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  • bandit

    by Published on November 30th, 2010 00:47

    An anonymous source has contacted us with some exciting, exclusive news. He has released a PSX emulator for PS3, entitled PS3SX. The emu is a port of PCSX to the PS3. It runs at full speed, full screen, and supports CDDA and XA audio. This pre-release also features 2 player support, saving, and iso formats *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img.

    Currently the source code has not been released, but it will be once the emu is completely ported using just the PSL1GHT SDK. PS3SX will run on all retail 3.41 units (fat and slim). Currently it is untested on older firmwares and does not work on debug units (PS3 Test units).

    Instructions: Install PKG file on PS3. Either use the folders from the rar file, or make "bios" "MC" and "psxrom" folders in the root of a USB drive. Download PSX bios file below, and place it in "bios" folder. Place legally owned PSX backup ISO's in the "psxrom" folder. Run emulator and play!

    Please note there is currently a bug with this pre-release. You can only quit the emulator when running a game. If you attempt to exit to XMB at the rom menu, the emulator will freeze.

    ================================================== ==========================
    PRE - RELEASE PS3SX 29/11/2010
    ================================================== ==========================

    PS3SX PCSX port on PS3 using PS3 SDK and psl1ght it's a hybrid for the pre-release.
    No source code will be available only when i completely port the emulator to psl1ght.
    Before xmas i will update it with a new GUI, save state, and cheat code .

    this emulator can only work on 3.41 retail not tried yet on older version.

    Support in this pre-release version :
    • 2 Players
    • All iso formats *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img
    • psx homebrew *.psx and *.exe
    • Save works for player 1 & 2
    • Sound support CDDA and XA
    • Full screen
    • Full Speed

    I'm using PCSX-DF core with the ppc dynarec the dyanrec work already on this version of ps3sx with libkammy god bless AerialX for the libkammy and i'm using the cellframework for sound only.

    My thanks go to AerialX , drk||Raziel , pcsx Team and pcsx-df team for the original source code , psxgroovy at www.psxgroovy.com for the dongle sample PEOPS for this good plugin and Mathieulh .

    all plugins come from PEOPS

    With luv Anonymous
    Since this was compiled with Sony SDK, we will not link or upload the files. You can however get the files via source link below. Once its been compiled with PSL1GHT SDK, we'll provide the download file.

    Source: PSGroove

    Images via comments ...
    by Published on November 30th, 2010 00:06

    We got an exclusive look at XCM's new replacement case for the PS3 Slim that will be released soon.

    Cyberblack case (the replacement case for PS3™ Slim)

    Tired of the same old piano black color of your PlayStation 3 Slim? We now have a nice replacement case (Cyberblack) for your PS3™ Slim. The new replacement case is a smoke black and bundled with a LED fan. Give you PS3™ Slim a new look and a new life!

    This is similar to the XCM Cyberbot replacement case that they released a while back. But in smoke black and comes with an LED fan...

    by Published on November 28th, 2010 23:34

    Hermes may have stopped with payloads for PS3 jailbreaks but he hasn't left the scene. He's back and he brings us goodies. He just ported over Doom, Heretic and Hexen for the PlayStation 3.

    Google Translation:

    To celebrate PSL1GHT already beginning to have a body and the creation of Soundlib PS3 that can play up to 16 voices sound, I carried two classic PC to PS3 that use multiple effects: The Heretic and Hexen games

    Required to operate and HEXEN.WAD, HERETIC.WAD WADs respectively (shareware or not and so, in case that name) to be copied into the directory of EBOOT.BIN or otherwise within the folder "heretic "and" hexen "respectively, in a USB device.

    At the start of the game, if installed in hard disk (by PKG) is the option to press CIRCLE to copy the contents of the folders "heretic" or "hexen" from the USB device to the installation path of the game, with facilitaros to life.

    On the other hand, I've got vibration in command: when we receive a damage activates the strong vibration, but when it is an enemy that takes damage, you'll notice in the form of lower vibration.

    The latter is perhaps not very realistic since it is well if we are what we are violating the damage at close range, but not so much long distance and to say that the command is currando vibrate when the bugs between them ... [Laughs]. However, I have left and that sometimes is good to know you have a few wild animals around and it is useful to know that truly, your ammunition is doing pupa (not all hard-nosed realism XD)

    You also have option of using a series of cheats as mentioned in the readme.txt.

    On the other hand, let me know if you have problems with the display: I have checked the HDMI modes available to me (which excludes 1080P) to try to find the viewable screen and use a routine that re-scale a screen "virtual" format output. The problem is that the drawing area of the screen in PS3, is outside the visible area of your monitor / screen and that requires some adjustments I've made based on my screen and do not know if any other, can cause problems or not, or whether any other resolution requires further adjustments (one thing is to see a slight edge to the right, for example, and second straight, are not things that should appear.) It distinguishes between 4:3 and 16:9


    There are two ways for install

    1) By PKG. On this occasion, copy the folder content "pkg" on the root's directory of the USB device and "Install Package Files" on the PS3

    2) By SELF. On this occasion, copy "homebrew" on the root's directory of the USB device and load the aplications with the "Open Manager" or another homebrew loader.

