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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:51
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    XCM XFPS Sniper Plus
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from Play-Asia
    Price: $89.90

    Overview : Let's be honest, first person shooters just weren't pioneered to be played on a standard Xbox 360 controller. Ask any First-Person-Shooter (FPS) fan out there what method of control they find optimal, and you will find the resounding majority shout out mouse and keyboard! The days of getting your fingers in a twist while trying to grapple with those unfriendly analog sticks are over. The XFPS 3.0 Sniper Plus is here to help Xbox 360 gamers with the ultimate way to play FPS titles – with a Mouse & Keyboard! The XFPS 3.0 Sniper Plus is the latest edition of this amazing device!

    The XFPS 3.0 Sniper Plus is an innovative keyboard and mouse adapter for the Xbox 360 which allows you to have an unrivalled First Person Shooter (FPS) experience for the next-generation gaming console. Not only is the XFPS 3.0 Sniper Plus compatible with all standard PS/2 input devices but also modern USB keyboards and mice. The XFPS 3.0 Sniper Plus even makes traditional Playstation 2 Dual Shock 2 controllers compatible with the Xbox 360, as well as a multitude of other peripherals. This amazing device even manages to bring auto-fire to the Xbox 360.

    Features :
    • Compatible with 95% of the PS/2 or USB keyboard and mouse combinations
    • Instant plug and play technology
    • Ideal for use with all First Person Shooter titles such as Call of Duty and Halo series and more!
    • Extremely durable Yellow coloured shell
    • Brings auto-fire functionality to the Xbox 360
    • Allows gamers to use Playstation 2 Dual-Shock 2™ controllers on the Xbox 360 ™
    • Allows remapping of any Xbox 360 controller key (include both analog sticks) to any key of the keyboard.
    • Compatible with the newest version of the Official Xbox 360 wired controllers.
    • XFPS Sniper v3.0 Plus is the latest version of the XFPS Keyboard and Mouse Adapter!

    Compatible with these PS2 products:
    As already touched upon, the XFPS 3.0 Sniper Plus is compatible with Playstation 2 controllers but also the following Playstation 2 peripherals :
    • PS2 Light Guns
    • PS2 Racing Wheels
    • PS2 Dancing mats
    • PS2 Guitars
    Quality/Usability : I lost count on how many XCM XFPS version are there for the Xbox 360. I think theres like 5 of them? Seriously, I lost count. The XCM XFPS Sniper Plus is a slight upgrade to the XCM XFPS Sniper. Before I go on with the review, is there a difference between the two? Other than the new uglier color in my opinion, no. Is it worth to get this if you already have the green Sniper version? No, unless you love to spend money on things and want the latest product.

    To configure your keyboard to act as an analog button for movement, simply set the switch from DEFAULT to SET, plug in your wired Xbox 360 controller and unplug your mouse. Press "P" to program. A red LED will light up. Move the left analog stick either left, right, up or down and press the key on the keyboard you want it as. Repeat until you have done this for all 4 directions. For the right analog stick, perform the same procedure.

    To configure your mouse as the trigger, simply unplug your keyboard and connect the mouse. Like the keyboard, press "P" to program. Press the right trigger and than press the left mouse click. Now your mouse is configured to be the trigger. You can use the keyboard as your trigger as well. You can configure it however you like and which ever is more comfortable for your gaming style.

    To set up rapid fire function, flip the switch, RT for Right Trigger and turbo is automatically enabled. So when you pull the trigger on the controller or press the left mouse click, your gun will fire rapidly.

    The same mouse and keyboards will work on the Plus version. As mentioned, nothing has really changed except for color and minor tweaks.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XCM XFPS Sniper Plus works like it should but do we really need all these different revisions? They should just make one product and have it be updated via firmware or something unless its a whole new redesign/product. I think XCM might be running out of colors of the rainbow. Clear colored shell would of been a lot nicer looking like the XCM XFPS RateUp for the PlayStation 3. If you already have the original Sniper version, stick with it. Not worth getting this unless you're rich and want the latest product.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:51
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    XCM White 360 HDMI 1080i Cable
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from Goldenshop
    Price: $65.00

    Overview : Another exclusive product from XCM, this cable will let you connect your non HDMI Xbox 360 with an HDMI cable to a HDTV or DVI monitor with a high resolution signal of 1080i thanks to XCM HDMI 1080i Cable for Xbox 360 without HDMI Port.

