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  • Shrygue

    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 19:27

    via Gizmodo

    Gizmodo reader Phil Nolan, a profesional 3D modeler and animator, got inspired by our Nintendo DS 2 mock-up and wish list and sent us his cool version of this dreamed-up third iteration of the Nintendo DS. It looks so yummy inside that I want to get it out for a date:

    As you can see, he took the original design and added a whole lot of the iPhone and the PSP. Looks quite good to me, even while it still has some unresolved issues, like the hinge, which can't be like the MacBook because it will block the shoulder buttons. Still, a very doable, even slimmer form factor than the Lite which can perfectly fit all the not-so-crazy features we thought could make it to the next revision of the Nintendo portable console.

    And before the anti-Apple camp gets up in arms, let's not forget that the original DS got redesigned with a clear inspiration on the Apple's all-white, all-shiny, all-simplicity iPod design. People didn't think the same could be done with the original DS and look what happened with the Lite.

    Some more thoughts from the "buts" that people claimed about the first 2D mock-up:

    "But the screen on top should be the same size"
    Not necessarily. For compatibility, you can play original DS games letterboxed. Even new games could retain exactly the same format and keep backward compatibility if you want. The top wide-screen, however, could be used very well in most games. But specially, for media playback.

    "But the it should be a totally new concept. Nintendo broke the rules and will do it again in the next generation"
    That may be true, but the True Next Generation is years away. It took decades for Nintendo to change the paradigm of the original Gameboy to the Nintendo DS. Until the latter arrived, the first went through many iterations, each adding more things: smaller package, more power, color, backlighting, etc.

    They milked the cow until it was dead. Then, they reinvented themselves with the DS. The next DS will be an evolution of power and features, not of basic concepts. It works great now, it sells like crazy, so you don't need to change it dramatically just yet. Nintendo just needs to keep the distance with the PSP and that will be it.

    "But it will be too expensive to make"
    Like I said in the original mock-up article, given the sinking prices of current components thanks to the proliferation of smartphones like the iPhone or multimedia players, a DS 2 with shaved corners, better screens and built-in multimedia playback will be very doable in 2008. Granted, it may not take this shape, but it will happen sooner than later.

    More images of the mockup DS here ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:46

    via Computer and Video Games

    Handy internet trademark searchers have discovered that publisher Eidos has filed the name Battlestations Pacific in relation to 'computer and video game software'. It looks like a sequel to last year's Midway is on the way then.

    The last game, Battlestations Midway was set in the Pacific during World War II. It mixed real-time tactics and boat-blasting action which had players commanding fleets and their assets at the same time. It was also in development for a bloody long time.

    You can read the review of Battlestations Midway on PC via this here link.

    Rumors of a sequel emerged earlier last year following an announcement by Eidos' parent company SCi that another game was on the way.

    We've left a message with Eidos' UK outfit, who despite suffering both a hangover and flu managed to get us a "no comment". Thanks for that. ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:37

    via Computer and Video Games

    Big hats of cynicism on, please; internet sites have gone wild with speculation that Blizzard's massive RTS StarCraft II will be making its way to Xbox 360 (and why shouldn't it? Every other strategy game seems to be going console-bound these days).

    The source of the rumour is a Microsoft Retail Zone quiz, which is apparently used to educate employees of electronic retail stores, the clever bunch.

    One question asks retailers which feature defines the company's upcoming RTS Universe of War, and lists "tactical dynamics create the best RTS until Starcraft II," as one of the answers.

    This has naturally sent internet conspiracy theorists to their rooftops, shouting confirmation of Blizzard's RTS will be coming to Xbox 360, though we're not quite convinced.

    When contacted Activision Blizzard (we suppose we'll have to get used to calling it that) expectedly offered a "no comment," on the rumour, but considering the recent flood of PC strategy games coming to consoles we guess StarCraft II on consoles is at least plausible.

    Command & Conquer 3 and Supreme Commander have both taken the trip to Xbox 360 and the original StarCraft too of course made its way to N64 and PSOne back in the day.

    Considering it's also one of Blizzard's less patch-heavy titles we suppose it's also its most likely to come to consoles, but it's probably far too early for this report to be any indication. ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:37

    via Computer and Video Games

    If, like us, you've spent the last week sat in your (new) pants, polishing off the Ferrero Roche, Fosters and playing Call of Duty 4, you'll probably have noticed the downtime plaguing Xbox Live.

    The "intermittent issues" (which included things like signing in, matchmaking and account recovery) started around Christmas Day and Xbox Live was still encountering the odd bugger up a week later.

    Xbox Live's director of programming Larry 'Major Nelson' Hryb posted several messages on his official blog, stating that "problems like this are not acceptable," and that "things are getting better each hour and that no one on the team is going anywhere until the job is done."

    Now that most of the hiccups have been sorted, The Bitbag reports that Microsoft will be compensating their paying Xbox Live Gold subscribers for the problems. An unnamed Microsoft contact told the site: "we will definitely be doing something for our Gold members that weren't able to get online over the last week."

    Because Xbox Live wasn't technically down (only parts of it were encountering problems), it looks unlikely that Gold subscribers will end up with a full refund.

    It's a shame some people couldn't get online during the lazy Christmas period, but it did give us a nice window to fire up the PS3 and finish Uncharted (sorry, MS).

    We've contacted Microsoft UK for comment and it'll hopefully get back to us shortly. ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:35

    via Eurogamer

    Mexican film director Guillermo Del Toro has been getting himself all worked up about a Halo film.

    The mastermind behind Pan's Labyrinth was chatting to Aint It Cool News about various upcoming projects before declaring his fondness for the adventures of Master Chief.

    "It would have been beautiful and I must tell that's a... of anything in my life that I look back and wish it could have happened is that project, because it is such a powerful experience," chirped Del Toro.

