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  • Shrygue

    by Published on March 4th, 2010 19:07

    via Engadget

    Dear Microsoft,

    We've had it up to here with these shenanigans. You're jerking us around, and we're sick of it. We get it, you have a very particular concept of what sort of phones you want running your new Windows Phone 7 Series OS. Not only do we get it, but we're kind of proud of you for sticking up for yourself for once and ensuring some sort of sameness across your platform. Unfortunately, it's not the holiday season yet, so we can't buy one of these fancy WP7S phones yet. Meanwhile, on the other end of town, HTC is bringing the HD2 to T-Mobile in the US this month. Sure, it runs your soon-to-be-outdated Windows Mobile 6.5 OS which nobody wants, but it's also pretty much the best hardware we've ever seen. Bar none.

    This brings us to our plea: Microsoft, please put a line in the sand and tell us if the phone will be upgradeable to Windows Phone 7 Series. Of course we know why you won't, you don't want to "Osborne effect" the sales of your one last hope for Windows Mobile 6.5 success, and you don't want to harm one of your most loyal handset builders. But what about your consumers? You've recently pushed out a number of statements about the device, full of wimpy non-line-in-sand-ers like "We currently do not have plans to update the HTC HD2 to Windows Phone 7 Series." Sure, you're not telling us to get our hopes up, but you're also just cruel and calculating enough to leave room for hope. We're pretty resigned at this point to receiving our Windows Phone 7 Series update on the HD2 from our good friends at xda-developers, but we'd just like to hear it from your mouth. Or better yet? Just get WP7S on there yourself, caveat it as "non-preferred" or whatever makes you comfortable, and save us all from this paralysis.

    See you at MIX!
    by Published on March 4th, 2010 19:01

    via Kotaku

    Ten years ago today, the PlayStation 2 launched in Japan. That makes the PS2 ten years old.

    After launching worldwide, the console has gone on to sell over 140 million units globally, making it the best selling home console. Ten years in, the console is still alive and kicking. There are still video games being released on it!

    What better what to say "Happy birthday, PS2!", than by naming your favorite PS2 title. What are you waiting for? Get to it! ...
    by Published on March 4th, 2010 18:55

    via Eurogamer

    James Stevenson, senior community manager for Insomniac Games, has confirmed the studio is currently working on two new projects.

    "We are busy working here on some really cool stuff that we can’t wait to show you," he wrote on the Insomniac blog.

    "[Work is] currently underway on more than one game right now (which will be no surprise to anyone who knows how our production pipeline works). We’ve been trying to evolve our production pipeline to give us more time for iteration, as well as better efficiencies along the way." So is one of those games a third instalment in the Resistance series? Speculators have been speculating Resistance 3 will be announced this week after GameTrailers promised to reveal a "suprise sequel".
    Well, speculators can shut up. Writing on Neogaf, when asked if he knew the game being revealed, Stevenson wrote, "Yes - but it is not a game from Insomniac." Well there you go. ...
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:42

    via Computer and Video Games

    Jaakko Haapasalo, producer at PC Shattered Horizon developer Futuremark, says consoles are now suffering the same "hardware obsolescence and upgrade cost issues" that were previously only known to plague PC gaming.

    "There's some irony here in that consoles are now being threatened with the same sort of hardware obsolescence and upgrade cost issues as the PC was previously," Haapasalo told CVG.
    He went on to discuss cloud gaming (in which games are processed on a remote computer and the video streamed to gamers omitting the need to own high-end hardware themselves). "With streaming, there's an undeniable convenience advantage for the player if it's done right, but the loss of control or ownership over parts of the platform and content may prove too much for some," he said.

    Futuremark CEO, Jukka Mäkinen added: "With proper execution cloud gaming will seriously lower the barrier for entry into high end gaming. It will not lower the number of expensive entertainment gadgetry around our gaming sofas though. There will always a better monitor, better audio system or a better cloud-gaming-resolution-booster-lag-reducer to buy."
    Look out for the full interview on CVG soon. ...
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:41

    via MCV

    The Liberal Democrats have proposed an amendment to the Digital Economy Bill that will grant government the power to block websites that offer users the chance to illegally download copyrighted material.

    More specifically, the party wants to grant the High Court “the power to grant an injunction against a service provider, requiring it to prevent access to online locations specified in the order of the Court”.

    This would be done when “a substantial proportion of the content accessible at or via each specified online location infringes copyright”.

    The Government first expressed its intention to launch a file-sharing offensive last October when Labour’s Peter Madelson stated his admiration for France’s three-strikes policy.

    Plans to cut off the ‘net connections of repeat file-sharers were later laid bare in the Digital Economy Bill, though No.10 has since cooled suggestions that it will be wantonly wielding the ban hammer. ...
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:30

    via Computer and Video Games

    Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway isn't concerned about competition from Apple.

    With games being released for the iPhone and iPod Touch, Apple could be seen a threat to Nintendo's handheld dominance but, in an interview with GamesBeat, Dunaway reiterated that DS is still number one.

    "It is interesting that for all of the talk of competition from Apple last year, here in the U.S. we had our best year ever, selling 11.2 million units," said Nintendo of America's always smiling exec VP of sales & marketing.

