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  • PSmonkey

    by Published on March 22nd, 2006 22:25

    Ok so I made some dumb mistakes in the cop1 emulation.
    1) I did not check for cop1 unstability.
    2) I was storing a 2nd set of cop1 registers into the general cop1 registers (general reg stores float values, 2nd set is 32bit int that hold cop1 status).

    Anyways with this fixed I lost a bit in the framerate department on some stuff. Yet I now have more games running as a result. Doom64 runs to the title screen and posibly beyond but cant tell since i get a white screen when i start a new game. Bust a move 2 also runs now but looks to crash in game on a bus error (still hunting this one out).

    So that is about it. Sadly no calls for 3d instructions so I guess I am screwed. I will be starting up hle this week so we can start seeing some 3d (but I might spend more time on fixing texture stuff in the rdp).

    Enjoy the title screen from doom. ...
    by Published on March 10th, 2006 18:49

    Well sorry I am late but here is the much promissed first release of monkey64. I was hopping for better at the last min but it still passed my exspectations for a first build.

    Few things to note.
    .) While Rsp & Rdp emulation is started it is far from complete. As well there are still numerious issues in the main cpu core. I plan to fix things as soon as I can get to them.
    .) This wont run mario64 or 99% of the n64 library. Some roms are starting to do things with Mortal Kombat Trillogy actualy being playable (to some extent).
    .) I know there are odd looking color squares when running some comercial roms (like mortal kombat). The reason is because I have not completed texture suport in rdp. I am hoping to get a revision out asap once this is fixed.
    .) The emulator is slow. Some PD roms do a pretty nice framerate but games like mortal kombat do about 5fps. This is due to the emulator still being on a pure interpreter core. In good time I will build a dynamic recompiler so we can get some more playable framerates.
    .) The app is in user mode. So it is quite posible this works on 2.0+ psp units. I just sadly dont have the time to check.

    Well that is it. Do enjoy. The zip contains a few favorite PD roms. Pong by Oman is a must play imo. Also if you're all currious what mortal kombat trillogy looks like in game. Please see attached screenshot on forums.

    PS. Mortal Kombat Trillogy [!] dump wont work. [b1] dump runs just fine. When you see the second screen, press start as it's just warning you that there is only 1 controller plugged in.

    -- EDIT --
    Hey guys. Sorry I forgot to mention. The screen flickering is because its not doing double buffering on the psp. It's just directly rendering to the display screen. I was trying to fix this at lunch but ran into problems so I gave up since I wanted to push the build out asap. I'll have it fixed for the v1.1 build.

    Click the Comments to Download ...
    by Published on February 26th, 2006 02:58

    Mmmmm *drool*

    Well after some back and forth I figured a few things out. For some reason I dont need to byteswap the pif ram where pc emulators do. So with this and a few corrections I got input working. Even better is the fixing of SI transfer now keeps a few homebrew games from crashing.

    So here are some screenshots of Pong by omar, Liner (I dont understand the point of this game), Manic Minor & MM hiden levels (oddly enough its very dark), & the wonderful n64 logo returns from waverace (do note that no comercial games run, this just this logo shows up since it draws to the framebuffer with no use of the rsp/rdp).

    Anyways enjoy. More updates to come when more progress is made.

    Screens via the comments ...
    by Published on February 21st, 2006 21:30

    Monkey Present

    Thanks to zilmar's help (of PJ64). I have fixed a few stupid mistakes I made in opcodes and starting register values (lol, n64 though it was in pal mode).

    Anyways many more demos are now running but more bugs are stoping me further (most demos run 1-2 frames then hang or need more opcodes emulated).

    So enjoy the shots and good times all around !!
    -- See Comments for screenshots -- ...
    by Published on February 17th, 2006 18:31

    Is that a banana or are you just happy to see me??


    Psp Emulation recently interviewed me. So if you're currious to find out a little more about me. Go read up. ...
    by Published on February 15th, 2006 07:14

    O M F GOD

    God bless my gf and her taking over the pc for 20 mins. If not for her I would have not tested out all the PD roms I have on my PSP. Thanks to this I now have 2 count that, 2 brand new demos up and running. They are liners & 1964. Both would actualy progress furter if not for the lack of input/pif emulation.

    Tomorrow I plan to test more PD roms and see if others work. At the moment everything else causes the psp to lock up somewhere (and roughly near each other). So hopefuly I can debug and fix this soon.

    Anyways great news & enjoy the screenshots (see comment section)!!!

    P.S. The Framerate is around 5.0-7.4 fps. A vast improvement over the previous 1.8 fps i was getting on fire demo. ...
    by Published on February 10th, 2006 16:38

    Sorry to do this but I am desprite. Can anybody in the USA please get me the PSP demo disc to Daxter & Syphon Filter? They are avaible at Gamestop retail stores.

