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  • Shrygue

    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:46

    via Computer and Video Games

    Japanese Xbox boss Takashi Sensui has said that the Xbox 360's 2008 game push "may" be spear-headed by a sequel to Mistwalker RPG Blue Dragon.

    In an interview with Jiji Press, the Japan home and entertainment boss said that Microsoft is aiming to double its number of Xbox 360 games in Japan to 500 next year and hinted that a sequel to the Sakaguchi RPG might be the front runner.

    Of course it's not the first time we've heard strong rumours of a follow up, Mistwalker boss Hironobu Sakaguchi reaffirmed in April that he has strong desire to kick off the second Blue Dragon.

    "We're in talks with Microsoft about development of a sequel," the Final Fantasy said at a Korean press conference. "Specifics aren't finalized, but there's a possibility that it will be produced as an online title."

    There are also reports of a Nintendo DS version in the works, which is a no-brainer considering the handheld's license to print money in Japan.

    Good news for RPG fans, as the first game was a brilliant - if overlooked - genre entry in the Xbox's sparse catalogue of role-playing games. Lets hope they get the follow up to Europe before 2009. ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:37

    via Eurogamer

    Konami has broken down in front of everyone and confessed to how the DS and PSP versions of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 work and when they're out.

    According to the Japanese publisher, people like you will be able to buy both of them in Q1 2008, with PS3, 360, PS2 and PC versions already on the market.

    The PSP version is said to have "a lot in common" with the PS2 version, including tournaments and leagues and a new World Tour mode "wherein users are set a series of challenges as they tour the globe".

    A full Edit mode is in there, and the data-sharing element now allows you to swap Master League, League, World Tour and Cup Mode data between the PSP and PS2 versions so players can "continue building their team while away from their home system".

    Meanwhile, the DS version has Exhibition, Penalty Shoot-Out and Konami Cup, a World Tour variant and a network mode for four-player multiplayer games.

    You can also swap players with friends and collect coins to buy the world's best players perhaps like Fernando "Liverpool have their very own Thierry Henry" Torres.

    So look out for those in Q1. ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:37

    via Eurogamer

    Konami has broken down in front of everyone and confessed to how the DS and PSP versions of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008 work and when they're out.

    According to the Japanese publisher, people like you will be able to buy both of them in Q1 2008, with PS3, 360, PS2 and PC versions already on the market.

    The PSP version is said to have "a lot in common" with the PS2 version, including tournaments and leagues and a new World Tour mode "wherein users are set a series of challenges as they tour the globe".

    A full Edit mode is in there, and the data-sharing element now allows you to swap Master League, League, World Tour and Cup Mode data between the PSP and PS2 versions so players can "continue building their team while away from their home system".

    Meanwhile, the DS version has Exhibition, Penalty Shoot-Out and Konami Cup, a World Tour variant and a network mode for four-player multiplayer games.

    You can also swap players with friends and collect coins to buy the world's best players perhaps like Fernando "Liverpool have their very own Thierry Henry" Torres.

    So look out for those in Q1. ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:33

    via Computer and Video Games

    In its only worthwhile update in weeks (Nintendo must be running out of options menus to screenshot) the official Smash Bros Brawl website has updated with a really cool Mario Kart stage seen briefly in previous trailers.

    It looks a similar to the F-Zero stage from Smash Bros. Melee (and while we're at it, where the pish is Captain Falcon?!), placing combatants in the middle of a busy race track where the occasional Shy Guy racer will come tearing down the middle of.

    There's a bit of confusion at the moment surrounding when exactly we're going to see the character brawler in Europe (Its omission from the Q1 release schedule doesn't mean its been delayed, Nintendo told us) but we can at least assume we'll have it before the snow falls in 2008. Hopefully.

    Screenshots here ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:30

    via Games Industry

    Having established Xbox Live Arcade as the leader in downloadable content for consoles, Microsoft is looking to be the first to successfully deliver episodic and user created content as the next evolution of the service.

    With retro, brand new IP and advergames already part of the offering, David Edery, worldwide games portfolio planner for XBLA, has told GamesIndustry.biz about a number of options that the company is actively pursuing to keep ahead of competition from Sony's PlayStation Network and Nintendo's Wii Ware.

    "We have some really big initiatives going on right now and I can say that everyone internally is really excited about user created content," said Edery.

    "Multiple internal groups are trying to think about the best way of supporting it on the console and I can tell you for sure that things are happening, I just don't know if we'll see any of them in the next 12 months," he said.

    While Microsoft is working on internal architecture to deliver user generated content – whether to support its XNA Studio creations or something more playful like Sony's LittleBigPlanet – it's also encouraging potential Arcade developers to look at the true potential of episodic gaming.

    "We're really excited about trying to bring episodic content to XBLA," enthused Edery. "We haven't really done it yet and we're trying to think of the best ways to do so.

    "The Penny Arcade guys are going to be bringing their episodic game to Xbox Live Arcade but I think of that as only the beginning – it's just one model for episodic and there are lots of different models."

    Conceding that the market hasn't yet seen episodic content in the same context as episodic TV – half an hour to an hour long shows delivered weekly – Edery says that as soon as the right quality titles come along, Microsoft wants to continue to push the boundaries of digital delivery.

    "It's an obvious statement but we don't want to put out bad content. We need to see a really, really good episodic franchise before we go ahead and throw a bunch of half an hour or hourly gameplay episodes on our service.

