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    by Published on October 2nd, 2007 02:28

    via Zophar's Domain

    GBLator is a Gameboy emulator for Nintendo 64. It can be run on N64 backup devices. There are specific versions for different backup devices, though; be sure to download the appropriate one.

    GBLator 1.0 for CD64

    ( this program is rewrite by David Clous and not relate to our developer. )

    The is the Gameboy emulator program that can run on CD64.
    It allow the CD64 can run the GB game file which already record on CDR.
    PC user can upload the GB file at address S-140,000 after
    the emulator program loaded.

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    by Published on October 2nd, 2007 02:01

    via Zophar's Domain

    VNES is a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator for Nintendo 64. To run it, you'll need a N64 backup device, such as Doctor V64 or Z64.

    by JL_Picard
    Original version by JL_Picard and \Firebug\ of Vertigo 2099

    =- originally for POM '98 (Presence of Mind '98) -=

    What's new since 0.1 (POM release):

    - fixed a bug with scrolling.
    - made it full screen (centered and scaled).
    - padded the rom. you _dont_ need to pad it I hope, please let me know about
    - fixed a more or less major problem with the menu (you couldn't exit
    - included talk64 with the distrobution. use TALK64 -l VNES64.V64 to send.
    thats an "L"

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    by Published on October 2nd, 2007 01:26

    via Zophar's Domain

    SNES 9x Alpha is a Super Nintendo emulator for Nintendo 64. It can be run using the Doctor V64 backup device for N64.

    Hi People, loom speaking..

    This is my first big release on the N64. First of all let me say that I do realize that speed is still
    a major issue, but this version hasn't even started to be optimised. The reason for this is that I spent
    a lot of time getting the whole emu to work, and I wanted to release this version on the same day as the
    official page was setup.

    Now a few facts about this port :
    - This is a work in progress, consider this a preliminary beta
    - RAM was a major issue, and not having those memory hog Nintendo devkit is a very nice advantage. Yes,
    people, this was done the usual CZN way, that is to say 100% without devkit (well, except for our own
    - The emu ported was version 1.04 of SNES9x. It wasn't yet compiled with all the features activated, as
    I thought that it was slow enough like it is now.
    - The game ROM is entirely located in the ROM allocation space of the N64. This has important consequences
    on the speed of the DMA transfers between the ROM and the video memory. This will be on of the first areas
    of optimisation I will consider, as I think it should make a difference.
    - Only 1 joypad is currently supported, and support for more is planned for an upcoming version.
    - Sound isn't available in this version, sorry
    - Super FX and DSP cannot be guaranteed in this version.
    - Enjoy !

    czn-snes.zip is just the normal release, while snes_191.zip is an enhanced version made to make use of the Doctor V64 BIOS 1.91's emulators support function.

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    by Published on September 25th, 2007 22:43

    via VL-Tone (10th post on that page)

    A new version of the Super Mario 64 level editor, Toad's Tool 64, has been released. 0.5.9 beta fixes a couple of bugs. Here's what VL-Tone had to say:

    Version 0.5.9b attempts to fix an issue with checksum verification that would happen on Japanese and other asian Windows systems. Opening an already correctly extended ROM should now work on Japanese systems.

    Note that this DOESN'T fix the problem with the ROM Extender on Japanese systems. This problem will require a partial rewrite of the app.

    The problem with the ROM Extender is from the Binary IO Xtra. This Xtra enables very fast reading and writing abilities to Director MX. It's fast because it loads the binary data in ASCII string variables, instead of converting them to lists variables (arrays). The problem is that on Japanese systems, Director seems to have a different internal representation of string variables, which corrupts the binary data read into those strings. To fix it I'll need to use another Xtra, and read/write large amount of data with some conversion to list variables, and that will make it much slower. I'll probably have to split the program in two version, so that the fast, but less compatible version is still available.

    There is also a new version of the SM64 ROM Extender, which you need to use with your SM64 ROM before loading it into the editor.

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    by Published on September 19th, 2007 03:32

    via EmulationHQ

    Dream 64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows that currently only runs demos. It also has no keyboard support and seems like an inactive project. Dream64 is at version 0.25. This is its initial release and never saw another update, but it could always be picked up by someone else. You never know.

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    by Published on September 19th, 2007 02:54

    via Lkb

    From the official site:
    "Daedalus-Lkb is a modified version written by me, Lkb, of the Daedalus, an emulator of the Nintendo64 console written by StrmnNrmn with help from other people (see credits.txt).
    Modifications introduced in Daedalus-Lkb, if accepted, are included in the original Daedalus."

