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  • wraggster

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 21:59
    1. Categories:
    2. GBA News

    Via Nintendomax comes awesome news of a game that was an unreleased commercial game from Rare

    We're happy to announce that this will be out first beta release ever. Download will be available Sunday, 23 October 2011.

    This is a beta build of Grunty's Revenge with a full debug menu still in tact.



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    by Published on November 21st, 2011 21:52
    1. Categories:
    2. GBA News

    Via Nintendomax comes awesome news of a game that was an unreleased commercial game from Rare
    Today we've got quite an interesting one, it's Diddy Kong Pilot. I bought this cartridge from a fellow collector about 3-4 months ago, back then I didn't know it was unreleased nor much beta, I just wanted to obtain some items from Rare. I'm not sure how far it is in development though.

    I decided to contact a couple of former employee's I know and hear what they could say about the development cycle of the game. The information is quite interesting as well.
    I want to thank both Paul and Jens for sharing the information to go alongside this page. I will update this page throughout the week with screenshots, pictures of the cartridge, etc.

    Quote content originally posted by: Jens
    ‪The original design brief was a mix between racing and adventure sections, a bit like pilot wings with the flying sections from diddy kong racing. A key feature was going to be the tilt control. You were meant to hold the GBA like a steering wheel, and management was quite keen on doing something like that FMV shooter Iridion 3D that was released on GBA.‬

    ‪We found quite early on that the concept was highly inappropriate for the hardware, and that the tilt control didn't work even remotely as well as management imagined.‬

    ‪It was originally going to use Mario characters as well as DKC characters.‬ ‪2-3 month in we had a prototype, and while we on the team saw nothing but problems management always insisted that it was going well. Sigh.‬

    Around the time of the Spaceworld version we got feedback from Nintendo which pretty much covered my concerns: Tilt is not working well, a racing game with planes is pointless if you don't have a 3D world, the GBA's LCD is not well suited in situations where the GBA is not held perfectly in line with a light source, etc. Instead of doing the sensible thing of cancelling the game, or allowing us to drop tilt and make a game more in line with the hardware capabilities we got scheduled to get it finished by October. To do that we still needed multiplayer, finish off racing and implement dozens of adventure levels that would all require individual programming. Additionally we had several people from management micro-managing us into different directions, disregarding any hardware or cartridge space limitations.

    Around October the first designer and the artists were taken off the team. The artists were merged into the Sabrewulf and Grunty's Revenge teams, the designer was made redundant. The other programmer and me joined the team led by Martin Wakeley, and we continued under his lead. All the adventure elements were dropped, and only the racing sections remained. Additionally we eventually removed the tilt control.

    Martin was a lot more senior than the first designer, and was able to deflect a lot of the bullshit and micromanagement. We got most of the game implemented by about May-June the next year. Unfortunately this was when management started to spend most of their time on the sale of Rare to various publishers. Nintendo had a version of the game, but because of all the work involved with the sale of Rare, and with other projects they were involved with, we didn't get a response from them for a long time. They ultimately decided against publishing it.

    Around the time when we had to sign new contracts with Microsoft I confronted Chris Stamper about the game and its future, and I was eventually allowed to start a new game (Battletoads GBA) while DKP was waiting for Nintendo's decision.

    ‪Martin left Rare around October that year, and shortly after that DKP was shelved. A few months later it was restarted by another team as Banjo Pilot, who went through a total rewrite and a voxel version until they finally took my last version and changed the sprites into Banjo.‬ ‪I hope that helps.‬


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    by Published on November 21st, 2011 21:46
    1. Categories:
    2. GBA News

    Via Nintendomax comes awesome news of a game that was an unreleased commercial game from Rare

    Now this sort of releases makes all homebrewers and fans very happy, heres the details from rare:

    Our next release is Battletoads GBA, going to guess it was the last build ever made. The game doesn't have much content either. We've got Jens back to give us a briefing on this project:
    Quote content originally posted by: Jens
    ‪I joined the project when the designer and the artist were already busy with preproduction. I think management (which included the Battletoads creators and artists) was mostly concerned with the concept art for the toads, because it was going to be used for a possible Xbox version as well. Our artist created many variations of them, from typical space marine/knight armour to the heavy metal/S&M leather gear of the original games. It was difficult, because the original creators had sometimes conflicting ideas, but they eventually settled on the casual look used in the final build.