    You can now enjoy the same resolutions than people with Xbox 360 Elite!

    Features :
    • High quality 3rd party product.
    • Converts the analog signal to digital signal and acts as a HDMI digital signal solution for HDMI-less Xbox 360's.
    • Comes extra RCA sockets and optical socket for connection to speakers.
    • Comes with a HDMI to DVI adapter - can be used on a PC monitor as well as a HDTV.

    Quality/Usability : Recently within the past year, Microsoft has started to include HDMI port to all Xbox 360 consoles. Unfortunately, for those early adopters playing on a HD TV/monitor are left with a HDMI-less Xbox 360 unless they went out and bought a new Xbox 360 with HDMI port on it.

    But those who's original white Xbox 360 didnt succumb to the RRoD (Red Ring of Death) and/or still have the original white Xbox 360, can now have the same ability to play in HD just like all new owners of the Xbox 360. XCM has filled that void by releasing a White 360 HDMI 1080i Cable. Included is HDMI cable, HDMI to DVI adapter, and XCM's nifty device that converts signal to HD.

    Setup is fairly easy (video below). With the HDMI 1080i Cable, you'll get up to 1080i output from your original white Xbox 360. The same as if you were to get a Xbox 360 Premium, Elite or Halo 3 edition. To get this setup, simply connect the device to the back of the Xbox 360. Take the HDMI cable and connect it to the other end of the device and the other end of the cable to your monitor/HD TV. If you dont have a HDMI port on your monitor, you can use the included HDMI to DVI adapter.

    Connect via HDMI

    Connect via DVI

    Just remember that HDMI supports digital audio through the cable but DVI does not, so you'll need to connect speakers. The device has two RCA audio jacks (red/yellow) for those who are using DVI. If you have speakers that also has RCA audio jacks, simply plug it into the HDMI device.

    Once all cables are connected, simply turn on the Xbox 360 and you will now have an original white Xbox 360 capable of running in HD via HDMI/DVI. The HDMI device also has a power indicator to let you know that the product is turned on and in use. From what I have tested, the visual quality is the same using this adapter and connecting the Xbox 360 directly to the HDTV via HDMI. I didnt notice any loss of quality.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XCM White 360 HDMI 1080i Cable is the best solution for those wanting to play in HD on their original white HDMI-less Xbox 360. The only thing I dont like about the White 360 HDMI 1080i Cable is the size of the device. Its approximately 5" wide. Thats not including the cable. But those who still have the original Xbox 360 and want to play in HD via HDMI should consider looking into this device.

    If you're running out of HDMI ports, consider looking into Talismoon HDMI Switcher with Remote, XCM HDMI/DVI Crossover Selector for additional HDMI/DVI ports.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:51
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    DecalGirl Xbox 360 Console Skin Kit
    Manufacturer: DecalGirl
    Site: Buy from DecalGirl
    Price: $7.50 (face only); $17.00* (face+upper); $25.00* (face+upper+lower); $4.00 each (controller skins); HD DVD Player skin
    *The "upper" skin is the side of the Xbox that is exposed when the console is used horizontally. If you stand the console vertically, we suggest the complete skin kit (face, upper and lower).

    Overview : The faceplate concept is cool, but it leaves the rest of the console sitting there like a chunk of forgotten ivory plastic. The Xbox 360 is an impressive piece of equipment, and now you can take it to the next level with a DecalGirl skin kit. From face only skins to complete wraparound skin combos (shown at top), they're right here.

    Quality/Usability : The Xbox 360 doesnt have that glossy look like the PlayStation3, PSP or the Nintendo Wii. It has a matte look to it. The 360 comes in a Ivory white color unless you get the Elite which comes in black or the Halo 3 Edition that comes in seaweed green. But 360 owners are able to customize their Xbox 360 by changing the faceplate. Its cool and all but if your faceplate is colorful and your system is white, it would look awkward.

