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  • Shrygue

    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:37

    Today is Friday and it's almost the weekend. It's also the time when the latest console sales figures from Japan are published, seen below as follows:

    Playstation Portable: 32,796
    Playstation 3: 32,130
    Nintendo Wii: 31,652
    Nintendo DSi LL: 24,388
    Nintendo DSi: 15,380
    Nintendo DS Lite: 5,053
    Xbox 360: 2,453
    Playstation 2: 1,883
    Playstation Portable Go: 1,371

    In rough figures, the PSP tops the list again, down 6,500. The PS3 goes up by 7,300, overtaking the Wii which slides by 5,900 and the Nintendo DSi LL, down 3,200. 5th place is held by the DSi original, down 2,700. Next up is the DS Lite, up 600. Xbox is 7th, down 1,000. Last up is the PS2 and PSP Go with sales that stay about the same as last week. Figures from Media Create. ...
    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:22

    via Eurogamer

    Sony America boss Jack Tretton has said that PlayStation 3's position now proves what the company was saying all along about a 10-year console cycle.

    "I'd love to flashback to 2006 and bring people forward to 2010 and say, 'Now what do you think about Blu-ray? About the technology?'" Tretton told Fast Company.

    "We've just passed the third year of the PlayStation 3 and we're just hitting our stride. And I don't think anyone is saying, 'This is a five-year cycle; what's new on the horizon?'

    "I can't even imagine what can be done technically beyond the PlayStation 3 in the near future.

    "A question I often get is when we are going to see PlayStation 4. When somebody can craft the technology that exceeds what we're able to do on the PS3, but we are still just starting to harness it."
    Speaking of which, Tretton also compared the company's PS3 motion controller plans with those of Microsoft on Project Natal and found the latter wanting.

    "We introduced motion gaming with the EyeToy for PlayStation 2. It was an incredible experience," he said.

    "But it was somewhat limited in terms of the type of gaming experiences..."

    "You have to tip your hat to Nintendo for introducing the motion gaming using their controllers, doing it in a more social fashion. I'm not an expert on Microsoft's technology, but we all know that it was not homegrown. It's certainly technology that we worked with before. We had the experience with the PS2 and EyeToy."
    Having a controller in your hand makes the difference, Tretton argued.

    "We're able to take advantage of the camera, take advantage of the ability to identity yourself in 3D space, but then have controls in hand to do things like shooting and swinging an object, and much more accurately than ever done before," he said.

    "You can have it as an element of a game, you can do it as a dedicated game, you can do it in a social gaming atmosphere. There is no game where you say, 'Our control isn't going to apply there.'"
    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:20

    via MCV

    The iPad will cost as little as £389 when it eventually arrives in the UK – that’s the claim being made by Geeky Gadgets which says it has received leaked launch price information from a mystery source.

    The site says that the base 16GB model will cost £389, with the 32GB costing £439 and the 64GB coming in at £489.

    If correct, UK consumers do indeed face a premium compared to their US counterparts. Across the pond the 16GB will cost $499 (£308), the 32GB $599 (£370) and the 64GB $699 (£433).

    The site doesn’t yet have any information concerning the top-of-the-range 3G models.

    The source also claims that the first shipments will arrive in the UK in April and not in March as Apple had previously suggested. ...
    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:17

    via IGN

    Square Enix Inc., the publisher of Square Enix interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today that two RPG classics, FINAL FANTASY and FINAL FANTASY II, are available now for the iPhone and iPod touch. The games can be downloaded from the Apple Store priced $8.99.

    Originally released for the NES in Japan back in 1987 and 1988, these two classic adventures return for a new generation to enjoy, available for the first time ever on the iPhone and iPod touch, featuring graphics, sounds and controls that utilize the capabilities of the new host systems.

    In addition, to celebrate the releases, for a limited period only, five additional Square Enix apps will be available at new lower prices.

    Both FINAL FANTASY and FINAL FANTASY II feature optimized control systems specifically developed for the iPhone and iPod touch interfaces, enabling users to play the game as intuitively as possible by simply touching the screen. Both games also feature extra dungeons, not available in the original 1987/1988 versions, allowing players to continue these epic adventures after completing the main story. ...
    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:11

    via Kotaku

    The Xbox 360 of multi-platform role-playing game Final Fantasy XIII is shipping on three discs. For those curious as to how much space installing the game on the Xbox 360, read on.

