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  • Shrygue

    by Published on July 22nd, 2008 19:28

    via Games Industry

    PlayStation Home is "important enough of an initiative for the [PlayStation 3] platform and for SCE" to warrant taking as much time as is needed in order to come up with a "fun service" at launch.

    That's according to Sony Computer Entertainment president and group CEO Kaz Hirai, who told GamesIndustry.biz that the company was committed to "doing it for the right reasons".

    When asked if he was concerned that the product might become something of an anticlimax after such a long period of hype and anticipation, Hirai was bullish: "Well I would put it the other way around," he said.

    "Because we got so much buzz, had we launched it before we thought it was the right time and the right features and functionality to launch it - with the high anticipation, people would go there in droves the first time around, they would check it out and say, 'This isn't fun at all, so I'm not coming back again.'"

    And Hirai is happy to take the flak for delaying the open beta of of Home: "Okay, we've been dinged, I've been personally dinged many times," he said, "But if I know we're doing it for the right reasons and that once we launch the service this Fall it's going to be something that the consumers once they go there see that it's actually going to be a fun service, that to me is a lot better than doing it the other way around.

    "I've said this on many occasions, and right now we're aiming for a Fall open beta programme, but no beta should be opened before its time, and it's important enough of an initiative for the platform and for SCE, that we don't want to prematurely launch it and then be dinged for having a bad service." ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 21:22

    via Gizmodo US

    Modders these days seem to be fascinated with putting the old school NES where it doesn't belong—like controllers and cartridges. At least those mods made sense in some way—I mean this version isn't even the official NES light gun. It's a Super Joy knockoff. Still, kudos to the modder for stuffing your big NES into a tiny cavity. We are all soooo impressed. ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 21:14

    via IGN

    Just recently websites like EBGames.com began listing the details of the Gears of War 2: Limited Edition package. The package retails for $69.99, ten dollars more expensive than the regular retail release and it includes the following:
    • Collectible SteelBook DVD Case that was expect to be very similar from what we've seen recently from Halo 3 and Mass Effect.
    • "Beneath the Surface: An Inside Look at Gears of War 2," this is a 48-page hardbound art book that we expect to be similar to what was included in the first Gears of War limited edition. You'll find concept art, character profiles and a foreword by Epic's Design Director, Cliff Bleszinski.
    • Bonus DVD including a making-of documentary and commentary by Epic Games along with promotional videos such as the E3 2008 trailer, Rendezvous.
    • An exclusive gold-plated Lancer Assault Rifle for us during online play.
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 18:21

    via Eurogamer

    Sony Europe has told Eurogamer that all user-generated content in LittleBigPlanet will be free at launch.

    The publisher was clarifying comments made by David Reeves to PS3 Fanboy. He said you will be able to make money by selling your LBP creations using an "iTunes meets eBay" system, and even teased that we may see someone become a millionaire off the back of it.

    "SCEE and Media Molecule can guarantee that all consumer-generated content will be free at launch. We know how important this is to the LBP community and what we want most is for people to enjoy playing, creating and sharing their content," Sony told Eurogamer.

    "Obviously, we're also excited about the future and David was talking about how user-generated content could potentially evolve in the long term. Any decisions that are taken to evolve LBP in the future, will include the community and focus purely on enhancing the user experience."

    LittleBigPlanet was one of the stand-out successes at E3 last week; Tom dribbled and drooled over the game during his hands-on play test.

    LittleBigPlanet is due out exclusively on PS3 this October. ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 18:10

    via Eurogamer

    Koei plans to offer the extended and standalone FES edition of Persona 3 here on 17th October.

    This adds around 30 hours of extra content to the acclaimed PS2 role-playing game. Expect a whole new chapter, more Personas, cut-scenes, quests, some sort of weapon creation tool, a hard difficulty mode and the ability option to change your clothes. How thoughtful.

    Saved games from Persona 3 will work in the FES edition, but there's no requirement to finish the original story before you're allowed access to the new bits.

    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 came out earlier this year and was hailed as one of the finest RPGs on the PS2, of which there are about a million.

    Pop over to our Persona 3 review to find out more.

    Alternatively, look in our Persona 3 FES gallery for an idea of what to expect. ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 17:44

    via Computer and Video Games

    If you don't like the look of the new Xbox 360 Dashboard unveiled at E3 last week, then "you don't actually have to use it," says Microsoft's Xbox Live director of programming Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb.

    According to The Major, every single function available in current 360 backend will be included in the new, clean-looking Dash', which you can bypass completely if you choose.

    "I know that there are some people that aren't going to like the happy, happy, shiny New Xbox Experience. For whatever reason it's not flipping their bit," Hryb said in his latest podcast.

    "Here's my message to you: you don't actually have to use it. You can never go there, just leave your game disc in and pretty much do everything that you could before but on the Guide level - one button press away in every single game.

    "The Dashboard as you know it today, in other words the 'blades'; Games, Live, Media and System," The Major explained, "We've taken those blades and moved them to the Guide. Every single function that you can do today in the Dashboard you are going to be able to do in the New Xbox Experience in the Guide.

    "When you press the Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller, the new Guide will come up and you're going to be able to do everything in there. You're going to be able to contextually browse Marketplace, did you know that? So when you have Gears of War 2 of Halo 3 in there you're going to be able to go straight to that section."