    The game design was even more difficult. Half of management suggested to just remake the NES version with fancy graphics, the other half said we can do whatever we want - except that real innovation will have to wait for the Xbox version.

    I think we agreed on the team that the ultra-hard NES version would be difficult to sell nowadays, and many sections look very dated by now. We looked at all the other Battletoads games and I think we even had the arcade board running. We wanted to keep many of the features that people remembered positively of the games, while trying to focus the gameplay on some consistent mechanics to avoid frustration. I'm personally not very happy about the tiny sprites in the GBA version, because with the small screen size and the thin character you hardly see any detail. No idea if that was the final approved design. Most of the animations and renders were just done to have something moving on screen, and were far from final. Near the end we showed it to a group who were responsible for publishing and marketing, and we were initially told that they liked it but wanted some changes. Then the meeting to tell us about those changes was delayed over and over until we were finally told that the game was cancelled. Most levels were just blocked out with placeholder art and empty enemy locations, so that more of the engine could be implemented.

    The Mode-7 bit was actually reusing DKP graphics but with a completely different engine. My plan for the racing sections was to use a road system like "Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge III" with hills and tunnels, and using the scaling hardware for fancy texturing effects. I didn't get very far, though. Maybe I'll implement that sometime just to see how it would've looked like.

    Overall it was a big relief for me when it was cancelled. Developing on GameBoy while Rare was still owned by Nintendo was hard enough and I often felt like a second class citizen. Getting any resources to make a good GameBoy title would've been even harder as a 3rd party developer for a competing platform. I was a bit disappointed that the designer and team lead was made redundant instead of being moved onto an Xbox project, but in hindsight he probably got the best deal.


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    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:35
    1. Categories:
    2. Playstation Vita News

    Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has named Vodafone as its preferred partner for the PS Vita's 3G feature.
    "With social gaming and connectivity at the heart of PlayStation Vita it is important that we partner with a market leading network provider, to ensure users have a high quality 3G experience," said SCEE CEO Jim Ryan.
    "Partnering with Vodafone will enable PS Vita users in the selected countries to always be connected with their PlayStation life, friends and games, wherever they are."
    The handheld device is due to launch on February 22.
    "We want our customers to have the best choice of devices and PlayStation Vita is a great addition to our range," said Patrick Chomet, Vodafone's Group Terminals Director.
    "We know from our application downloads that games are hugely popular with our customers, so we're delighted to be SCEE's preferred connectivity partner for 3G Vita devices sold across Europe and other selected regional markets."
    The partnership will extend across a number of territories, UK, Ireland, Italy, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Australia, New Zealand and The Netherlands, and via SFR in France.
    "Using the device over Vodafone's high-performance network with extensive 3G reach and market leading download speeds brings a reliable 'anywhere anytime' dimension to gaming."

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:33
    1. Categories:
    2. DCEmu

    'I can't speak to the motivations of the company, as they are not a pure research firm'

    Reggie Fils-Aime, the Nintendo of America company president, has cast doubts over the impartiality of a recent study that claimed mobiles are dominating handhelds.
    Research published by Flurry concluded that iOS and Android control a 58 per cent majority of the portable gaming market. It reached the claim by comparing iOS and Android-based game revenues with two aging handheld systems – the PSP and Nintendo DS.

    Fils-Aime said Nintendo looks at data from a range of analysts – specifically ones which it trusts and “have a methodology that makes sense” – and explained that the Flurry study hasn’t been considered.
    “Flurry is a company that consults app developers,” he told AOL.
    “I can't speak to the motivations of the company, as they are not a pure research firm,” he added.

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:32
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Nintendo is developing its first wave of 3DS games specifically targeted for the casual customer, an executive at the company has said.
    The new range of games, expected to be announced at E3 in June next year, is hoped will broaden the 3DS’s customer base and revive sales. If successful, it could pave the way for other developers to build content to an established casual market.

    “My expectation is that, come E3, I think we'll be showcasing a range of different titles that, for a more casual consumer, they'll see reasons to jump on board with the Nintendo 3DS,” Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime told AOL.
    "So, will there be content to appeal to consumers 50 plus the way Brain Age did? Absolutely. Will there be content that's going to appeal to women the way we are able to do with the DS? Absolutely.
    “I can't go into the details of what exactly those titles will be, but stay tuned,” he added.