    In comes DecalGirl. Not only will it spice up the look of your Xbox 360 but it'll make it consistent and matching. DecalGirl offers three different choices to choose from: face skin only, face skin and top (when placed horizontal) or full kit that covers all sides of Xbox 360 (when placed vertical). Like all other DecalGirl skins such as the PlayStation 3, PSP, Wii, DS and 360 HD DVD player, installation is very easy. DecalGirl is well-known for their high quality vinyl skins. Skins produced by DecalGirl are vibrant in color and durable. There are a lot of skins to choose from and there will be some that will catch your eyes. You can even match all your consoles such as DS, Wii, Xbox 360, etc. to have the same skin.

    As mentioned above, there are three choices to choose from and the best option would be the full kit.

    To apply the console skin, I simply started by matching the corners of the skin to the corner of the Xbox 360 for all three sections. Once matched, I did it to the other 2 corners and left the fourth corner alone. Considering the skins are fairly big, it should not be a problem applying the skin. There are a couple of ways to smooth out the skin. You can use a credit card or something similar, your fingers or a rag. I personally use my fingers first to set the skin in place and use a rag to flatten and smooth the skin out. I dont use a card because it has sharp edges/corners and if there is a small hard particle that got trapped underneath the skin, it can ruin the skin.

    The faceplate skin can be a little tricky as it has a slight curve to it. Like above, I matched one corner and worked my way along the side to the other corner. Once one side is aligned, I started to work my way to the other end. It may take a couple of tries to get the skin evenly placed. But don't worry, DecalGirl skins are easily removable without leaving any sticky residue and if you mess up, just take it off and reapply!

    The controller is also fairly easy as well. Simply make sure that the cut outs line up with the controller and you're set.

    Conclusion : Overall, the DecalGirl Xbox 360 Console Skin Kit like all others, it looks great on the Xbox 360. I highly recommend any of DecalGirl skins as they are high quality, durable and goo-free! For the price you pay, you'll get your money's worth.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
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    KontrolFreek FPS Freek Joystick (Retail)
    Manufacturer: KontrolFreek
    Site: Buy from KontrolFreek / Buy from Amazon
    Price: $9.95 (pack of 2) / $17.50 (pack of 4)

    Overview : FPS Freek increases your accuracy in first-person shooter games including Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty and more.

    FPS Freek was tested by professional gamers in Halo tournaments and by avid gamers across the country. The results are clear – FPS Freek enhances aiming precision and increases game performance with a minimal learning curve.

    The added analog stick length provides 40% more linear distance from full stop to stop. This gives you more leverage and increased control without disturbing your natural gaming feel.

    Patent Pending

    Quality/Usability : This review is an update to the KontrolFreek FPS Freek Joystick. This review is based off of the final retail product.

    The prototype that I received was just a piece of plastic. I had to provide my own rubberized top which was Gel Tabz. The final and retail product has a black rubberized top on it.

    Too attach the FPS Freek add-on, simply place the FPS Freek over the analog stick and push down until its securely in place. This adds another 1/2 inch in height to the sticks which gives you better leverage to the joystick. Even with the added height, pressing on down on the sticks feels comfortable. As mentioned, with the FPS Freek add-on installed, this gives a better accuracy and control over movement of the joystick. Putting the FPS Freek through our gameplay testing (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Gears of War, Rainbox Six: Vegas 2 and Call of Duty 4), we saw that we were able to make minor aiming adjustments that would cause us to move right by our target on a normal controller. Instead of shooting past enemy heads or wasting bullets trying to shoot a running target, we were able to precisely aim our crosshair/sight onto our enemies even while they were running like a chicken with their heads cut off.

    Having used the FPS Freek for over a year, I am still not the best at FPS games but I have improved my aiming.

    Conclusion : Overall, the retail product of KontrolFreek FPS Freek Joystick is just as good as the prototype. Now that it includes the rubberized top, the height is now 1/4 smaller compared to when I used the Gel Tabz. Like the SpeedFreek, this can be used on both PS3 and Xbox 360.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
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    KontrolFreek FPS Freek Joystick (Prototype)
    Manufacturer: KontrolFreek
    Site: Buy from KontrolFreek / Buy from Amazon
    Price: $9.95 (pack of 2) / $17.50 (pack of 4)

    For RETAIL version of review, CLICK HERE.

    Overview : Similar concept to KontrolFreek's SpeedFreek. Improve your aim, accuracy, control and gaming in First Person Shooter (FPS) games.