    "The day a developer comes to us with that is the day we'll sign it. We're making it clear that we're very open to this sort of thing," he said.

    Edery also accepts that new delivery methods are going to be met with a little bit of trepidation, at least until they can be proven to be a reliable and convincing route to market.

    "Game developers are not used to thinking and designing in this way, it's a fundamentally different process and I think it's just a learning thing where developers and ourselves need to experiment and figure out what works and what doesn't.

    "There's also a certain amount of fear, frankly. If you're an independent developer betting your company on this, something that has never been done successfully before, it's scary when there are literally no good examples of successful episodic gaming," he concluded.
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:28

    via Games Industry

    The MD of Rising Star Games, Martin Defries, has responded to criticism levelled at the company following the announcement that forthcoming title No More Heroes would differ in content to the US edition.

    According to earlier reports the version of the game released in the US will include a higher level of blood and gore effects in the combat – something which some took to mean that the game was being censored in Europe.

    But Defries has told GamesIndustry.biz that those claims are wide of the mark, because the European edition will be identical to the one just released in Japan, localisation notwithstanding.

    "There are two versions of No More Heroes that are going to be published in the West," he said.

    "Ours, which will be drawn down from our parent company, Marvelous Interactive, which is directly from the Japanese iteration of the game, and there will be a version in the US that is a full-on gore, beheadings, dismemberment…and it seems some confusion has come to the fore in the past few days as to which version Rising Star Games will publish.

    "Why the decision [to add in additional gory detail to the US release] has been made is a difficult one for me to comment on - that's a Ubisoft decision for the North American market.

    "We've always drawn down our games from Japan, we tailor them in language, in text and audio, and nothing else."

    A joint statement issued by the game's designer Goichi Suda (better known as Suda 51) and Marvelous Digital president Yahsiro Wada reads as follows:

    "First, let me say how honoured I am that everyone in Europe is expecting No More Heroes. The sales point of this game is action. Both I and Wada san have concentrated on making the best possible action game for Nintendo Wii.

    "We have chosen to release in Europe the same version as has shipped in Japan considering the broadly growing Wii market. We are certain you will definitely enjoy playing it."

    Rising Star Games will publish the European edition of No More Heroes in February 2008, while the different US edition will be published by Ubisoft. ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:25

    via Computer and Video Games

    An 800 MB demo for Burnout Paradise is now up on Xbox Live. But if you're stuck at work and don't play games for a living, allow us to brag a little and show you some in-game footage.

    As you'll see, it's all good so far. We were recently at EA's HQ for a more in depth session and liked what we saw.

    Here's a clip:

    "Paradise is a very different Burnout game. The biggest change is that it's jumping on the free-roaming city bandwagon that every current-gen racing game seems to parade with such enthusiasm these days.

    "Unlike your Test Drives and Midnight Clubs though, the metropolis in Burnout Paradise has truly been designed for a wealth of things to do inside your motor."

    Trailer here ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:22

    via Eurogamer

    THQ and Kaos Studios' upcoming first-person shooter Frontlines: Fuel of War has popped up on Xbox Live today in demo form.

    It will invade and occupy 1.69GB of your hard disk space before showing you a vision of a world ravaged by a global energy crisis, environmental decay, economic depression, and a lack of Wagon Wheels.

    There's no immediate word on what the demo shows off specifically, but for more of an idea of what to expect from Frontlines overall, you might want to investigate Kristan's recent report from the frontlines of Frontlines.

    His harrowing experience (at one point he had to walk from his hotel to a shop to buy a digital camera) includes information on the single-player campaign and the multiplayer, and a reminder that Kaos Studios formed out of the remnants of Trauma Studios - a former DICE satellite best known for excellent Battlefield 1942 mod Desert Combat.

    So Frontlines could well be very good. You'll have a better idea once you've played the demo, eh?

    Full version's due out on PC and 360 on 15th February with a PS3 version scheduled for April. ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:11

    via Computer and Video Games

    WipEout Pulse on PSP is flipping brilliant - as this review explains - and Sony will be letting PSP owner sample the goods with a demo due to launch tomorrow.

    The demo will appear on the new PS Store for PC (not the Store on your PS3), free to download, which you will then need to transfer to your PSP to play.

    The demo will let you race around one track, Moa Therma White, in the classic Feisar ship, backed by pumping tunes from artist Kraftwerk.

    The full game goes on sale in UK on Friday. ...
    by Published on December 13th, 2007 18:10

    via Games Industry

    According to an NPD Group study, 63 per cent of the US population plays videogames.

    The report, entitled Expanding the Games Market, found that the "heaviest" gamers are males ages 18-34.

    Of the people who said they played videogames, 30 per cent claimed to have played more frequently this year than last, with 40 per cent spending about the same amount of time playing games each year.

    The majority of gamers claimed that they saw playing videogames as a way to relieve stress. Both "light" and "heavy" gamers valued gaming as a family activity.

    As far as casual gamers are concerned, the NPD study found that this group is made up of people on the upper and lower ends of the age spectrum and include a high representation of females.

    "The new type of game experiences brought to the market over the past several years are succeeding in reaching a broader audience," said NPD analyst Anita Frazier.

    "The challenge for the industry is that consumers are a fickle group, and with the great variety of options pulling at their limited free time, they're going to be easily distracted unless something really compels them to stay with gaming."
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