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  • Shrygue

    by Published on June 17th, 2008 18:49

    via Eurogamer

    Shuhei Yoshida, the man who recently replaced Phil Harrison as head of Sony Worldwide Studios, has conceded the PS3's been lagging behind when it comes to third-party software - until now.

    Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz Yoshida admitted there was "disappointment" during launch year over the number of third-party games available. "I'm sure that third party publishers had planned to release their titles day-and-date with the launch of the PlayStation 3, or day-and-date with the launch of the title on the Xbox 360, but because the 360 hardware was out earlier, the games were built based on 360 architecture," he said.

    "But still, they must have been planning, thinking they have enough time, to port the second game to PS3 and release at the same time with the same quality. So they massively underestimated the effort that was needed to re-architect the game to properly take advantage of the PS3's multi-core architecture."

    Yoshida said Sony was "pretty happy" with the first-party titles that were released in launch year, even if they didn't all arrive on time. "But it's impossible to bring the level of support that we feel is important for the PlayStation 3 platform without the third parties' continued support," he went on. "That was the miscalculation by both us, and from third parties.

    "But I think after the end of last year, there are more and more titles are coming out on the same day [as Xbox 360] and the same quality, and we can start to see some additional things on PS3 because of the space available on Blu-ray."

    Full interview here at Games Industry ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2008 18:45

    via Kotaku

    The Wii just isn't big enough for all the stuff it offers. That's not conjecture, that's fact. So what are Nintendo doing about? Well, when Nintendo's Laurent Fischer isn't pissing you all off by calling you names, he's promising that - snide comments aside - Nintendo know there's something wrong, and are working on it.

    We definitely detect that they [gamers] are serious and we know there is an issue in this, so it's something that we're working on.

    Great! So we're getting an external storage solution, then?


    Definitely there's no plan to issue hardware, an external hard drive, but we know that we have an issue in that area. It's very obvious and we're perfectly aware of it, but there's nothing we can say beyond this.

    How terribly cryptic. And terribly unhelpful. ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2008 18:43

    via Kotaku

    Chalk this up as pure rumor for now.

    An inside UK source tells us that Heavenly Sword 2 has been canned by Sony Computer Entertainment of Europe. The game was axed after months in development because it is no longer seen as commercially viable, our source tells us.

    The news came during an emergency meeting set up for the Sony Cambridge team which was working on the game.

    On a side note, Ninja Theory, who have already said they weren't working on the sequel to their Playstation 3 exclusive, have grown increasingly bitter about their treatment at Sony's hands, our source tells us. I'm told that the development studio, which once had offices in the same building as Sony Cambridge, have started packing up to move to a new location.

    I guess when they said they wanted to move away from Sony and get into multi-platform development they weren't kidding.

    If true, this marks the third major project, counting Eight Days and Getaway 3, that has been canned by SCEE. Is the Europe arm of Sony in trouble? No clue, but we've asked for comment. ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2008 18:40

    via Computer and Video Games

    PSP firmware version 4.00 is on its way "soon", Sony has officially confirmed, adding a new Google search option into your handheld's XMB (Xross Media Bar).

    Once installed, the new firmware will boast an Internet Search option within the Network icon that will apparently bring up the same internet search results as a full-fat Google search on PC.

    "Click on the XMB's Network icon and then the new Internet Search icon. Enter your keywords and then let Google's algorithms do the work. You'll need to be connected to the Internet via a wireless access point or Wi-Fi hotspot," explains Sony.

    And video playback has also been tweaked, now allowing you to speed up and slow down playback of videos streaming from your memory card with the up and down D-pad buttons. Nice and simple - can't think why that wasn't added sooner.

    Sony hasn't put an exact time on the firmware release, so just keep checking the System Update option on your PSP, or keep an eye on the official update page. ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2008 18:38

    via Computer and Video Games

    D3Publisher has confirmed that it will release a game based on the Shaun the Sheep TV show for DS before the year's out.