    Heretic requires the file HERETIC.WAD that can be copied where is EBOOT.BIN (/dev_hdd0/game/HERETIC01/USRDIR or /dev_usb/homebrew/Heretic) or on the USB device making the folder called "heretic" and copying HERETIC.WAD (/dev_usb/heretic/HERETIC.WAD)

    The filename MUST be ONLY uppercase letters.

    For short copying files, there is an utility starting the game: on the licence's screen you can press Circle button if you want to copy the content from dev_usb/heretic to the location of the game in the hard disk (/dev_hdd0/game/HERETIC01/USRDIR)

    You can use a FTP program for copy HERETIC.WAD too.

    For the files of HEXEN is something like the previous method, but in this occasion, is required HEXEN.WAD that must be copied to /dev_usb/hexen (for all the installations) or /dev_usb/homebrew/Hexen (Open Manager) or to /dev_hdd0/game/HEXEN0001/USRDIR (HDD).

    And you can copy on the license's screen the content of /dev_usb/hexen a /dev_hdd0/game/HEXEN0001/USRDIR pressing CIRCLE button


    At any time you can press START button for open the help screen (the game is paused at this time). The help screen show the game controls and pause the game.

    With SELECT button you can enter on the Main menu. The another buttons are these:


    Left Stick: Moving back and forward on side-scrolling
    Right Stick: Look up /down flip left/right
    L2 button: Run
    R2 button: Shoot
    X button: Change weapon
    CIRCLE button: Open/Close doors
    SQUARE button: Use item selected
    TRIANGLE button: ON / OFF map
    L1/ R1 button: Choose Item
    Left/Right (PAD) -> Decrease / Increase Map
    Up / Down (PAD): Fly (it require an item)
    Hold L2 and press CIRCLE: Stop flying
    SELECT button: Game Main Menu
    START button: Help Screen


    Left Stick: Moving back and forward on side-scrolling
    Right Stick: Look up /down flip left/right
    L2 button: Run
    R2 button: Shoot
    X button: Jump
    CIRCLE button: Open/Close doors
    SQUARE button: Use item selected
    TRIANGLE button: ON / OFF map
    L1/ R1 button: Choose Item
    Left/Up/Right/Down (PAD): Change between weapons (1, 2, 3, 4)
    Hold L2 + Left/Right (PAD) -> Decrease / Increase Map
    Hold L2 + Up/down (PAD): Fly (it require an item)
    Hold L2 and press CIRCLE: Stop flying
    SELECT button: Game Main Menu
    START button: Help Screen


    The two games allow you to also do the following cheats:

    Press START button and on the help screen, press L1 five times until the screen changes color
    by Published on November 22nd, 2010 21:42

    Xbox director of incubation tells NPR nobody will get in trouble for writing code that supports motion-sensing camera on non-Xbox 360 devices.

    Two weeks ago, an industrious software engineer created open-source drivers, which allowed the Kinect camera to be used with a PC. At the time, Microsoft responded with some legal saber-rattling, saying that it would "work closely with law enforcement and product safety groups to keep Kinect tamper-resistant."

    Soon thereafter, Microsoft denied that what the engineer did constituted hacking the Kinect at all. That sentiment was echoed on the Science Friday edition of Talk of the Nation by Alex Kipman, director of incubation for Xbox at Microsoft.

    "The first thing to talk about is Kinect was not actually hacked," explained Kipman. "Hacking would mean that someone got to our algorithms that sit on the side of the Xbox and was able to actually use them, which hasn't happened. Or it means that you put a device between the sensor and the Xbox for means of cheating, which also has not happened. That's what we call hacking, and that's why we have put a ton of work and effort to make sure it doesn't actually occur."

    He continued, "What has happened is someone wrote an open-source driver for PCs that essentially opens the USB connection, which we didn't protect by design, and reads the inputs from the sensor. The sensor again, as I talked earlier, has eyes and ears and that's a whole bunch of, you know, noise that someone needs to take and turn into signal."

    When asked if anyone would "get in trouble" for writing such code or finding other uses for the Kinect camera, Kipman had a direct answer: "Nope. Absolutely not." Indeed, Microsoft Game Studios' studio manager Shannon Loftis was effusive in her praise of those who had taken the Kinect into their own hands for non-gaming applications. One such application saw an MIT grad student hooking up a Kinect to a Roomba-like iRobot that could follow hand commands and scan rooms.

    "I'm very excited to see that people are so inspired that it was less than a week after the Kinect came out before they had started creating and thinking about what they could do," she said.