    Program info:
    "Minor changes:
    •Memory regions allocated with VirtualAlloc instead of new (ensures page alignment, automatically zeroes memory and is more efficient for large memory areas)
    •Memory regions allocated with VirtualAlloc instead of new (ensures page alignment, automatically zeroes memory and is more efficient for large memory areas)
    •Memory tables and registers declared in a different way to align them on 4096-byte boundaries

    Major changes:
    •'New' memory address resolution system: instead of indirectly calling functions, it reads a pointer from an additional table and adds the MIPS address. If the result is signed (above 0x80000000, in kernel space) it falls back to the old system, otherwise the address is already computed without any function call and with only 4 instructions except register loading (MOV, SHR, ADD mem, JS)
    •Added another dynarec buffer in the last virtual 64 MBs of the main one - it is used to store code reached by conditional branches that must be predicted as not taken
    •Modified SR_Emit_L?, SR_Emit_S?, ReadAddress, WriteAddress, WriteValue, EPILOGUE and the ESI/ESP caching code to use/generate code for the new memory system"

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    by Published on September 18th, 2007 06:29

    Blade 64 is a Nintendo 64 emulator for Windows that runs a number of commercial games such as Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, and Goldeneye 007. It hasn't seen an update since 2002 and seems a dropped project. Odd enough, it doesn't seem to have an official program version. It's just "Blade 64 Beta".

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    by Published on September 16th, 2007 00:43

    via VL-Tone

    A new version of VL-Tone's Toad's Tool 64, the Super Mario 64 level editor has been released! No new features this time, just lots of bug fixes. There have actually been two other releases besides 0.57b since 0.5b which both also consisted of bug fixes. Here's the full list of fixes for all three versions:

    Bug Fixes in 0.5.7b

    •Fixed a stupid bug where saving was actually disabled.

    Bug Fixes in 0.5.6b

    •Fixed a bug that was causing a script error when loading some ROMs that were already modified and were containing "Undefined Combos".

    •Fixed a bug where a script error happened when trying to open a ROM after canceling the opening.

    •Saving modified description labels should now work properly.

    Bug Fixes in 0.5.5b

    •Fixed a bug where putting a 0x42 object that had a Macro Preset value of "1E" would cause all subsequent objects to become invisible and in-editable when reloading the ROM.

    •Some previously missing 0x42 objects in Bowser course 3 are now visible and editable. (Related to the bug above).

    •Previous versions of TT64 would only show you Object Combos and Behaviors used in the ROM that was loaded. That means that if you were to change the behavior that was only used by a single object in the game, the behavior wouldn't appear in the menu list the next time you'd load the ROM since it wasn't used by this ROM.

    •TT64 0.5.5b will list all Behaviors and Object Combos from the original game even though the loaded ROM doesn't use them.

    •Changing the text of a parameter label wont cause the yellow pop-up menu to switch to the parameter.

    •Camera and move controls are now disabled when not in 0x24, 0x42 or 0x43 object mode, as they were supposed to be.

    •Yellow pop-up menu should now update correctly when pasting params.

    •Pasting params should not cause script errors anymore, as it did in some contexts.

    •Editing 0x22 commands now updates the objects in the 3d view and object lists.

    •Yellow pop-up menu for Destination Warp ID will update correctly while changing the destination level to reflect which warps are available there.

    •Maximizing before the ROM is first loaded shouldn't cause an error anymore.

    •Unnamed Behavior params won't show as "B. Param: B. Param" in the pop-up menu header.

    •Yellow pop-up menu should now update correctly when reverting objects.

    •Rotating in "relative" mode would cause a script error. Rotation with the widget is now only done in absolute mode. The "relative" and "absolute" options will only affect the move object widget.

    •Reverting a 0x43 object that has a rotation parameter should now revert the rotation value, as expected.

    •Reverting commands other than 0x24, 0x42 and 0x43 will only revert commands of the current command type.

    •Sorting in the yellow pop-menu would fail in some context. It should now work correctly.

    •When changing a coordinate value manually, or when pasting coordinates, the camera should now follow the object as expected, when in Orbit Camera mode or when the "Follow Selection" option is checked.

    •In some cases, every item in the yellow pop-menu would become underlined. This shouldn't happen in this version.

    •Exporting grayscale textures would cause the alpha mask to get inverted, and the gray depth would be severely reduced. This is fixed.

    •The Export To Folder button in the Texture Importer/Exporter should now work as expected.

    •Mario Colors interface had a few glitches that are now fixed.

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    by Published on September 14th, 2007 05:24

    cooliscool, the author of the Zelda 64 editor, Utility of Time has released the first version of his new tool Bottles' Glasses! It's a model viewer for the classic Nintendo 64 game, Banjo-Kazooie. It requires The Rare Witch Project's Rareware game decompressor, included with Bottles' Glasses to decompress Banjo-Kazooie then create model files out of it, using the program's Model Isolator feature. Features for future releases include:

    *Donkey Kong 64
    *Texture support
    *Editing features
    *VRML exporting

    Release thread

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    by Published on September 10th, 2007 07:17

    Sometimes referred to as the "successor to a legend", UltraHLE 2064 is a new, unofficial version of the popular N64 emulator for Windows, UltraHLE. Its official website is now down and hasn't been updated in a long time, but the current version, 1.0.5a, is in many ways better than the original. ...
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