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    by Published on April 22nd, 2007 22:42

    via Cubed3

    When Disney announced that its gaming division would be bringing a brand new franchise to the Nintendo DS and then attempting to build something much bigger around that, it seemed like a big risk. But Spectrobes has already proved a massive success around the world.

    Developed by veteran Japanese developer Jupiter Corporation, a team that has worked with Nintendo on the likes of the Pokémon Pinball titles, Picross DS, as well as Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for Square Enix, the action-RPG Spectrobes has become the best selling Third Party DS game since launching back in the middle of March this year.

    According to Disney Interactive, sales have exceeded 700,000 as of the end of April so far across all territories, leading to speculation of a sequel brewing. Although nothing official has been confirmed, Disney has touched on how Spectrobes will be transformed into a fully-fledged franchise.

    "Spectrobes has quickly become a global phenomenon and has consistently been among the top-selling Nintendo DS titles since launch. We look forward to growing Spectrobes as a Disney franchise and providing more content for the increasing number of Spectrobes fans worldwide."
    - Craig Relyea, Vice President of Marketing for Disney Interactive Studios.

    The game uses the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to let players download new things on a regular basis, thus helping to keep interest in the game high and the promotional levels have been constantly high. Could it be long before we see the return of the two planetary patrol officers that are on a mission to prevent the evil-doings of bad guy Krawl? ...
    by Published on April 22nd, 2007 22:42

    via Cubed3

    When Disney announced that its gaming division would be bringing a brand new franchise to the Nintendo DS and then attempting to build something much bigger around that, it seemed like a big risk. But Spectrobes has already proved a massive success around the world.

    Developed by veteran Japanese developer Jupiter Corporation, a team that has worked with Nintendo on the likes of the Pokémon Pinball titles, Picross DS, as well as Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories for Square Enix, the action-RPG Spectrobes has become the best selling Third Party DS game since launching back in the middle of March this year.

    According to Disney Interactive, sales have exceeded 700,000 as of the end of April so far across all territories, leading to speculation of a sequel brewing. Although nothing official has been confirmed, Disney has touched on how Spectrobes will be transformed into a fully-fledged franchise.

    "Spectrobes has quickly become a global phenomenon and has consistently been among the top-selling Nintendo DS titles since launch. We look forward to growing Spectrobes as a Disney franchise and providing more content for the increasing number of Spectrobes fans worldwide."
    - Craig Relyea, Vice President of Marketing for Disney Interactive Studios.

    The game uses the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection to let players download new things on a regular basis, thus helping to keep interest in the game high and the promotional levels have been constantly high. Could it be long before we see the return of the two planetary patrol officers that are on a mission to prevent the evil-doings of bad guy Krawl? ...
    by Published on April 21st, 2007 03:21

    via cubed3

    Fourteen new scans have been added, eight from One Piece Unlimited Adventure on Wii and the remaining six from various Square Enix DS games...

    Over on the NeoGAF neo2046 has uploaded some scans from videogaming magazines, featuring Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Swords, It's a Wonderful World and some Nintendo Promo cards. ...
    by Published on April 21st, 2007 03:21

    via cubed3

    Fourteen new scans have been added, eight from One Piece Unlimited Adventure on Wii and the remaining six from various Square Enix DS games...

    Over on the NeoGAF neo2046 has uploaded some scans from videogaming magazines, featuring Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Swords, It's a Wonderful World and some Nintendo Promo cards. ...
    by Published on April 21st, 2007 03:21

    via cubed3

    Fourteen new scans have been added, eight from One Piece Unlimited Adventure on Wii and the remaining six from various Square Enix DS games...

    Over on the NeoGAF neo2046 has uploaded some scans from videogaming magazines, featuring Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Swords, It's a Wonderful World and some Nintendo Promo cards. ...
    by Published on April 21st, 2007 03:21

    via cubed3

    Fourteen new scans have been added, eight from One Piece Unlimited Adventure on Wii and the remaining six from various Square Enix DS games...

    Over on the NeoGAF neo2046 has uploaded some scans from videogaming magazines, featuring Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Swords, It's a Wonderful World and some Nintendo Promo cards. ...
    by Published on April 21st, 2007 03:14

    via play.tm

    Light-hearted golf game Pangya has been confirmed for the Nintendo Wii, with the Big N revealing that the sports title will be out on June 8th. Pangya is the title used to describe the game in Europe and Asia, while American gamers may best know the game as Super Swing Golf.

    The game is actually a spin-off from MMO Albatross18, and the game will of course make extensive use of the Wiimote controller for 'swinging', a la Wii Sports. 11 courses will feature, and while some have criticised the Wii's control system and suggested that it is occasionally shoe-horned into gameplay, it does seem to broadly work on golf games.

    We'll bring you the latest on Pangya as we get it - including word on whether the Wiimote really can pull off another golf title. More shortly, then. ...
    by Published on April 20th, 2007 04:36

    via Gaming Bits

    With the recent release of NPD sales numbers for March 2007, Nintendo can once again claim the top spots in gaming console sales.