    Sounds excellent to us. Even more good news for New Xbox Experience haters comes in the form of Avatars, and how you don't have to use them. "If you don't like the avatars, they're not required. You can use your Gamer Pictures," said Hryb in the podcast. "Your existing and Gamer Pictures and Themes still work," adds co-host 'e'.

    If developers choose though, adds the mysterious co-host, they can stick some cool rewards for Avatars in their games.

    "I was talking to Todd Howard [Bethesda exec producer]," says The Major, "and he was like, 'hey, I want to talk about Avatars - do you think there's a little hazmat suit for Fallout 3 we could make?" At least they won't be charging for it... (we hope)

    The New Xbox Experience will "definitely" be out this year, says Hryb. Watch our video of it in action here. ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 17:42

    via Computer and Video Games

    Sony is still yet to reveal a top-secret game supposedly shown to the BBC earlier this year.

    You may remember a BBC reporter claiming to have been shown a secret PS3 title that he said "could be on the brink of a step change in what games consoles are capable of in terms of story-telling and immersion".

    But this game, according to that same reporter, was not shown at last week's E3 expo. "MAG appeared - the massively multiplayer online FPS game," he says, but adds: "this was not the game I was referring to. It still hasn't been shown publicly."

    Speculation originally linked the secret game to Eight Days - a now-cancelled title from Sony's London studio - but that wasn't it either.

    "Some of you might be thinking the game is pure vapourware. But I promise you it's real," says the BBC reporter.

    We'll be keeping an eye out at Leipzig next month then. ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 17:29

    via Games Industry

    Signal Hill analyst Todd Greenwald has said that "Xbox 360 needs a real price cut" in his latest note to investors.

    Microsoft dropped the price of the 20GB console in the US by USD 50 last week prior to E3, but Greenwald believes the company needs to do more in the face of competition from the PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii.

    "We remain very sceptical of Microsoft's pricing strategy and competitive positioning versus the PlayStation 3.

    "At USD 349, with a 60GB hard drive, we just don't think it is a compelling product compared with the PS3 at USD 399 with an 80GB hard drive (along with more processing horsepower, Blu-ray, Wifi, HDMI, and going forward, more exclusive content)," he offered.

    "We'd also note that the Xbox 360 has just been surpassed by the Wii in the US, despite Microsoft's one year head start over Nintendo.

    "We do think that the Netflix announcement is a significant addition for Xbox users, though its far more of a positive for Netflix than it is for Microsoft in our opinion," he added of the recently revealed streaming movie deal.

    Greenwald pointed to Sony's introduction of the 80GB PS3 in the US at the same retail price as the 40GB unit, and a collection of exclusive titles, as reason why the PlayStation 3 is better positioned than the Xbox 360 for the first time since launch.

    "Sony's biggest announcement was a strong counter-punch to Microsoft's USD 50 price cut on the 360.

    "We think this should give Sony a leg up versus the 360, along with several exclusive titles like the just-released Metal Gear Solid, LittleBigPlanet, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, Gran Turismo 5, God of War 3, etc.

    "Beyond Gears of War 2, Microsoft doesn't seem to have the same library of exclusive, must-have titles," he added. ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 17:12

    via Games Industry

    Nintendo has dominated both the Spanish and German software sales charts for the week ended July 13, according to figures from Media Control GfK International.

    The Spanish chart saw Nintendo represented by eight titles for the Wii and DS, with Super Smash Bros Brawl taking the top spot, followed by Wii Fit in second place and Wii Play at third place.

    MGS 4 and GTA IV, both for the PS3, were the only titles for non-Nintendo platforms on the chart at seven and ten respectively.

    The German chart was entirely taken up by titles for the Wii and DS and, much like the Spanish chart, Super Smash Bros Brawl took the top spot.

    Wii Fit came second followed by Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time in third place and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Darkness in fourth.

    Bringing up the rear of the German chart is Mario Kart DS in ninth place and Mario Part 8 at ten.

    Spanish chart follows:
    1. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
    2. Wii Play (Wii)
    3. Wii Fit (Wii)
    4. Cooking guide: Can't Decide What to Eat? (DS)
    5. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Darkness (DS)
    6. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time (DS)
    7. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)
    8. My Life Coach (DS)
    9. My Baby Girl (DS)
    10. Grand Theft Auto IV (PS3)

    German chart follows:
    1. Super Smash Bros Brawl (Wii)
    2. Wii Fit (Wii)
    3. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time (DS)
    4. Pokemon Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Darkness (DS)
    5.Mario Kart Wii (Wii)
    6.Dr Kawashima's Brain Training (DS)
    7.Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (DS)
    8. More Brain Training from Dr Kawashima (DS)
    9.Mario Kart DS (DS)
    10.Mario Party 8 (Wii) ...
    by Published on July 21st, 2008 17:10

    via Games Industry

    Sony's Kaz Hirai has said that the company is targeting PlayStation 3 sales figures of 150 million units during the console's lifecycle.

    The PlayStation 2 has sold over 140 million units since it launched nine year's ago, and the original PlayStation hit 102 million units sold.

    "It's not fun for me replicating the PS2 numbers. I've seen that movie already," said Hirai, speaking to the FT.com.

    "I want to try to see if we can exceed the PS2 numbers after nine years, otherwise why are we in this business?"

    Sales of the PlayStation 2 were 12.85 million in March, and the company expects to sell another 10 million by the end of the fiscal year. ...
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