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  • Shrygue

    by Published on February 5th, 2010 18:09

    via Computer and Video Games

    One of Xbox Live's most-requested features, the raising of the 100-friend cap, could be about to happen as Microsoft's unveils plans to discontinue the Original Xbox's online service.

    Microsoft's gone on record in the past that the Xbox 360 friend cap is mostly down to backwards compatibility with the old console. Now that's not an issue, the platform holder's seemingly free to let us expand our mate roster.

    Xbox group product manager, Aaron Greenberg said of raising the cap back in 2007: "There's some interdependencies. Some things like original Xbox games have friends lists hard coded in, so there's things we gotta work through, but we'll get it figured out, it's something we want to do."

    He then updated us on the feature last year: "I can't commit to when that will happen, but that is something we want to do," he said. "It's definitely something we're looking at expanding and, as this social network grows, we've absolutely heard the pleas for that. It's on the list."

    Possibly good news for popular people like those OXM chaps then, but the average Xbox Live user surely has about 20 friends anyway? ...
    by Published on February 5th, 2010 18:06

    via MCV

    Sega has confirmed that the Collector’s Edition of upcoming Japanese gangster title Yakuza 3 will be the only SKU released in PAL regions.

    Kotaku reports that, despite the extras, the game will carry a standard RRP.

    Included in the package will be a copy of the PS3 game on Blu-ray, a CD soundtrack, interactive beginner’s guide to the series’ history and four pieces of DLC.

    The game will be released in the UK on March 12th. ...
    by Published on February 5th, 2010 18:01

    via IGN

    When SEGA pulled back the curtain on Project Needlemouse yesterday and revealed its actual title to be Sonic the Hedgehog 4, the company did so with a new website dedicated solely to the game -- and overflowing with countdown timers. Though the debut trailer and some small bits of additional info were available, much of the site's content was -- and still is -- locked down by ticking clocks that seem poised to further pull back that curtain, little by little, over the coming days and weeks.

    Well, the first countdown's done.

    The timer set to expire at 8 a.m. Pacific Time today has done so, revealing an "Intro" section of the site that sets up the storyline for the upcoming sequel. Most of the text within is a recap of the events featured in the first few Sonic games from the Genesis days, but there's a hint or two thrown in near the end. Here's the text, as it appears over on SonicTheHedgehog4.com:

    Story in spoiler below

    That's not a lot to go on there, but that tidbit at the end about Eggman revisiting and improving the very best of his creations seems intriguing. We already know some of the classic stage enemy Badniks are making a return, but could we also be facing classic bosses from Sonic 1, 2 and 3 in new, reimagined form in Sonic 4? And, if so, which ones?

    Sound off in our Comments box below if you've got ideas on the issue, and whether or not you agree with the move -- should Sonic 4 be packed with old bosses given updates, or would you prefer that ...
    by Published on February 5th, 2010 17:57

    via Kotaku

    Perfect Dark, remastered for the Xbox 360's Live Arcade with a 60 framers-per-a-second framerate, is making an appearance at next week's Xbox 360 X10 gaming summit in San Francisco.

    Rare tells us that the game will be playable at the event, and that we can expect to "find out some more tidbits" concerning Perfect Dark's unveiling next week on Rare's Twitter feed.

    You can also follow the news as it happens on my Twitter feed next week... and read about what I'm currently drinking, eating, thinking because I have a serious Twitter problem.

    Now, then. What would you like to see come packaged in a remastered version of Perfect Dark? ...
    by Published on February 5th, 2010 17:54

    via Eurogamer

    A second instalment in the EyePet series is on the way, according to Gamekyo.

    Our new best friend Cyrille from Eurogamer France has done the translation for us. "After enchanting babies (a lot) and adults (a little less), EyePet will return on PlayStation 3 - probably this year," the article says.

    "George Fornay (vice president of Sony Europe) made the announcement in a recent interview, saying we can expect the launch of a second episode, which is still a work in progress, soon."
    Sony has yet to comment. Zut alors. ...
    by Published on February 4th, 2010 19:28

    via Computer and Video Games

    Sony believes that the best is yet to come from PS3 - and that it will only really 'push the boundaries' of what is possible from the machine in years to come.