    According to website Ve3tro.com, the totally optional install for all three discs is:

    • Disc 1: 5.9GB
    • Disc 2: 5.8GB
    • Disc 3: 6.6GB
    That's a grand total of 18.3GB. In comparison the PS3 version, the game data is 38GB. ...
    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:08

    via Computer and Video Games

    Five new screenshots of Gran Turismo 5 have emerged on the internet.

    They showcase Ferrari, Dodge, Mercedees and Lexus as some of the super cars featured in the game and look absolutely beautiful. (Thanks GTPlanet)

    The last word from Sony on GT5 was that it was expecting a release date somewhere in Autumn, but with all the delays the racing sim has had so far Sony may as well just throw a calendar at us and say, "It's one of them".

    Hopefully the images here will keep you going in the meantime. ...
    by Published on February 26th, 2010 19:06

    via Eurogamer

    Zipper has released a big patch for MAG.

    Changes were described on the European PlayStation blog as "dramatic" and include revamps for every single weapon as well as sped-up gear and weapon swapping and a clamp-down on various exploits. You'll also be given more warning when a BOOM! - bomb is about to explode.

    This update is patch 1.03, and the entire contents are listed below.

    • Overhauled tuning of multiple weapons of all types (see "Weapon" section below)
    • Improved speed of weapon and gear swapping by approximately 500 milliseconds.
    • Fixed bug in SVER's Aralkum Mechanical Acquisition map and Absheron Refinery Domination map that allowed players to defuse a charge planted on a repaired gate or door.
    • Added a "solid tone" sound effect near the end of a charge's beeping detonation timer so that players know when the charge can no longer be defused and that they should vacate the area.
    • "Medium Improved" Armor now works as intended with the speed properties of Medium Armor and a defensive value greater than Medium, but less than Heavy Armor.
    • Changed resuscitated player's camera orientation to match the last camera direction used while incapacitated instead of the pre-harm camera.
    • Players no longer lose XP if a teammate is killed by an objective explosion caused by a charge they planted.
    • Respec Point requirements in Barracks have been changed from 3K, 5K, 10K, 17K, 26K, and 26K-Repeat to 1K, 2K, 3K, and 3K-Repeat.
    • Lowered the amount of damage necessary to kill an incapacitated enemy.
    • All fired projectiles (RPGs, Turret Rockets) have been given a steadier aim.
    • Mines that haven't been triggered are no longer removed from the map when the dead player that deploys them respawns unless that player changes their Loadout (note: The maximum number of mines you can plant cannot exceed the number you initially spawn with).
    • Fixed bug that prevented "fully-resuscitated" players with more than 100 health points from receiving their full HP.
    • Fixed bug that caused players to take unnecessary damage from both friendly and enemy vehicles when touching them.
    • Players no longer lose leadership points after entering "Veteran Mode."

    • "From the hip" firing for Light and Medium machine guns have stronger recoil and are less accurate when moving.
    • Tuned weapon damage for all three factions.
    • Modified all short-ranged weapons (pistols, PDWs, shotguns, SMGs) so that they're less effective at long distances.
    • Made Battle Rifles more effective.
    • Reduced accuracy bonus for using iron sights and reflex sights so that players can no longer snipe with weapons that aren't intended to do so.
    • Increased damage values for all rockets to make them more effective (ex: three rockets can now destroy a DE turret).
    • Shooting through thin materials (fences, tents, etc.) will be more consistent.
    • Increased spread on shotguns.
    • Improved animations for rocket launchers.

    • Fixed bug that caused the recoil animation to end early or stop animating if a player was firing their weapon for a long period of time.
    • Changed detonation time on smoke and poison gas grenades to prevent them from exploding in mid-air to eliminate unintended FX issues.
    • Added realistic fogging effects to sky-domes.

    • Fixed most conditions that caused players to be caught in a "respawn loop" which kept restarting the respawn queue when the countdown clock reached 0.
    • Changed in-game conditions to make it less likely to experience in-game freezes.
    • Improved client-side stability.
    [*]Improved client-side stability.[/LIST] ...
    by Published on February 25th, 2010 20:07

    via Examiner

    As we reported earlier in the week, Heavy Rain is having some problems with freezing, locking up, and glitches. In the comments section of that article, you'll find many who experienced some kind of problem. At first, it was thought to be due to the 230MB patch, but it appears that may not be the case after-all. The issue has finally been addressed by a Sony developer on the PlayStation forums. He reassures everyone that this problem is only occurring in a low population of machines, Sony is working on a solution to release to the public so everyone can enjoy the game without a problem.