    The company, who previously distributed PS3/360 title Dark Sector and Puzzle Quest, will be working closely with Aardman Animation to authentically bring the personality and humour of the series to life.

    In the game, the sheep have all escaped and Shaun must find them before the Farmer comes home. He will never to interact with Shirley, Timmy, Bitzer and other characters through areas like the junk pile, the sheep pool and the circus tent. Let us know if that makes any sense to you in the comments, below.

    The game will feature three gameplay modes: Story, Mini-Game and Collection mode. There's no information as to the specifics of these modes, yet. Or at least, nothing we find coherent anyway.

    Screenshots ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2008 18:36

    via Games Industry

    Nintendo of Europe has revealed that Frontier Developments' LostWinds is the current most-downloaded title from WiiWare in Europe - followed by Gameloft's TV Show King and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As A King from Square Enix.

    European marketing boss Laurent Fischer revealed the early top-sellers during an exclusive interview with GamesIndustry.biz, where he talked up the potential of the firm's new games download service.

    He said: "We're not communicating on precise figures - this is confidential - but LostWinds has the highest download level in Europe. And then you have the other titles which come close by, like TV Show King and of course Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles."

    WiiWare, which launched in Europe on May 20th, is Nintendo's response to Microsoft's Xbox Live Arcade service, and Sony's PlayStation Network, and Fischer said initial activity had been "encouraging".

    "The thing we thought was a trend is that you have a very constant flow of downloads," he explained. "All the titles in the line-up enjoy sales regularly, which is one of the key advantages of this platform. It's the fact that the games are there and anyone can take them at any time."

    Fischer further confirmed that the trajectory of the European launch had mirrored that of the US and Japan, where the service launched earlier this year.

    "If you relate the sales to the installed base size, which is a good measurement in that area, you see that we definitely have very similar trends everywhere, so that's very encouraging," he added. "And we're looking forward to having more proposals from other developers around the world to see the new gaming concepts we're been hoping for."

    LostWinds, from British development veteran David Braben's Frontier Developments, is a platform adventure that makes innovative use of the Wii controller. Critics have lavished praise on the game, with Eurogamer.net scoring it nine out of ten, stating: "It absolutely shames most full-price releases."

    Frontier's title costs 1,000 Wii points (roughly GBP 7 / EUR 10).

    "LostWinds uses the Wii controller in a very special manner and is a unique approach to the way you play games," said Fischer.

    "At the same time you see also that some other games – one which is interesting is TV Show King, which goes into the idea of party games that enable everyone to gather around the Wii and smile, and it is also very successful.

    "Both games come from European developers and they are addressing two different needs in terms of what you want to get from a game. From that point of view we believe that it's the very encouraging sign from what we're going to get from WiiWare." ...
    by Published on June 16th, 2008 19:23

    via Computer and Video Games

    A behind the scenes video of Fight Night Round 4 has seemingly turned up on You Tube, giving series fans their first look at EA's Mike Tyson.

    You can watch it over there, and see EA Chicago's wonderfully Essex artist show off her work on the Tyson model, which erm, looks just like Tyson. Yeah.

    Fight Night Round 4 will be the first time that Tyson has appeared in a game since 2002's abysmally-reviewed Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing for PS2.

    EA says this version of Fight Night will be the most realistic yet, thanks in part to a new physics-based animation system that "allows for missed punches, glancing punches, knockout blows and for the first time ever, rough and tumble inside fighting". No word on any of the other stuff Tyson's now known for though.

    It's out in 2009 for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. ...
    by Published on June 16th, 2008 19:21

    via Computer and Video Games

    Data Design Interactive, the company behind Wii games Ninjabread Man and Billy the Wizard, had added Kidz Sports to its budget level Popcorn Arcade range and has released six screenshots to celebrate.

    Somewhat surprisingly, the screenshots are actually pretty good. The environments are crisp and the backdrops look a lot better than a lot of titles we've seen on Wii.