    The format holder has repeatedly said it has a ten-year plan mapped out for the platform.

    SCE Worldwide Studios Europe VP Michael Denny said today that he believes PS3's hardware will eventually be pushed by a game in the same way that God Of War II pushed PS2 to the max.

    "It is our challenge to continue to improve our games by pushing the boundaries of what is possible," he told MCV Magazine.

    "The longer the lifecycle, the more opportunities we have to do that. On PS2, eight years into its lifecycle, we launched God Of War II, arguably the best-looking game on the platform.

    "That progress is only possible with time. That's what makes PS3 so exciting. We are only three years into its lifecycle."
    What do you reckon they've got in store for us, readers? We'd like to fly at some point. Or at least hover. ...
    by Published on February 4th, 2010 18:39

    via Computerworld

    Sony hinted on Thursday that it's preparing a challenger to Apple's upcoming iPad.

    "That is a market we are also very interested in. We are confident we have the skills to create a product," said Nobuyuki Oneda, Sony's CFO, who was speaking at a Tokyo news conference held to announce the company's quarterly financial results.

    Oneda didn't provide any details of any planned products but did say Sony is eyeing a similar market to the upcoming Apple gadget.

    "Time-wise we are a little behind the iPad but it's a space we would like to be an active player in," said Oneda.
    Sony said in October that it plans to launch a number of new mobile products that are built around network-based services.

    The devices will connect into Sony's new online service, an Internet-based store that will bring music, movies, games and electronic books to a range of Sony products including Bravia TVs, Vaio PCs, Walkman music players and Reader e-book readers.

    The launch of the iPad, due in March, isn't expected to impact the e-book reader market, which Oneda said is growing "exponentially."

    "The [Sony Reader] Daily Edition with 3G network connectivity has received great acclaim and we plan to expand sales going forward," he said.
    by Published on February 4th, 2010 18:28

    via Engadget

    We're not sure if this is a hint toward the final form factor, or merely the simplest conglomeration of parts available to get working Project Natal sensors in the hands of developers, but The Seattle Times has posted a picture today a developer prototype of the motion-sensing unit. The seems clearly slimmer in proportion than the soundbar-styled renders we've seen thus far, but also quite a bit different than the hacked together hardware used for the Jimmy Fallon demo of the tech. Of course, the fact that the assembly has been slapped atop a Gorillapod makes it hard to believe this is near-final hardware, but it's still fun to see this stuff as evolves toward our living rooms. ...
    by Published on February 4th, 2010 18:22

    via Computer and Video Games

    We've got more good news for fans of 2D Sonic games this morning. Following the announcement that Sonic will return to 2D action in Sonic the Hedgehog 4, ONM has confirmed that Mega Drive classic, Sonic & Knuckles will be coming to Virtual Console on February 12.

    Sonic & Knuckles was originally released in 1994 and its release on Virtual Console ensures that you will be able to download the four best Sonic platformers for Wii from next week.

    Sonic's tale follows directly on from the end of Sonic The Hedgehog 3 with our hero falling to Earth on Robotnik's damaged Death Egg. He manages to leap off and land in a mushroom filled woodland where he attempts to locate and destroy the Master Emerald whilst keeping an eye out for Knuckles.

    Meanwhile EggRobo drops a bomb on a dozing Knuckles who then goes on a mission to stop EggRobo from stealing the Master Emerald.

    Will we be able to play Sonic 3 & Knuckles though? That's all we're interested in.

    Last paragraph: My thoughts exactly, what about anyone else? ...
    by Published on February 4th, 2010 18:14

    via Kotaku

    Zangeki no REGINLEIV, the upcoming Wii action game from Japanese studio Sandlot, will be out on February 11. The game has been development for years.

    In an recent round table discussion with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, Sandlot's Takehiro Honma said, "Because the project got the OK sometime between summer and fall 2006, development has been over three years."

    To which Iwata replied, "The Wii hadn't even gone on sale." That's correct, Nintendo president! The Wii would not go on sale in Japan until December 2006.

    Sandlot is best known for their Earth Defense Force series of games. That, and taking a long time to make their Wii game. ...
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