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  • wraggster

    by Published on June 19th, 2018 20:21
    1. Categories:
    2. DCEmu

    I watched Russia Slaughter the first openents and in front of me tonight they are doing a great job of battering egypt 3-0 at the 62 minute stage, are they doing well against poor teams or are they doing well because of playing at home , can they win the world cup?? ...
    by Published on June 19th, 2018 20:12
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo Wii News

    SuperrSonic has released a new version of the media center for the Nintendo Wii:

    Hello there, I've been maintaining a personal version of WiiMC, at the time I just wanted to correct the aspect ratio in 4:3 mode (672->704) and remove deflicker filtering. But soon after, I started experimenting and looking for features I never use and remove them to increase memory. I removed the picture viewer, NTFS/EXT libs, themes, and disabled a large amount of codecs.

    I allocated more memory for the GUI, and added some new things:

    -Enabled ADX audio decoding

    I mean this is a gaming console so why not support game music formats?
    So far only ADX files from NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams seem to play incorrectly.

    -GameCube controller support

    Every button from the wiimote (Form Baton) is currently mapped.
    Please note that there are still some things that require the pointer.

    -The option to disable the H.264 deblock filter on a per video basis

    To disable simply change the extension of your video to ".dash".
    Disabling this increases decoding speed a lot, but decreases visual quality, however depending on the video you can get away with it quite well. Keep in mind that the Netflix app for Wii does this for both main and baseline profiles.

    -Added an option to enable the volume normalizer audio filter. (A restart is needed when changing from methods)
    -Added an option to always zoom videos to 4:3 ratio. (H zoom should be ~133%, this setting only works if your Wii is set to 4:3 mode)
    -Added an option to enable deflicker, 480i and 480p supported.
    -Added an option to scale screen width to 720.
    You will find these new options in the settings menu. For volnorm set it to "2" to enable volnorm method 2.

    -Added Screen Burn-in Reduction support
    To enable simply go to Settings->Global, it will dim the screen if the screen saver is active after 4 seconds.
    This setting requires ahbprot disabled.

    -Added an option to switch to 240p mode.
    This setting can be found in the global section.

    Update June 11, 2018: Exit during video playback when using autoboot, default value for burn-in is now taken from system settings.
    Update May 16, 2018: Added Wiimpathy's autoboot file support, added 240p switching.
    Update April 22, 2018: Enable GC controller to work in window prompts, add max VI width setting, hide YT quality levels from the settings menu.
    Update April 17, 2018: Enable seeking in http streams, added new options to the settings menu, added global setting for skipping deblocking, added burn-in reduction.
    Other minor changes:
    -subfont-autoscale set to 0
    -add .thp as a valid video extension
    -disable forced marginV = 20
    -sub settings now start with marginV 20
    -re-use ffmpeg vorbis (whoops)
    -removed some misc libass settings that might have affected performance.

    Update June 17, 2017: A fix for specific videos(MKV files with certain framerates) that would hang if using frameskip.
    Update June 10, 2017: Added a full version including all the features of WiiMC-SS, without removing anything.

    WiiMC-SS features:

    704(square) screen width.
    Attractive pointer.
    GameCube controller support.
    Enabled ADX decoding.
    Optional 240p mode.
    Exposed the volume normalizer filter.
    Added ".dash" extension, using this extension will skip the deblock filter.
    Made the deflicker filter optional.
    Removed picture viewer to increase memory.
    Removed NTFS and EXT libs to increase memory.
    Disabled some minor codecs to increase memory.
    Default to gray theme.

    download https://github.com/SuperrSonic/WiiMC-SSLC

    via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8 ...
    by Published on June 19th, 2018 20:10
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo Switch

    BernardoGiordano has released a new version of his Savegame manager for the Nintendo Switch:

    What's new

    General Checkpoint improvements to enhance the user's experience.
    The whole UI has been completely redesigned. This affects many things in the user experience.
    Titles are now displayed by icons. You can display up to 20 titles at the same time. If you have more , you'll find them in the next pages.
    Saves for the users are now listed separately and sorted for user.
    You can change the selected title or the current user by using the dedicated buttons or using the touchscreen.
    Detailed informations are now displayed on screen.
    Space has been really optimized to be fully occupied with useful informations.
    Selector animations. You all love them right?
    Memory leaks related to the title icons have been fixed. Also, icons are now stored more efficiently to take less space and reduce the initial loading time.