    From Nintendo's announcement: "With the first quarter of 2007 now completed, Wii has already notched over a million systems sold in America this year, while the DS now stands just shy of 1.25 million for the same period. Wii remains the fastest-selling new console in more than a decade, based on NPD sell-through information over the first five months of availability. So far this year, Nintendo has sold more video game systems than all other manufacturers combined."

    Since debuting in November 2006, the Wii still has been a rarity on retailer's shelves. Nintendo says shipments of the Wii will increase this month from ramped up production. Embarrassingly for Sony's PS3, it was knocked down one notch by Nintendo's Game Boy Advance. You have to give Sony credit, however, for the PS2 staying tough in the #2 spot.

    Here's the announced numbers for March 2007 gaming console & handheld sales from NPD:

    Nintendo DS 508K
    PlayStation 2 280K
    Wii 259K
    Xbox 360 199K
    PlayStation Portable 180K
    Game Boy Advance 148K
    PlayStation 3 130K
    GameCube 22K
    Xbox - r.i.p. ...
    by Published on April 20th, 2007 04:25

    via GameZone

    SEGA of America, Inc. today announced that four titles from its SEGA Genesis™ library, Streets of Rage 2, Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron, Shining in the Darkness and Kid Chameleon, will soon be available for download on the Wii™ Shop Channel. Prices start at 800 Wii™ Points for SEGA Genesis titles. Wii Points can be purchased online or at select retailers at an MSRP of $20 for 2,000 points.

    Streets of Rage 2 - To celebrate their defeat of the syndicate exactly one year before, Blaze, Adam and Axel met for drinks. The next morning, Axel received a frantic phone call from Eddie 'Skate' Hunter, Adam's younger brother, whom he was living with on the edge of the city. Blaze and Axel found Adam and Skate's house wrecked and a picture of Adam chained to a wall at the feet of Mr. X. The city then once again returned to its nightmarish state and criminals ran rampant. Unable to contact their old friend from the military, Axel and Blaze team up with Skate and Max Thunder to free the city and rescue Adam from the Syndicate. It is up to you to take down Mr. X once and for all!

    Toe Jam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron
    - A number of Earthlings hitchhiked on Toe Jam and Earl's spaceship on their trip back home after the first game, and are now infesting Planet Funkotron. Toe Jam and Earl must track down the Earthlings and capture them in large jars and ship them back to Earth in space ships. It is also your funky mission to find 10 beloved objects belonging to Lamont the "Funkapotamus," the source of all funk in the universe, to persuade him to return to his favorite funk-filled planet. Use your "funk powers" to assist in evading and capturing the earthlings, such as Funk Move and Funk Scan.

    Shining in the Darkness
    - Dark Sol has vowed to reign over the enchanted Kingdom of Thornwood and only you can stop him. Roaming the dark labyrinth, you will seek out enemies and collect weapons, all of which will help you pass the test of the Ancients and become a shining knight. Get into the adventure with a stunning 3D perspective, amazing cinematic views, and fast-paced scrolling. You'll move from battle to battle, solving puzzles and discovering secret items in this engrossing struggle between good and evil. Find the powerful Arms of Light and battle the deadly beasts that keep your people desperate and starving in this epic journey for peace.

    Kid Chameleon - The local arcade is packed with kids, all lining up to play the latest, most realistic video game they've ever seen. It's called Wild Side, and it uses holographic images to immerse the player in a strange world. But there's a problem, kids are being sucked into the game and now several of them are trapped. With more than 100 levels to adventure through, you'll take on several different forms such as a Berzerker, a Micromax, a Maniaxe, or a Skycutter, which will make you much more powerful. It's up to you, Kid Chameleon, the best gamer in town, to get yourself inside the game so that you can defeat the games' boss and bring your friends back to reality.

    The Wii Shop Channel serves as the Wii’s online storefront where visitors can redeem Wii Points to download games. Users need a high-speed Internet connection to access the Wii Shop Channel. Users can buy Wii Points at retail or with a credit card online from the Wii Shop Channel and redeem their Wii Points to download these and other classic games. ...
    by Published on April 19th, 2007 15:27

    via Advanced Media Network

    Worms: Open Warfare 2 has been officially announced for PSP and Nintendo DS.

    The latest sequel to the Worms Franchise brings online battles allowing players to blow each other away with 11 new weapons. Classic specials Super Sheep, Concrete Donkey and Holy Hand Grenade are also back. Players will be able to battle online and check on daily updated stats and leader boards on the official Worms site.

    Game modes for Open Warfare 2 include new single and multiplayer modes Rope Race, Fort Puzzle Campaign and Firing Range. New customization options will also be available allowing players to customize landscape, team flags, hats, tombstones and victory dances.

    The game is scheduled for both systems this summer. ...
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