    "People talk about it and say 'it's Aliens or it's a retread of this or that,' I don't think so. I think the angles to that game are far more epic and far more complex as a cosmology than that. It's not just about grunts in space. It's much more than that. It's a whole epic."

    Unfortunately Del Toro has rather a lot on his plate at the moment with Hellboy 2 due sometime this year. But eventually the Mexican director believes Halo makes far too much money and is much too successful to be ignored, which makes him happy for the future.

    "I love it so much that I would like to see it in any incarnation. If Neill [Blomkamp] and Peter [Jackson] get to do it, I'll be almost as happy as if I was doing it," he added. ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:33

    via Eurogamer

    Those of you still lost in the whirlwind of Christmas will be glad to know Codemasters Online Gaming has fixed issues with Sensible World of Soccer on Xbox Live.

    It actually remedied problems before Santa squeezed his way down our chimneys, but Tom had already toddled off to wrap his presents in mince pies and sing his way to the bottom of a bottle of wine by then.

    If you have the old version that helpfully disconnected you from Live after installation, you should delete it from your hard drive and download the new game - this won't incur any extra charges.

    Oh, and happy new year from everyone at Eurogamer. Which is to say "Tom and I", because everyone else will stumble in at about 9.30. ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:30

    via Computer and Video Games

    Phones aren't designed for games, and that's why most mobile phone games are rubbish (apart from the Doom RPG). But the age of truly terrible phone game controls could come to an end soon, as a Nunchuk-like controller for mobile phones has been given the go-ahead.

    Peripheral company Zeetoo has created a dedicated gaming controller for mobiles, named the Zeemote, which hopes to make playing on your phone far better.

    Using Bluetooth to connect to your phone, the device has an analogue stick, buttons on the reverse, all in a body that's shaped uncannily like the Wii Nunchuk controller.

    Zeetoo even has a motion sensing version of the controller in the prototype phases, and another with a tracker ball. Motion-controlled tennis on a packed central London train should be interesting.

    Zeetwo's analogue device already has the support of phone manufacturers Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and LG, and game developers Sega Mobile, Fishlabs and Reaxion (and others), and has secured $6.9 million funding (around £3.5m) to put the Zeemote into production, according to Pocket Gamer.

    It sounds cool, but surely people who care enough about videogames to want a dedicated analogue controller will buy a DS (or five).

    Photographs here ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:28

    via Games Industry

    The latest sales charts for Spain and Germany show strong support for the Nintendo platforms, with DS titles Dr Kawashima's Brain Training and More Brain Training coming in the top two in both countries.

    The charts, compiled by Media-Control GfK International for the sales week ending December 23, also show Nintendo featuring in all top five positions in Germany, and eight of the top ten in Spain.

    Wii Play, Super Mario Galaxy and Mario & Sonic at the Olympics rounded out the German top five, with Need for Speed Pro Street, FIFA 08 and High School Musical taking the next three places for the PlayStation 2.

    The only other format represented was Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the Xbox 360 - meaning that neither Sony's nor Microsoft's next-gen platforms were represented at all.

    That was also true in Spain, although WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2008 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 were third and fourth on the PS2.

    The rest of the top ten was all Nintendo, however, with four more DS titles and two Wii games.

    The full charts are as follows:


    1. More Brain Training with Dr Kawashima (DS)
    2. Dr Kawashima's Brain Training (DS)
    3. Wii Play (Wii)
    4. Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
    5. Mario & Sonic at the Olympics (Wii)
    6. Need for Speed Pro Street (PS2)
    7. FIFA 08 (PS2)
    8. High School Musical: Sing It (PS2)
    9. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PC)
    10. New Super Mario Bros (DS)


    1. More Brain Training with Dr Kawashima (DS)
    2. Dr Kawashima's Brain Training (DS)
    3. WWE Smackdown! vs Raw 2008 (PS2)
    4. Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 (PS2)
    5. Eye Training (DS)
    6. Wii Play (Wii)
    7. Mario Party DS (DS)
    8. Triiviial (Wii)
    9. Imagine Babyz (DS)
    10. Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:25

    via Eurogamer

    Microsoft has said a demo for Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom will be out in Europe in mid-January.

    However, those of you in exotic reaches like Asia, Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand and the US can get your mitts on the 1.2GB package already, as in now, today, right now, immediately.

    Included in the sampler is a chance to battle your way through a pair of early stages from the beginning of the game as Kendal or Leinhart, using some beefed up abilities against a swathe of unique nasties.

    The full action role-playing game will be out this winter, according to Microsoft Live bigwig Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb, although we heard back in October that it would be in Europe on 1st February.

    Unlike previous Kingdom Under Fire instalments, the idea this time is less on strategical troop choices but more on action and combinations; levelling up your heroes to do silly damage to all who oppose before doing it all again with friends on randomly generated multiplayer maps.

    Better than Intimately Beckham and Intimately Beckham Night, perhaps. ...
    by Published on January 2nd, 2008 18:24

    via Computer and Video Games

    The first details have been spotted on the official Gears of War prequel, which is unfortunately (for Gears fans, who are surely not big readers) in book form.

    Gears of War: The Pendulum Wars - The Battle of Aspho Fields (we were hoping for a longer title) is being penned by former games journo Steven Kent of Next-Gen.biz and USA Today fame.

    According to the official blurb, The Battle Aspho Fields "builds upon the characters backstories and gives eager fans their first in-depth look at some of the past events that shaped the games world." We'll finally know what the hell Aspho Fields was all about, then.

    The book's not out until August this year, so before everyone goes mental and starts demanding more game Gears, take solitude in the fact that Gears of War 2 might already be announced by the time this book reaches the shelves. Maybe. ...
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