    Quality/Usability : As mentioned above, FPS Freek is based off of KontrolFreek's SpeedFreek. Only difference is that instead of a "U" (half-pipe) shaped control, its similar to that of the Xbox 360 controllers. But why release a controller attachment that is shaped the same as the first-party controllers? Simply put, accuracy. When you move the analog sticks around, it feels a bit stiff. With the FPS Freek, its feels looser and gives you better precision.

    Too attach the FPS Freek add-on, simply place the FPS Freek over the analog stick and push down until its securely in place. This adds another 1/2 inch in height to the sticks which gives you better leverage to the joystick. Even with the added height, pressing on down on the sticks feels comfortable. As mentioned, with the FPS Freek add-on installed, this gives a better accuracy and control over movement of the joystick. Putting the FPS Freek through our gameplay testing (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Gears of War, Rainbox Six: Vegas 2 and Call of Duty 4), we saw that we were able to make minor aiming adjustments that would cause us to move right by our target on a normal controller. Instead of shooting past enemy heads or wasting bullets trying to shoot a running target, we were able to precisely aim our crosshair/sight onto our enemies even while they were running like a chicken with their heads cut off.

    I admit, I'm not the best at FPS games as I tend to move my joystick too much just to get the right aim and by the time I get my aim to where I want it, I'm shot dead. With the FPS Freek, I no longer have that problem. My aim has been consistent as well as my kill rate. What I usually average 0-2 kills (if I'm lucky) now gets me 2-5 kills per round/game.

    Conclusion : Overall, the KontrolFreek FPS Freek Joystick has great potential and will definitely improve aiming accuracy. The FPS Freeks we received were prototypes and not finalized retail products. It did not have the rubber caps on top of the add-on, so I went out and bought GelTabz ($5 for the pair) to replicate the final product. KontrolFreek will more than likely also offer the FPS Freek in black just like the SpeedFreek. As of this review, if you preorder you get 20% off when it is available.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
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    XCM XFPS Sniper
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from Goldenshop
    Price: $79-89.99

    Overview : The ultimate way to utilize a keyboard and mouse on your Xbox 360 console just got even better! XCM has lisented to customer feedback and have produced the Sniper Edition XFPS 360 console which allows for total keyboard and mouse control on the Xbox 360, which results in a vastly improved gameplay experience on top selling titles such as Halo 3 and BioShock. The Sniper also supports the use of Playstation controllers on the Xbox 360 and this simply could not have come at a better time with the release of Pro Evolution Soccer 2008. XCM are sure that this latest build is the gateway to perfect keyboard and mouse play and promises greater sensitivity, greater smoothness and greater sniper like precision.

    The XFPS 360 is an innovative keyboard and mouse adapter for the Xbox 360 which begins an unrivalled First Person Shooter (FPS) experience to the next-generation gaming console. Not only is the XFPS 360 compatible with all standard PS/2 input devices but also modern USB keyboards and mice. But wait, there's more! The XFPS 360 even makes traditional PS2 DualShock2 controllers compatible on the Xbox 360, as well as a plethora of peripherals. This exquiste device even manages to bring auto fire functionality to the Xbox 360, now that tops off what promises to be the must have peripheral for years to come!

    Features :
    • Compatible with most PS/2 or USB keyboard and mouse combinations, those expensive FPS set-ups have not gone to waste!
    • Instant plug and play technology
    • Ideal for use with all FPS titles such as Call of Duty and Halo series
    • Highly durable modern ‘black’ coloured shell
    • Brings all new auto fire functionality to the Xbox 360
    • Allows gamers to use PS2’s Dual-Shock 2™ controller on the Xbox 360 ™
    • Enjoy enhanced performance on titles such as Pro Evolution Soccer 6, which originally debuted on the Playstation™.

    XFPS 360 is also compatible with:
    • PS 2 Light Gun
    • PS 2 Racing Wheel - The XBOX 360 steering controller is very expensive, but you can use the PS 2 steering wheel for it now
    • PS 2 Dancing mat
    • PS 2 Guitar

    Quality/Usability : As we have already reviewed the original XCM XFPS 360 and XCM XFPS 360 PRO, this review will just talk about the new feature that was added to the 3.0 Sniper Edition.

    The 3.0 Sniper Edition is nothing more than just a slight improvement and color change from the XFPS 360 PRO version. Instead of white with black dials, its lime green with white dials. Design is the same exact thing with no change except for what was mentioned above. The only difference is the slight improvement to deadzones on the XFPS.