    One thing he does make note of, is do not shutoff the system if the screen goes black. Wait 5 minutes before acting on this black screen and then make a decision from there. It doesn't mean the game crashed.

    He posts:
    Hi folks, this is just to let you know that the issues reported in this thread and elsewhere are being looked into. We're currently trying to establish any common factors for people who are experiencing game freezing so if you are having trouble please be as thorough as possible with regards to your PS3 setup - are you using a launch version of the console or a brand new slim, playing in standard or high definition (I'm not suggesting that these are potential causes, just making the point)... any information you can give may help to find where the issue lies.

    One word of advice we've had already is to avoid switching off your PlayStation while the game is in black screen as this may be affecting your save game. There have been a few reports of incidents where game saves have taken longer than would normally be expected - and with a black screen present it may leave the assumption that the game has crashed. In these circumstances we recommend you wait at least 5 minutes before rebooting - while it's highly unlikely a save will take this long, it's better to be safe than sorry.

    While incidents of problems with the game are very low we're working to ensure that everyone gets the Heavy Rain experience they expect. As soon as there is any further information we'll update further.
    The same developer then left this response on the forums offering a possible fix. Remove all peripherals from the system. It may not fix the problem, but it's worth giving it a try.

    Thanks for the responses so for, I'll pass these on to the right people to help in establishing potential causes for these issues. Obviously I'll keep you up to date with all further information that comes along, and please do continue to post any findings you have and I'll make sure the team are informed.

    One other thing to try, that I mention purely because I've seen it happen in another game, is to try removing any peripherals to have assigned to your PS3 - Blu-ray remotes, Buzz! controllers, guitar controllers etc - while it's unlikely that this is the cause I'm keen to rule out the obvious to begin with.
    Let us know if you are still experiencing any problems. With Sony now working on a solution, we should see some kind of patch, hopefully, within a week's time. Once an official solution if released, we'll let you know. ...
    by Published on February 25th, 2010 20:04

    via 1up

    Bungie is currently focusing on Halo Reach, but there's no doubt that they're also looking ahead to the day when they really go independent. For now though, the studio remains vague about their future projects, including whether or not they will be going multi-platform.

    Asked by Computer and Video Games whether or not the studio is planning to work with the PlayStation 3, Bungie community manager Brian Jarrard said, "I mean, I think our whole future's kind of undefined right now and it's definitely not something we're going to be comfortable getting into too much detail about.

    "We've had another team internally [other than those making Reach] for quite a while now - they've been working on the genesis of what will become our next big thing.

    "It's a little premature to get into specifics, but you know I think we have a really good mix of old blood and new blood in the studio."
    Bungie announced its independence from Microsoft back in 2007, but they've continued developing exclusively for the Xbox 360 over the past few years. Unsubstantiated rumors suggest that they will be working with Activision.

    It'll probably be a bit before we he hear anything concrete, if only because Microsoft will want Bungie to focus on Halo Reach. We'll see what happens after it arrives this fall. ...
    by Published on February 25th, 2010 19:52

    via MCV

    The reliability of the numbers can certainly be called into question, but a new report from Digital Battle claims to have identified the ten most expensive video games of all time – and it’s Grand Theft Auto IV that tops the pile.

    With a rumoured budget of $100m, Rockstar’s game finishes above the likes of Polyphony Digital’s Gran Turismo ($80m), Sega’s Dreamcast epic Shenmue ($70), Microsoft’s commercial flop Too Human ($60m) and PS3 hit Metal Gear Solid 4 ($60m).

    Here’s the list in full:

    1. Grand Theft Auto 4: $100 million
    2. Gran Turismo: $80 million
    3. Shenmue: $70 million
    4. Too Human: $60 million plus
    5. Metal Gear Solid 4: $60 million
    6. Halo 3: $55 million
    7. APB: $50 million
    8. L.A. Noire: $50 million
    9. Final Fantasy XII: $48 million
    10. Killzone 2: US$45 million ...
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