    In fact, the only fault we can find is with the cheesy grin-wearing avatar in one of the night shots. We'd like to punch him in the face.

    Data Design Interactive promise 74 holes over four courses in which you can use the Wii Remote just like a real putter.

    The game will also include a new 'NuYu' character editor, which allows players to create Kidz Sports versions of them who can be controlled in the game. We don't understand why they didn't implement Mii's though...

    Screenshots ...
    by Published on June 16th, 2008 19:11

    via Eurogamer

    Fire Emblem DS will be the first instalment in the long-running series to boast online battles.

    The exciting prospect spilled from the pages of Famitsu (translated by IGN), and will apparently be available in Japan as early as this August.

    Subtitled New Dark Dragon and the Sword of Light, the game will be a remake of the original Fire Emblem that appeared on NES in 1990, but only in Japan.

    Original developer Intelligent Systems will be bringing the adventure up to date by adding stylus battle-map controls and stretching the action out across both screens.

    The biggest invention is the ability to cobble together a group of five fighters from your single-player game and take them online to fight against your friends.

    On top of this, artwork will be re-done, there should be some fresh faces to meet, and apparently Weapon Ranks have replaced Weapon Skill, for those who worry about things like that.

    The story tells of prince Marth who is on a quest to rescue his sister and win back his kingdom. ...
    by Published on June 16th, 2008 19:09

    via Computer and Video Games

    Forza Motorsport 3 could include over 400 cars and 100 tracks, brand new race modes and take up so much space it requires two DVDs.

    That's according to information leaked as part of the gigantic Intellisponse breach this weekend, rounded up by X3F. Intellisponse is a market research firm, and it looks like naughtier sections of the Internet have been rifling through its bins.

    Forza 3, which Microsoft has not officially announced, is detailed in a slideshow that also mentions extensive plans for downloadable content and a VIP service for letting people subscribe to access everything for a one-off fee. Presumably the idea was to get a section of the public's feedback on specific pricing scenarios. Well, that's certainly going to happen now.

    Those new race modes we mentioned include "drag, drift, oval, point to point racing, etc", and there's talk of "near limitless customisation options for car tuning and custom artwork" and a "powerful assist system" to help idiots learn to drive. Forza 2 had those things, obviously, so we'll assume they are now bigger and better, if not more badass.

    "Assume that new cars and tracks would be released on Xbox Live shortly after the launch of Forza 3 and continuing on each month," the slides continue, preparing to test the group's reactions. "For example, every month you might see a new pack of 10 cars for [GBP 3.40 / USD 4.99 - there are US and UK slides] and every three months, a real-world race track for [GBP 3.40 / USD 4.99]." There could also be larger expansions - perhaps 30 cars and a new track for GBP 13.60 / USD 19.99 - a few months after release.

    More interesting is talk of a VIP membership option for GBP 13.60 / USD 19.99, which would sign you up to download everything that's released for the game on Xbox Live, entrance into exclusive online events, and other perks like "VIP status on Forza Auction House and Community boards, extra server space for photos and videos, and a free month of Live".

    There could also be a Collector's Edition of the game featuring unique content. "This could be anything from authentic racing gear (gloves, helmets, etc) to specially created automobile manufacture gear (branded jackets, etc) to VIP motorsport event tickets"

    Finally, there's talk of a special 2010 edition of Forza Motorsport 3 to launch a year after release rounding up all the previous 12 months' DLC and adding 30 new cars, a new real-world racing track and 2010 liveries for each existing vehicle, along with the top 20 user-generated car skins and tuning set-ups. This would then slot in at a mid-range price.

    At this point, Microsoft has yet to officially comment on anything Forza 3-related. It's also worth reiterating that the information smuggled out of Intellisponse is not secret squirrel blueprints for Forza 3, but rather possible scenarios to test responses.

    Speaking of which, it will be interesting to see how those involved in this impressive Internet meltdown go about cleaning it up. ...
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