    With the XFPS PRO, I used an adapter called SmartJoy Frag that was made for the PS2. This helped eliminate majority of the deadzones. But to get this adapter to work, you needed to modify it so that it would output enough power to power your keyboard and mouse.

    The 3.0 Sniper Edition tried to incorporate both the XFPS PRO and features of the SmartJoy Frag. The Sniper Edition did a good job of removing any deadzones but at a price. Below is a video of the 3.0 Sniper Edition in action.

    The same mouses and keyboards that worked on the XCM XFPS 360 PRO will also work on the Sniper Edition. You can view the list of recommended mouses at XCM's site.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XFPS 360 3.0 Sniper removed deadzones that were on the XFPS PRO. There was not other improvements as it looked the same like its predecessor just a minor upgrade in color. Different people will have different buying opinions. Some prefer to get rid of the old and buy the latest upgrade while some prefer to keep the old and look for a way to improve or people will just complain. XCM should look into releasing an adapter like the SmartJoy Frag for those who purchased previous versions instead of releasing a slightly upgraded version and charging $80-90. Not only will early adopters lose money if resold but they have to shell out more money for the new upgrade.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
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    XCM XFPS Mini Guitar (PS2/360)
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from Goldenshop
    Price: $59.00-79.95

    Overview : Enjoy all guitar games on Playstation 2 and Xbox 360 with XFPS Mini Guitar. Reduced size but with a great feeling, it is perfect for home but can be carried around easily!

    Only half the size of a classic PS2 guitar, the XFPS Mini guitar is compatible with all Playstation 2 guitar games but also with Xbox 360 when used with XFPS 360 (regular, Pro or Sniper version).
    Made of wood, it has a nice authentic feeling and is very convenient to play.

    Features :
    • Half the size of classic PS2 guitar
    • Compatible with Playstation 2 and Xbox 360
    • Includes all buttons for PS2 and Xbox 360
    • Made of wood for authentic feeling

    Requires XFPS 360 or XFPS 360 Pro to be used on Xbox 360.

    Quality/Usability : Everyone has heard of Guitar Hero. Whether you're a gamer, a parent or both, you heard the name before. Its one of the hottest music games to date and probably sold the most. There are Guitar Hero bundles where it includes game, guitar, strap and stickers. When a new game is released, sometimes its either game or another bundle or even both.

    What if you just want the game and not have another huge box/guitar take up room? XCM has stepped in and released a XFPS Mini Guitar. The Mini Guitar is constructed out of actual wood. The main plug is a PlayStation 2 plug but can also work on the Xbox 360 with the addition of XCM's XFPS PRO or 3.0 Sniper. The guitar is fairly small and measures approximately 12 inches. Although the guitar is made of wood, it is actually lightweight.

    On the front are 5 fret buttons, two selection buttons, strum bar, whammy bar, start and select buttons. On the back of the guitar is a switch that lets you choose between Guitar Freak & Drum Mania games (Option A) and Guitar Hero games (Option B). Below are usage instructions:

    So how good is the Mini Guitar? Where do I even begin? The size and weight is great but it just feels too awkward. Its way too small and feels like a ukulele. The fret and selection buttons are too small and too close to each other. If you have the fret buttons on the left hand, its fine but if you have the fret buttons on the right hand, it will feel uncomfortable as you have a piece of the guitar obstructing your gameplay.

    Its cool that the fret and selection buttons light up but you wont be looking at the guitar when you're playing the games so I think its useless. Theres also no need to press on the strum bar which by the way feels awkward. Feels like its going to fall off. Just pressing the any of the fret buttons alone will register as a button press. If you look at the video below from XCM, you'll see what I mean. Just watch the fingers on the fret and strum.

    Around 45 seconds into the video, you can see that fret buttons are the only ones pressed and the strum bar is not and this happens every so often during gameplay. (video from XCM)

    Around 1:14 into the video, you can see that fret buttons are the only ones pressed and the strum bar is not and this happens every so often during gameplay. (video from XCM)

    The whammy bar is different as well. On the Guitar Hero guitars, you can swivel the whammy bar to your preferred location which the Mini Guitar allows you to do also. But what it doesnt let you do or as much is press down on the whammy bar. There is no spring reaction. The whammy bar on the Mini Guitar was more parallel to the guitar itself than the stock image below (must be registered to view).