    “There is information that we'll be sharing prior to E3, plus a lot of information at E3 as well.”
    Nintendo globally launched the 3DS in March this year. The company has sold about 6.7 million units since.
    An unexpected sluggish sales run had prompted Nintendo to dramatically sink the retail price of the hardware, in some cases by as much as £80.
    Nintendo went on to post a half-year loss of £578 million for the six months ending September 30th. Company president Satoru Iwata made a frank apology to investors for the poor financials.
    The company is expecting to post a full year loss for the first time in 30 years.

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:30
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    Microsoft plans to tackle the 'disruptiveness of restarts' of the operating system for automatic updates in the forthcoming Windows 8, the company said.
    On the Building Windows 8 blog, Microsoft revealed that 90 per cent of Windows users worldwide had installed updates within a week of release and that 90 per cent of Windows users rely on automatic installation of updates.
    In order to minimize the number of restarts, Microsoft will bundle all of the patches needing restarts into a single monthly security update on the second Tuesday of each month, or 'patch Tuesday' as it's known.
    Windows 8 will also go through a process of notifying users of an update beginning with a message saying the OS will either restart in three days or install the updates on a manual restart, whichever is the sooner.
    If, at the end of three days, Windows 8 believes there are 'critical applications' then the OS will wait until the next log in.
    Interestingly Microsoft also said that the firm had been asked to add the ability update third party applications via the Windows update system. Microsoft scotched that idea, pointing out that the updates to the OS and third-party drivers were all carefully screened.
    However the new Windows Store for Metro-style apps will update applications automatically, in much the same way as the other digital stores that Microsoft is aping in the new OS.

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:29
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    A Norwegian technology start-up has unveiled a prototype USB stick-sized computer codenamed "Cotton Candy" that will run Android and aim to deliver 'any screen connected computing'.
    FXI said that the idea behind Cotton Candy is to allow users a single, secure point of access to all personal Cloud services and apps through their favorite operating system, while delivering a consistent experience on any screen.
    "The device will serve as a companion to smartphones, tablets, and notebook PC and Macs, as well add smart capabilities to existing displays, TVs, set top boxes and other media that supports USB mass storage," the company said.
    The device itself is based on smartphone technology, incorporating an SoC with a dual-core 1.2GHz ARM A9, ARM Mali-400 GPU (these specifications are similar to Samsung's Exynos SOC), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and a HDMI output for connecting to a screen.
    FXI demonstrated Cotton Candy by connecting the tiny device to a 42-inch HDTV and playing YouTube videos and 3D games. They also showed the device plugged into a Windows PC and a Mac playing Angry Birds on the Android OS.
    There's not much in the way of an actual product that can be bought, FXI reckon some sort of product will arrive in the second half of next year.

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:28
    1. Categories:
    2. Apple iPhone

    With analysts continuing to release stats and predictions for e-commerce this holiday season, a stream of retailers are exploring a number of routes to embrace mobile into its plans, according toReuters.
    The adoption will see companies use smartphones as research devices to check product info, make price comparisons and make purchases.
    Home furniture and appliance retailers Lowe's has launched a major attack by issuing 42,000 iPhones to its staff across more than 1,700 stores. This will reportedly allow staff to check product supplies both in-store and at neighbouring branches.
    Gihad Jawhar, VP, Lowes.com, said: "The shopping experience is in the consumer's hands and you can't fight where they're going. Retailers can either hop on the bus or get left behind. We are choosing the first option."
    The report says Best Buy has 63 "connected stores" where staff members are being encouraged to use company smartphones to support shoppers in their search for items.

    by Published on November 21st, 2011 18:26
    1. Categories:
    2. DCEmu

    comScore's MobiLens study found that social media usage on mobile across France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK is so rife that 23.5 per cent of all mobile users are at it.
    Nearly half of this audience – 46.8 per cent – access social networking sites on a daily basis. Indeed, daily use is growing faster than mobile social networking as a whole as a whole (67 per cent v 44 per cent).
    Interestingly, access via a browser a (31.3m) is greater than access from an app (24.2m).
    Needless to say Facebook is the top dog here, with 39 million mobile users or 71 percent of the EU5 mobile social networking audience access it from a phone.
    That's an increase of 54 per cent in the past year.

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