    I'll let you beta test an early build of Iris or Monkey 64 if you can. Like I said I am despirate because I wont be able to get either one here in montreal. I want the daxter one since i've been waiting like crazy for it. I also want the Syphon Filter demo because I want to compair stuff they do to add into iris (i think they do a basic form of ragdoll).

    So please if you can help. PM ME!! ...
    by Published on February 8th, 2006 20:39

    Ok guys. I though now would be a good time to chime you in on whats going on. So lets get started shal we.

    In the near future an Iris 0.15 build will be released. This will not be the holy grail 0.2 build i've been touting about but it should be a welcom upgrade from the build avalible. After 0.15 I will be heavly working on the official 0.2 build which will debute for the dcemu compo. Why? Because I am cooking up some great features for this build and need some time to get it all in.

    So what will be the basis of 0.2? Well here is my main focus.
    1) Md2 models will be thrown out in favor of Md4 & hl 1 models. Why? Because I need models with bones. Why? See 2
    2) RAGDOLL !! I dont know about you but one thing I think would make iris better is ragdoll. Why? Because it's always fun to have ragdoll in an fps.
    3) Game Modes ( Mission, CTF, DM )
    4) Wifi (adhoc & infrastructure)
    5) Improved gameplay (a given)

    So my plate is extra full on this project. I plan to work my ass off so you wont be disapointed.

    Nincest 64 / M64
    I have today officialy desided, and already underway, to rewrite the emulator from scrach. As most know by now. I have taken up the emulator full time along with Iris (but iris has higher priority to me). Every thing I correct on the emulator in turn makes stuff stop working which is sad. Its like repairing a model house with good glue only to have the crapy glue hate the good glue and fall apart. With the rewrite comes a new name. In the mean time the project will be called M64 for Monkey 64. The project will stay open source because this project only exsist because of the great work of others in the n64 emulation scene. So every build will also include the full source.

    Well thats it for now.
    Comments? Feel free to speak your mind!! ...
    by Published on February 2nd, 2006 23:11

    Eek indeed. Our fellow monkey Wally has discovered something interesting. He has found a way to make waverace 64 show the n64 logo. It's a rather interesting hack. Whats going on is waverace progresses far enough to setup the n64 logo into the framebuffer but then haults on an unemulated opcode. So by supressing the unemulated opcodes for now the emulator is able to loop long enough for the video code to force a vsync and make the emulator draw the framebuffer to the screen. So why does this matter? It shows the emulator can progress further then originaly though. It does not mean we are close to running comercial roms yet but it does mean with a little more work we could start seeing more results.

    So we will have to see how things progress.

    So huge credit to wally for finding the hack & $n!pR for his continual testing of the emulator for me.

    -- info about protest --
    Well my protest turned out interesting. It's still an on going project that I will continue to push for (to get sites like ********** & dcemu to get along for a change). Yet I have still desided to take nincest on as a baby project wile i am still hard at work on iris, once maybe iris is futer along i will dedicate more to getting ninsest furter along to start running mario 64. So we will have to see how things go in the future.

    Thanks to all who suported the protest & the scene.

    Now this post comes with a free pretty picture. Mmmm thats lovely. I sudgest framing it. ...
    by Published on January 31st, 2006 22:38

    Well i bring you the "theoreticaly" first nintendo 64 emulator for psp. Before you get your hopes up, it only runs a small number of homebrew demos.

    Here is the readme

    P.S. If you wish to join my protest, post here on the forums!!

    // Nincest 64
    // NINCEST 64 by Marius Dumitrean [[email protected]]
    // PSP Port By PSmonkey (http://nemo.dcemu.co.uk/)
    // Based on the dreamcast port by Gpf (http://gpf.dcemu.co.uk/)

    // Icon by pochi

    // My Protest

    ------My Protest

    I am sick and tired of sites treating coders like property.
    We are here for the scene! We are not your property!
    You do not own us! We would still be here without you
    and just as strong!

    This project is dedicated to all scene coders out there keeping up
    the good fight to progress the scene and not for cash, fame or
    being bought out by sites.

    This project is dead from here on out untill this scene improves!

    If you wish to join my protest, please visit my homepage.

    Enjoy the emu.
    Ps, This wont run commercial n64 roms.

    // Info
    This is theoreticaly the first n64 emulator on the psp.
    It only runs 2 PD/Homebrew demos (stars & fire) which are included with the release.

    If the scene improves. I will come back and eventualy get a working emulator that will allow psp
    users to play smaller n64 games like mario 64 on their psp. If not, this emulator stops here.

    Also do note the source is included.

    // To Use
    1) Copy the "n64" Folder to the root of the memory stick.
    ..) Example "G:\" (replace G: with your psp drive letter)
    2) Copy the files from the folder containing your psp version number
    ..) Example, 1.0 users will go into 1.0 folder and copy the psp directory to the root of the memory stick.
    3) Run the software

    // Greetings
    wraggster, GPF, Pochi, Zeenbor, Lac, Everybody who worked on this emu & all at dcemu! ...
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