    "That has never been done by any game platform ever. Consumers are still finding fun with our products, and there is a lot of room to grow.

    "If you look at the penetration of the market, the DS franchise here in the U.S. has a long way to go. In Japan, one in two consumers has a DS. Here, it is one in four. So we have room to grow."
    Nintendo will be hoping that the release of DSi XL this Friday will provide a catalyst for further growth and for Dunaway (and us), the increased screen size is the main appeal.

    "I think it's a fresh idea to innovate based on a larger size. The DSi XL has a 93-percent bigger screen. When people try it, they say, wow, that looks great. That will help us keep the DS business vibrant."
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:30

    via Computer and Video Games

    Nintendo's Cammie Dunaway isn't concerned about competition from Apple.

    With games being released for the iPhone and iPod Touch, Apple could be seen a threat to Nintendo's handheld dominance but, in an interview with GamesBeat, Dunaway reiterated that DS is still number one.

    "It is interesting that for all of the talk of competition from Apple last year, here in the U.S. we had our best year ever, selling 11.2 million units," said Nintendo of America's always smiling exec VP of sales & marketing.

    "That has never been done by any game platform ever. Consumers are still finding fun with our products, and there is a lot of room to grow.

    "If you look at the penetration of the market, the DS franchise here in the U.S. has a long way to go. In Japan, one in two consumers has a DS. Here, it is one in four. So we have room to grow."
    Nintendo will be hoping that the release of DSi XL this Friday will provide a catalyst for further growth and for Dunaway (and us), the increased screen size is the main appeal.

    "I think it's a fresh idea to innovate based on a larger size. The DSi XL has a 93-percent bigger screen. When people try it, they say, wow, that looks great. That will help us keep the DS business vibrant."
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:27

    via Computer and Video Games

    A new PS3 Platinum edition of Race Driver: GRID will launch in Europe on Friday, March 12 - and include codes that provide players with over £10 worth of DLC.

    The title, entitled Race Driver: GRID Reloaded will be priced at £24.99, according to trade site MCV.

    The two DLC codes will enable players to download the 'Prestige' and '8-ball' packs, adding 18 cars, new multiplayer modes and a new circuit to the game.

    A Reloaded edition of Race Driver: GRID for the Xbox 360 will also be available and include a DLC code for the 8 Ball Pack.

    In addition, the Prestige Pack will be available as separate DLC for existing Race Driver: GRID players in Europe and North America, and will launch on PSN on March 11 for £7.99 / $9.99.

    The 8 Ball Pack is currently available. ...
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:25

    via MCV

    Gamers spend more time playing the Xbox 360 online than any other console, with an average 7.3 hours spent per week, a new NPD report claims.

    The PC and PS3 follow with 6.6 hours and 5.8 hours respectively. However the PC remains the most owned online format, with 85 per cent of players venturing online preferring the format.

    The news is part of the NPD Group’s findings that the average number of hours spent each week on online games has increased 10 per cent since 2009.

    It grew from 7.3 hours per week in 2009 to eight hours per week this year.

    Research also found that 20 per cent of games bought by online gamers were downloads – up one per cent from last year.

    Over half of all gamers aged two and above said they play games online, down at 54 per cent from last year’s 56 per cent.

    NPD Group industry analyst Anita Frazier said: “The installed base of video game systems continues to grow, the platforms available to play games continue to expand and the options for content acquisition have never been greater, especially online.

    “And yet, effective monetisation of many forms of online gaming continues to be a topic of much debate and discussion within the industry.”

    Data was collected in January from 18,872 players who own at least one online gaming device. ...
    by Published on March 3rd, 2010 19:22

    via IGN

    Sega was shy with the details when it shared first footage of Platinum Games' new "Vanquish" in late January. It didn't even provide the game's platform.

    Thanks to Japan's always reliable Weekly Famitsu, we can now confirm that the title actually has two platforms: PS3 and Xbox 360. Japan will get the game this Winter.

    A new Platinum Games title would draw attention anyway, but this game is particularly special because it's the first game from Shinji Mikami, director of the original Resident Evil and countless other Capcom hits, in four years. Mikami is serving as director on Vanquish, with Platinum's Atsushi Inaba serving as producer.

    Mikami shared a few high level details in an interview with the magazine.

    Vanquish takes place in the near future and puts you up against robots rather than other humans. The story appears to be centered on a conflict between Russia and America.

    You take control of a main character who wears a slim armor suit. Your gun transforms in real time to new forms.

    Mikami describes the game's genre as "shooter." Based off the screens in the magazine, he seems to mean third person shooter.

    But this isn't just a generic shooter. The game will have the speed and rhythm you get from playing an action game, he said. This will be particularly true of the boss battles.

    Gameplay systems mentioned in the magazine include a boost system which lets you close the gap between enemies quickly, and some sort of bullet time system that lets you slow the action down.

    Development on Vanquish is currently at 80%, Mikami told the magazine. The development staff is assembling the basic areas of the game right now, but still have to tackle the more precise, detailed areas like enemy and ally AI. ...
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