    Activating the Star Power can be an annoyance if you prefer to tilt the guitar. I personally prefer to hit the SELECT button even on the Guitar Hero guitars. On the Mini Guitar, sometimes it activates and sometimes it wont. The Star Power will sometimes even activate with a slight tilt or shake of the controller which sucks especially if you're trying to build up on Star Power for that perfect moment.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XCM XFPS Mini Guitar (PS2/360) didnt do so well in our testing. The only good thing about the Mini Guitar was that its light and small. Pressing of only the fret buttons is easier for some as you only have to worry about the buttons but it takes the fun out of the game. Its like playing Dance Dance Revolution but with only your fingers. For the prices that online stores are charging, it might be better to pick up a normal sized controller from a 3rd party manufacturer from a retail store for an extra $10-20. If XCM followed the style of the Guitar Hero's, they might have a good product as the GH guitars were perfect for playing. Revamping the style and look backfired on them.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
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    KontrolFreek SpeedFreek Joystick
    Manufacturer: KontrolFreek
    Site: Buy from KontrolFreek / Buy from Amazon
    Price: $9.95 (pack of 2) / $17.50 (pack of 4)

    Overview : SpeedFreek allows you to relax your thumb and not worry about sliding off the analog stick. With its unique design, SpeedFreek keeps your thumb on the existing analog stick surface. There is no separation between the natural geometry that you have learned to use. The additional supporting side walls enable quicker and sharper movements, while adding control and precision. As a result, gamers report less stress on their thumbs and quicker lap times.

    Quality/Usability : As more and better racing games comes out (both in gameplay and graphics), gamers want that semi-real racing effect. Gamers will pay up to $150 for a steering wheel with force feedback. I have been a big fan of racing games since the days of Rage Racer and Gran Turismo. I got my first steering wheel peripheral when Logitech released the Driving Force Feedback Steering Wheel for Gran Turismo 3 on the PlayStation 2. Luckily, at the time of release, I worked Electronics Boutique and got the steering wheel for free for working on launch and meeting creator of the game, Kazunori Yamauchi.

    With the expensive price tag for steering wheel, who can afford them considering games themselves cost $50-60 each. Not to mention, the size of these peripherals and the amount of room they take up. KontrolFreek aims to solve both the cost and size factor by offering SpeedFreek.

    SpeedFreek is made of plastic and in the shape of a "U" or a half-pipe. The design is very simple and basic and comes in two colors; white and black. The SpeedFreek attaches to the left analog thumb-stick. There are prongs that attaches to the thumb-stick. The side rails provide extra leverage in racing games. Turning in corners and passing cars was smoother than ever. I no longer had to nudge the joystick in order to make the turn. With a slight move of the thumb-stick, I was able to squeeze into tight spots as opposed to using a regular thumb-stick and bouncing off cars like a pinball machine.

    The packaging is eye-catching. As mentioned at the very top, you can purchase a pack of two or four. The SpeedFreek comes packaged in a plastic tube. Inside the plastic tube is the SpeedFreeks are holding instructions rolled up. This also helps the SpeedFreek stay upright and in place.

    Conclusion : Overall, the KontrolFreek SpeedFreek Joystick works great for racing games. No more nudging of the thumb-stick. Now I have a can make smooth turns every time and it also improved my lap times. I tried the SpeedFreek with a FPS game such as Gears of War and GRAW2 and although it helped me with my aim and accuracy, it wasnt perfect. Whats great is that it works both on the PS3 and Xbox 360. If you're interested in the FPS version, be sure to order yours here.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
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    Bannco xScorch Scorch 360 PC
    Manufacturer: Bannco
    Site: Buy from Play-Asia / Buy from Divineo US / Buy from Divineo China / Buy from Divineo France / Buy from Amazon / Buy from Bannco Authorized Dealers
    Price: $79.99

    Overview : The Scorch controller is the most advanced universal cross-platform gaming tool for PC and Xbox 360. Scorch is compatible with all PC and 360 games. Use the mouse for targeting prey while moving with the left hand grip for full motion control. Between the Mouse and Grip, Scorch contains all the normal Xbox 360 controller buttons making it ideal for that first person PC shooter game style you’re used to. Get the PC experience on the console or play PC games on a TV without a keyboard.