    Even though the User Interface will be this one pretty much forever, the code underneath will be redesigned as well. It's been refactored too much times and it's too messy for my taste. It'll be rewritten to be cleaner soon™.

    download https://github.com/BernardoGiordano/Checkpoint

    via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8 ...
    by Published on June 19th, 2018 20:08
    1. Categories:
    2. DCEmu

    So i am an english person and last night at the england vs tunisia match a very soft penalty was awarded to tunisia, fair play if thats the rules then two blatant rugby tackles by tunisia and a massive amount of jumping to the floor but the referee and the VAR refs didnt see it. disgusting, come on fifa the world is watching ...
    by Published on June 19th, 2018 20:05
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo Switch

    Heres a great new Snes Emulator for the Nintendo Switch:

    Hi, here is something i'm working on since a while now, but as my time is very limited... There is now other alternatives but... well


    copy "psnes" directory to "/switch/" directory on sdcard
    copy roms to "/switch/psnes/roms/" directory on sdcard


    pSNES "should" work on any firmware (based on libnx and snes9x.git)
    pSNES actually support save states, 2x, 3x, fit, fit 4/3 and fullscreen hardware linear scaling and a simple (but nice?) ui.
    pSNES ui support titles images (png), named as the rom name with png extension instead zip, in the "previews" directory (to be created if needed).
    pSNES does not actually support high resolution games...
    pSNES use a database file for rom handling. You'll need a "db.xml" file located alongside the application. The current "db.xml" file comes from "Hyperspin" website, and only contains USA "good rom / no-intro" set. Your rom files must be zipped and named as per this set. You'll find in the "database" directory this file as backup/reference (Super Nintendo Entertainment System - hyperspin.xml) + a complete set from dat-o-matic (http://datomatic.no-intro.org). Rename this file to "db.xml" and (re)place it in the same directory as the executable to use this one. You can make your own database file with filtering from this great website.

    download https://github.com/Cpasjuste/psnes

    via https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8 ...
    by Published on June 19th, 2018 19:54
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo Switch

    Heres a nice Zelda game for the Nintendo Switch:

    I managed to complete the game. I had a couple times early on that it crashed but after those times I had no issues.

    I managed to use your NRO file and edited it to run the Zelda Return of the Hylian Solarus Edition. It runs pretty well too. It's a much shorter game but some may be interested in playing it.

    download https://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopi...5c5b18ee53b8e8 ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2018 08:35
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox One

    The Next generation of Consoles is coming and heres Microsofts answer:

    • E3 conference is underway, and after the big public Microsoft press conference, industry insiders were informed behind 'closed-doors' that 'Scarlett' is already under development as the next-gen Xbox to replace their 'One' series, and will be landing in stores by 2020!
      At Microsoft's Xbox E3 2018 event, Xbox boss Phil Spencer hinted that the company is working on its Xbox One successor. Barely a day later, it's now reported that the next Xbox is codenamed Scarlett and is due for a 2020 release date. The news comes via Xbox insider Brad Sams, he previously leaked the official name of the Xbox One S and stated that the Xbox One X would be out in 2017. He also was partially correct in revealing what the next Halo game would be called prior to Microsoft announcing it at its E3 2018 conference.

      Aside from the next Xbox codename, it appears that Scarlett is a "family of devices" which Sams speculates that "we may see multiple pieces of hardware released that year."

      Furthermore, it's unknown if Scarlett will be backwards compatible with all games available right now. But given the investment Microsoft has put into backwards compatibility, it probably would as well as be aligned with the company's streaming efforts.

      A next Xbox release date of 2020 seems close when you consider that the Xbox One X just launched barely seven months ago. Sams claims that "Microsoft is aggressively moving ahead with hardware in the console space to shake up the industry."

      At E3 2018 Phil Spencer said that the Xbox One X hardware team is "deep into architecturing the next Xbox console, where we will once again deliver on our commitment to deliver the benchmark of console gaming". Naturally, he brought up Microsoft's work in AI and cloud technologies as well as its new studios as factors that will help towards making the Xbox a success.
      Click to expand...
      So things are already heating up for another round of next-gen console wars, now that Microsoft let the cat out of bag, all eyes are on Sony if they will drop the 'codename' hint of their rumored PS5 which large studios are rumored already have early alpha-devkits.

      via https://www.maxconsole.com/threads/n...in-2020.47219/
    by Published on June 17th, 2018 08:35
    1. Categories:
    2. PC News

    News from the ScummVM team

    Today, we have some awesome news to share. As you might have heard, Cyan, Inc. — the makers of Myst and Riven — are re-releasing the entire Myst series to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the original Myst game. And ScummVM and ResidualVM take part in this celebration in a special way!
    Myst — Masterpiece Edition and Riven — The Sequel to Myst are powered by ScummVM, while Myst III — Exile is driven by ResidualVM.
    In order to achieve the best possible gaming experience and to make your journey through the Ages even more pleasant, Cyan and ScummVM are establishing a new partnership, with both teams working together as closely as possible in the future!
    Perhaps the ending has not yet been written — more news will follow soon! ...
    by Published on June 11th, 2018 20:29
    1. Categories:
    2. Playstation Vita News

    Heres some great news for PSVita owners (like myself)

    A couple of hours ago, TheFlow revealed that he had been working on another exploit chain for the PSVita during the last month and now, he has almost pieced it together! That by itself is great news since it means that even after he releases the exploit he’s been promising, he’ll still be sitting on yet another hack for a higher FW. This is great since Sony will presumably release a firmware update to patch his FW 3.65-3.68 hack.

