GameCube figures, which were announced earlier this week and showed total shipments of about 18.8 million units, and with the Xbox achieving a 7.7 attach rate in North America (believed to be lower elsewhere) compared to the Cube's global attach rate of over 8, software sales across the two platforms in this generation have probably been broadly similar.[br][br]Microsoft's achievement in terms of bringing in a profitable quarter for its console was lauded by outgoing CFO John Connors, who commented that "Home and Entertainment has really turned the corner in all respects - Halo 2 and Xbox Live have been remarkable, exceeding our expectations."[br][br]"More Xbox consoles were sold during the critical holiday season in the United States than any of our competitors' consoles," he continued. "Demand was so great that we nearly made our full-fiscal-year console target six months ahead of schedule."[br][br]In terms of future projections, Microsoft expects to hit 21 to 22 million installed units of the Xbox by the end of its financial year in June, with Xbox Live subscription numbers of 1.6 to 1.8 million users in the same timescale - an estimate which has been raised from the original target of 1.5 million. ...
    by Published on January 28th, 2005 20:47

    Pick a Nintendo DS in Europe or Old Blighty when it launches on March 11 and you'll get your hands on a demo of Metroid Prime: Hunters which, as with the Japanese and US DS packages, comes included in the box. You'd be right to drool, because although at first a first-person game under the control of a stylus might sound daft, as we've reported previously after a minute of play suddenly it feels about as natural and intuitive as breathing.[br]Plenty of different options are on offer in the demo - assuming it's identical to the US and Japanese version - including the likes of Regulator (timed level attack), Survivor (pretty self-explanatory) and Morph Ball modes. Metroid Prime: Hunters also supports multiplayer of course, which really tests your stylus manoeuvring skills to the limit. ...
    by Published on January 26th, 2005 11:02

    While it seems that Sony, Toshiba and IBM are about to unveil a whopping 4.6 Ghz processing chip for PS3, we've been rather left in the dark as to the computing muscle that'll benchpress heavy chunks of code in Microsoft's Xbox 2.[br]But we do know graphics tech firm ATI has signed to work on the next-gen beast's chips, so every little nugget of news concerning the company twitches our speculation nerve.[br][br]Well, here's something that should make your brain melt and dribble out of your ears like pink pus. ATI has filed a patent that could possibly, maybe, potentially have something to do with the chip technology planned for Xbox 2 - if only we could work out what it means.[br][br]Tech website The Inquirer uncovered the patent, which describes a "Method and apparatus for determining a processing speed of an integrated circuit". That's the idea, here's a sample line from the explanation of the idea: "a first flip flop having an input port receiving an input signal, an output port providing a flip flop output signal and a timing port receiving an incoming clock signal."[br][br]As far as we're concerned flip-flops are those scabby slabs of foam that keep your stinking feet cool in summer, but we're informed that in the technical sense they're actually transistors, the basic building blocks of circuits. Does that help?[br][br]Even The Inquirer is flummoxed, although it speculates that the patent suggests ATI are working to get standard processing working on the same chip as dynamic logic - a more complicated processing procedure that operates at much higher speeds. The patent could describe a system to switch speeds between these two processing modes. Which is evidently a good thing as it enables more calculations to be done quicker, resulting in graphics so detailed, smooth and fast that they'll destroy your soul.[br][br]But, to be honest, we've consulted our tech experts and they're not convinced that the patent describes anything of much interest. So we're throwing this riddle open. If you've got a degree in Complicated Computer Technology Jargon Smashing from the University of Massive Brains, you can find the full text of the patent here . Decipher it and tell us what it means in the forums below. Thanks.[br][br]More Xbox 2 news soon. And hopefully it'll make sense next time. ...
    by Published on January 25th, 2005 10:15

    Divineo UK have posted news that they now have the latest Xbox Accessorie the MagicBox XFPS in stock, heres more details about the MagicBox XFPS:[br][br] - Connectivity of a standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse to the Xbox console - Primarily designed for first person shooter Xbox titles - Super quick response and fluidity - Complete support for all keys on a standard keyboard and mouse (even scroll-wheel) - Integrated memory card slot for compatible devices such as headsets - Diverse versatility - works with any game even those without native mouse and keyboard support. - Instant play configuration - pre-installed with user friendly configurations for most first person shooters! - Multi region compatibly with JAP, NTSC and PAL consoles. - Support for most standard PS/2 keyboard and mouse even optical and wireless! - USB mice supported via the use of a PS/2 to USB Converter (not included) - Inline quick release controller port installed preventing any potential console damage [br][br]Check it out Here ...
    by Published on January 25th, 2005 10:07