    Programmable, digital sniper buttons and upgradeable firmware provide unprecedented levels of accuracy and customization. Scorch is also a full featured wireless PC gaming WASD controller.

    The ultra-high resolution laser mouse and pistol grip is the best game controller in the world.

    Note: You will need a wired Xbox 360 controller to first initiate Scorch on the 360. After initiated, you use the Mouse and Grip as a full featured wireless game controller.
    Note: Wireless communicator is suggested.

    • Officially licensed product.
    • High End 2.4G wireless laser mouse controller combo set
    • Cross-platform with full Xbox360 and PC game support.
    • Adjustable sensitivity.
    • Designed for high precision and speed.

    Quality/Usability : XCM is known for their XFPS line which allows you to use a keyboard and mouse combination for speed and accuracy as you would find when playing PC first person shooters. Although majority of gamers would consider the Xbox 360 as the ideal controller when playing first person shooter, some may not. Especially PC gamers. The Scorch (sometimes also called xScorch) has a bit of both mouse, keyboard and controller all mashed into one, combining a wireless mouse with a wireless nunchuck like controller called a WASD grip. Included in the packaging along with the wireless controllers is a USB dongle, short USB to mini USB cable, quick start card (on a piece of paper) and extra pads for the bottom of the mouse. No instruction manual or software disc is included. The quick start card is very vague and did not give a lot of information. But for a more detailed manual, visit here. If you want more information on setting up and other information, visit Bannco's website.

    The quality of the controllers are actually pretty good. The casings have a solid feel to them. The buttons feel good, they click and are laid out in a place where its comfortable and easy to reach. Both the grip and mouse require 1x AA battery each. So that means the mouse uses 1 AA battery and the grip uses 1 AA battery. On the mouse, the expected right (RB) and left (RT) mouse buttons, 4-way depressable scroll wheel, a power/start button, the familiar A, B, X and Y buttons on the left side where you thumb would rest and a "F" button above where your thumb rests. The "F" button acts as a function where you would hold down the "F" button and scroll the wheel mouse up or down to increase or decrease sensitivity, respectively and to activate rapid fire. The WASD grip is also decked out with buttons. It has the 4 directional buttons in the middle of the grip, analog joystick, power/guide button, back button and upper (LB) and lower (LT) trigger buttons. Unfortunately, you will not be able to power on the Xbox 360 with the Scorch 360. If the mouse and grip has been inactive for 8 mins, it will automatically shut off so it does not drain your battery. If the LEDs on the grip or mouse flash fast, this indicates low battery and that it would need to be replaced.

    To setup the Scorch 360 on your Xbox 360, plug your wired Xbox 360 controller into the short USB to mini USB cable. Plug the mini USB cable into the Scorch USB Dongle and than plug the dongle into one of the front USB ports on the Xbox 360. Press the power button on the top of the Mouse and press the Guide button on the Grip to power up.

    Pressing the Mouse wheel down acts as your Right Analog Stick Down. If you press and hold the F button and roll the wheel forward, you increase the sensitivity. To decrease sensitivity, press and hold the F button and roll the wheel backward. Note that there are 20 sensitivity adjustments when on the Xbox 360. To turn on or off the mouse wheel features - press and hold mouse F and press mouse wheel down. You can also use the 4-way directional wheel mouse for quick view to the left, right, up and down. To enable or disable rapid fire, press and hold the F button then press RT (Left Click). You can adjust the shot repetition in the xScorch Setup Utility.

    In order to remap the buttons you would need a Windows XP/Vista operated PC. Sorry Mac users. The xScorch Setup Utility allows you to remap both Xbox 360 and PC use. The configuration is fairly simple. There are pictures of the buttons and a map of a the controller. To change a button, simply drag the button to the location you want to place it. If you remap the buttons, they are saved onto the mouse and/or grip so you will not have to remap them everytime. But if you're playing a different game and want to remap them to a different setup, you'll need to use the software.
    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 12:50
    1. Categories:
    2. Xbox 360 News,
    3. DCEmu Reviews

    XCM Cross Fire Converter
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from Play-Asia / Buy from ConsoleSource / Buy from GoldenShop / Buy from Amazon.com
    Price: $79.99

    Overview : The XCM Cross Fire adapter lets you connect your PS3 controller to your Xbox 360 console. With built in rapid fire / turbo and tilt functions this adapter is the ultimate in Xbox 360 accessories. This adapter is also compatible with the Xbox 360 and Original Xbox wired controllers for added Rapid Fire / Turbo functionality.