    However, the good news doesn’t end there as TheFlow also announced that he will be releasing his upcoming hack in September 2018! This new ETA is more specific than ‘not before next September’ which he revealed to us a short while, so that means that in 3 months or so, you’ll be able to hack your PSVita/PSTV running FW 3.61-3.68!

    Obviously, this is very exciting news since those stuck on a firmware higher than FW 3.60 will be able to hack their PSVita/PSTV to make it more useful but there are still things to look out for!

    What should you do now?

    This is the question on everybody’s mind after major news and it’ll be explained here so that you won’t regret any impulse actions!

    You should do the following:

    • If you have a PSVita/PSTV running firmware 3.60, stay there or use TheFlow’s CFW Updater if you really want to install firmware 3.65. Currently, you should not update since FW 3.65-3.68 still aren’t hackable since TheFlow hasn’t released his upcoming hack just yet!
    • If your PSVita/PSTV is running firmware 3.61 or 3.63, you’re safe to update to firmware 3.65 NOT firmware 3.67/3.68!!
      • You should update to firmware 3.65 because TheFlow’s upcoming hack won’t support firmware 3.61 and 3.63. However, you shouldn’t update to firmware 3.67/3.68 because they won’t be getting untethered HENkaku (HENkaku Ensō) so you’ll have to reapply HENkaku/taiHEN every time you reboot!

    • Those on firmware 3.65 should stay there for the above reason.
    • However, if your PSVita/PSTV is running firmware 3.67 or 3.68, there isn’t much to do at this point except for waiting.While not necessary for hacking the PSVita, HENkaku Ensō will save you the headache of having to reapply taiHEN every reboot!

      You’re safe to update to FW 3.68 if you’re on FW 3.67 so that you can still use PSN since not much has changed between the two.


    As usual, patience is key here and nagging TheFlow won’t get his hack released any faster. That means that you should patiently wait till September arrives for TheFlow’s release since after all, he doesn’t owe you anything!
    TheFlow’s Twitter (further updates): https://twitter.com/theflow0

    via http://wololo.net/2018/06/09/theflow...exploit-chain/ ...
    by Published on June 11th, 2018 19:47
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo Switch

    If your one of those after a Modchip for the Nintendo Switch heres some good news for you:

    • It is only a few days away before SX OS lands on your Nintendo Switch console, and you can enjoy the world of 'backup games' and 'homebrew' support on the latest v5.1.0 firmware, and as such TX has released one more announcement before the reviewers get their hands on the SX PRO which is shipping out this week worldwide to various resellers with preorders, so check it out below:
      Welcome to the last Team-Xecuter announcement before we let the reviewers take over!

      Please find final product & packaging pictures with this announcement. This is from one of the 100 review samples that will be shipped this week. If you are on the review copies list, you do not need to email us: We will send you tracking once shipped.

      For reseller information, the packaging dimension and weight with product and cable: Weight: 30g. Dimensions: 10*7*1.4cm

      We want to confirm that SX OS official launch date is June 15th. Remember this is the day we ship units to vendors, so your own tracking number from the reseller will be a few days later. Also, because this is very large product launch, we can't deliver all preordered units on D-day. If you placed your order late, you might have to wait a week more for your distributor to receive more stocks after he clears its first preorders.

      We are working 24/7 right now to make the delay to deliver all preorders as short as possible.

      As usual, a few Q&A that came back regularly:
      • Q: Is SX affected by the dreaded "battery desync" problem?
        As far as we are aware this battery desync problem currently only occurs when running Linux on your Switch.
        While extensively testing SX OS, including booting SX OS with AutoRCM we have not ran into a single battery desync issue ourselves.
        SX OS itself isn't based on Linux. We *do* allow people to run Linux (and other payloads) through our "external payload" functionality. This is at your own risk.
        If we had to give the community a hint as to where to start looking into this "battery desync" problem we'd suggest looking into how the Fuel Gauge IC (MAX17050, I2C1 addr 36) is being used by Nintendo's OS and by Linux.

      • Q: If I boot in OFW mode and play my original purchased game online, am I safe?
        Yes, you are safe to play original games online in OFW mode.

      • Q: Does SX OS plays the original games in CFW mode?
        Yes, it does.

      • Q: If I download eShop games to an SD card, can I also run SX OS on that card?
        Or do I need separate cards for Nintendo eShop games and SX OS games?
        You can use the same SD card.

      Next week, the first reviews will be online, we are sure they will be excellent as we expect!


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