    With the PSP and the DS going head to head for gamers' hearts, minds, affections and indeed wallets in this new year, it's easy to forget that the whole world doesn't necessarily revolve around Sony and Nintendo - well not quite yet anyway.[br]Just like certain politicians have always promised, there is indeed a third way and the dark horse coming up on the outside this spring could indeed well be Tiger Telematics' intriguing new handheld the Gizmondo.[br][br]Reportedly causing a fair old stir at the recent CES, where it was exhibited to a wider world for the very first time, the Gizmondo is a Windows CE-based machine, boasting a 2.8-inch TFT colour screen, a Samsung ARM9 400Mhz processor and GeForce 3D 4500 NVIDIA graphics. [br][br]With a host of multi-functional perks like multimedia messaging, MP3 playback, MPEG4 movies, a digital camera and even GPS technology, it's been attracting some major software support from the likes of Microsoft and SCi.[br][br]In fact Tiger Telematics liked UK developer Warthog so much, it did a Victor Kyam and went and bought the company. Even better the Gizmondo will actually launching here in the UK - which is indeed a world first for us plucky Brit types.[br][br]High time then we tracked down some Gizmondo higher ups and put them under the C&VG microscope to learn what their plans really are. The man in the spotlight today is Gizmondo's European Managing Director Carl Freer. Here's what he had to say on Gizmondo's place in the future of handheld gaming...[br][br]With the worldwide launch of both DS and PSP imminent, some would say this is a suicidal time to be bringing a new handheld to market. How would you respond to that assertion?[br][br]Carl Freer: It's actually quite the reverse. The advantage is that mobile gaming is booming this year, and having three players bringing devices to market will draw more media and consumer attention to the hardware genre than, say, if just one new handheld was to release.[br][br]How do you feel you can compete with DS and PSP on the shelves given that both these platforms come stamped with established videogame - and household - brands?[br][br]Carl Freer: The key is offering something different, to give discerning consumers a reason to want to investigate the Gizmondo. When you look at how Sony and Nintendo have positioned themselves, there is definitely room for a third player. The way we've done this is by packing more functionality into the device that the other two combined, not as add-ons, but built in.[br][br]Where does Gizmondo fit amongst the new handhelds, including Tapwave's Zodiac?[br][br]Carl Freer: Nintendo's core audience is traditionally very young, even early on at launch. That's evident right down to the design on the DS being rather chunky. Sony's PSP is a very sexy device which will appeal to the older end of the market, but sexy can also be construed as fragile. The Gizmondo will sit nicely between those as visually compelling, robust enough for day-to-day use, with more cross-compatibility and functionality.[br][br]Do you view the Zodiac as a realistic competitor to Gizmondo?[br][br]Carl Freer: The Zodiac was a nice looking device, but was very badly positioned and most people have forgotten about it already. It's not going to compete with Gizmondo, DS or PSP this year, in all honesty.[br][br]It seems you're making a genuine effort to nail multi-functionality with Gizmondo's music, video and other multimedia features. How important do you feel these additional features are to the core gaming functions, and do you even see gaming as Gizmondo's core function?[br][br]Carl Freer: Gaming is most definitely the core function and Gizmondo's reason for being! Technology right now is all about digital convergence, so leaving the house in the morning, you shouldn't feel like Batman strapping six or seven pieces of technology to your utility belt. By combining all these functions into one device, taking games, and your music and movie collections with you is a reality, not a chore.[br][br]Much has been made by Sony of the PSP's proposed multimedia features, and Nintendo have been quick to emphasise the 'all about the games' ideal of the DS. How do you want to promote Gizmondo's multi-functionality?[br][br]Carl Freer: Nintendo may have had to do this to try and keep the cost down, especially when they're going for a kids market, but personally I think it was a mistake. Owning an MP3 player this year will be as common as owning a kidney and Gizmondo is the only one of the three that is truly multifunctional straight out of the box - especially when you factor in the GPS and communication functions.[br][br]In terms of how we want to promote it, the focus remains on games, but over time we will broaden our communications to include the music, movie, and location-based services elements.[br][br]Given that the multimedia functions of the PSP have come in for criticism (short battery life, lack of storage space, proprietary UMD format ...
    by Published on January 24th, 2005 16:01

    Electronic Arts has shipped SSX: Out of Bounds, the latest in its snowboarding franchise, for the Nokia N-Gage. The game sports an exclusive 3D game engine, allowing players to grind and flip their way through 12 tracks. It also takes advantage of the handheld's Bluetooth connection, offering head-to-head competition between gamers. [br][br]SSX offers 10 unique characters who can be customized with new attributes, including outfits and snowboards, as they rack up points. A kind of instant-replay mode lets players upload or download video clips from their games. [br][br]Nokia officials recently quelled rumors that the company is abandoning the N-Gage, despite news that it was laying off 350 R&D employees in its multimedia department, which is responsible for developing the handheld[br] ...
    by Published on January 24th, 2005 11:24

    In more next-gen console news, ComputerandVideoGames.com has rumourmongering info on the new Nintendo console. Interesting bits like gyroscope sensing controllers and an online service make for intriguing ideas, but no details yet on what's going to make this console a revolution. From the article: "And what's revolutionary about Revolution? The inside source claims that talking about that "would get him into too much trouble" ... He is quoted as saying: "if you think too hard you'll never guess what it is. It's nothing 'new', technically speaking. It's just something that hasn't really been applied to videogames yet." ...
    by Published on January 24th, 2005 11:23

    GamesIndustry.biz has news of EA's Xbox 2 plans for 2005, adding additional weight to the likelyhood of a new console by the end of the year. Oddly, the story states that the games in the works for the new console will also be developed for the current iteration of the Xbox. This may partially confirm the lack of backwards compatibility discussed previously on Slashdot and seems to pit Microsoft's new console against the old one for sales dollars. ...
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