    • Use your Playstation 3 controller on your Xbox 360 console.
    • Enables Rapid Fire / Turbo on Wired Xbox 360 and Original Xbox controllers when connected to your Xbox 360 console.
    • Supports 2 stick analog tilt functionality of the PS3 controller on the Xbox 360.
    • User controller Rapid Fire / Turbo firing rates (High Speed (30 Shots per second) , Medium Speed (10 shots per second) and Off )
      * Must be used in conjunction with a Wired Xbox 360 controller.

    Quality/Usability : The one adapter that we did not review is probably the most popular product as well. How can we miss such a product? Well here is the review all have been waiting for (if you've been holding out and haven't picked it up yet).

    The XCM Cross Fire Converter allows you to connect a PS3 controller to your Xbox 360. If you're looking to connect a Xbox 360 controller to your PS3, you're reading the wrong review. You'll need the XCM Cross Battle Adapter. Now back to the PS3 controller on Xbox 360. Not only does the XCM Cross Fire Converter let you use PS3 controller on Xbox 360, you can also connect Xbox1, or Xbox360 wired controller. It also comes complete with turbo fire functions for all buttons and tilt option for SixAxis tilt functionality. In order to activate the XCM Cross Fire Converter, you need to have wired controller. Without this, you can't use the adapter. People also ask why you need a wired controller and a Charge Kit does not work. The reason for this is because the converter XCM borrows the "signature" from the controller of themselves. A wired controller and wireless controller both have different "signatures" and the only one that would work is from a wired controller. Unfortunately, the wired Xbox 360 controller becomes unusable as a second, third and fourth player on your console as long as the XCM Converter is plugged in with a controller connected to it. Since the Converter borrowed the controllers signature, the wired controller becomes unusable. However, this is only temporary.

    To set up the Cross Fire Converter:
    1. Turn on Xbox 360.
    2. Plug in XCM Cross Fire Converter into Xbox 360 USB port and the XCM logo will blink.
    3. Plug Xbox 360 controller into XCM Cross Fire Converter and the XCM logo will stop blinking.
    4. Once the LED is steady, you can either leave the Xbox 360 controller in and take advantage of the rapid fire feature or unplug the 360 controller and plug in either you PS3 controller using USB cable or Original Xbox controller into the Cross Fire Converter.

    Depending on the controller you have plugged in, the LED will change colors. Green for Xbox 360 controller, Red for original Xbox controller and Blue for PS3 controller. Unfortunately, if you're using a PS3 controller or original Xbox controller and you want to chat against people, you'll need a wireless Xbox 360 headset.

    PlayStation3 Controller:
    As stated above, when you plug in the PS3 controller using a USB cable, the XCM logo turns blue. On the Cross Fire Converter, there is a switch to turn on SixAxis tilt functionality. The switch has three settings: L, R and N. The L setting will allow the SixAxis to mimic the left analog stick. R for mimicing the right analog stick and N for no tilt functionality. There were no lag or delay in button presses and the rapid fire worked flawlessly. The tilt functionality worked as it should however I wouldnt use it. It only mimics one analog stick and you would have to press the other analog.

    Original Xbox Controller:
    I personally see no point in plugging an Original Xbox controller.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XCM Cross Fire Converter worked great! However, there were some key features missing such as being able to remap buttons. I personally would of removed the tilt functionality all together and given the ability to remap buttons to my likings. Like all XCM controller adapters, a wired controller is needed in order to activate the adapter. Any Xbox 360 wired controller will work whether its Official Microsoft Xbox 360 controller or a 3rd party controller such as GameStop, Nyko, MadCatz, etc. I wouldnt spend full retail so if you can get a controller second hand whether it be from a game store, game trading sites or eBay, go for it.

    If you have both a PS3 console and Xbox 360 console, you'll have to buy an adapter for each console...XCM Cross Fire Converter for Xbox 360 and XCM Cross Battle Adapter for PlayStation 3.

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