    Source: GameSpot ...
    by Published on November 22nd, 2010 20:45

    Having posted news about the PSJB team releasing a downgrade for the PS Jailbreak dongle, they have now announced that instead of charging $40 for each downgrade...it is now UNLIMITED! They have also dropped the price from $125 to $99 and for those who already have the PS Jailbreak, you can get your unlimited PSDowngrade starting November 29th.

    As of today we would like to announce a couple huge changes not only to our product but also to the whole community. PS Downgrade is now unlimited... that right.... Update to play original 3.50 with 3D videos and Online play and Downgrade to play homebrew or Other OS.

    We would like to announce an official price drop. Our new MSRP is 99$ USD instead of 125$ making it more affordable for everyone. Next, as of today all new hardware shipped will come with PSdowngrade installed free of charge.

    Lastly, all existing customers can start receiving the free PS Downgrade as of 29th of November using PS Upgrader available on our downloads page.
    Remember that we are the original Jailbreak , the original Downgrade and we will continue to pave the way. By supporting us you are supporting the community and future developements.

    Here are the two videos of it in action:

    With this first proof video of the downgrader, a lot of people have commented that its fake:

    To show that its not a fake, another a new video of the downgrader from an authorized reseller, HolidayCarts, has been uploaded. This time, its in HD quality, not cuts in the video and the only editing done to the video was adding text to the video:

    Source: PS Jailbreak ...
    by Published on November 22nd, 2010 04:50

    Hi, now that legal development tools are available, I thought I'd start porting the classic game DOOM for the PS3!

    It took a little while to get it to start up at all (without any graphics, sound, input...pretty much nothing except debug output to the Ethernet port), mainly due to some 64 bit vs. 32 bit issues (endianness issues were already given some thought in the source!).

    Right now it only runs in 1920x1080 because the upscaler (the game still renders in 320x200) is hard-coded for this. I set the resolution info in PARAM.SFO correctly so that XMB will not even let you launch it unless you have 1080i or 1080p selected as a supported mode in display options. The controls are also hard-coded and it has no sound or music yet, but because this version is already quite playable (I just played through the whole shareware episode using it) I thought I'd upload it. "Release early, release often" you know. ;-) The 35Hz timer the game requires is implemented using a separate thread that just does usleep(1000000/35); ticker++; all the time because PSL1GHT seems not to have any support for the Cell OS Lv-2 timer syscalls yet (except for sleep & usleep). Timing seems to work OK like this though.

    To use this, download the PKG (link later in this post) and install it using "Install package files". Then copy a supported DOOM IWAD to the game's directory (/dev_hdd0/game/DOOM00666/USRDIR/) OR put it on a USB drive (or on a CF/SD/MMC/MS memory card if you have an early PS3 that has the integrated card readers) under /ps3doom/. Then you just launch the game from the XMB icon and it should work.

    The hardcoded controls are:

    • D-PAD: Navigate menus and move/turn your character.
    • START: Bring up or exit the menu.
    • SELECT: Bring up or exit the auto-map. (while in game)
    • L1/R1: Strafe left/right.
    • L2: Use button. (open doors, activate lifts, exit the intermission screen, etc.)
    • R2: Attack button.
    • CROSS: Select an option from the menus.
    • CIRCLE: Go back to the previous menu.
    • SQUARE: Use for YES in menus and cycle to previous weapon in game.
    • TRIANGLE: Use for NO in menus and cycle to next weapon in game.

    Yeah no analog support yet, sorry about that! I am probably going to add fully customizable controls including USB keyboard/mouse support later when I get around to adding some kind of a launcher for the game. The launcher will also allow you to put multiple IWADs in your WAD directory and select one of them, load PWADs, etc. Right now that's not possible. ;-)

    I also already know that the aspect ratio is a bit off (not quite 4:3 as it should be), so don't bother reporting that. This will be fixed later when I get around to adding scaling using the RSX. BTW. before you ask: I will probably not even attempt to add true high-res or wide-screen support, instead I'll probably try porting prboom+ (which has both already well implemented) in the future. I am also not interested at all in hardware accelerated DOOM. Just take a look at any of the accelerated DOOM ports for the PC or even Carmack's official iPhone port. The lighting is totally wrong in all of them (way too bright and uniform) unless perhaps you're playing a map specifically designed for them. However, if it turns out that prboom+'s software renderer can't run in 1080p with adequate speed on the PPU alone, I don't think attempting to offload some of the work to the SPUs is totally of the question then. ;-)

    I also know that saves don't work yet, that changing the screen size from the options menu crashes and that there is no way to enter cheats yet, and that order for cycling the weapons is not quite what you'd expect (it uses the internal ordering of the game which goes like this: fist, pistol, shotgun, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma, bfg, chainsaw, super shotgun).

    You must quit the game from the game's own menu, not from XMB. Otherwise Lv-2 will crash and reboot. AFAIK this is a bug in PSL1GHT and not my own fault, but feel free to tell me if I'm wrong.

    Anyway, here are the download links:

    Binary PKG: http://taateli.fi/ps3doom/ps3doom_v001.pkg
    v1 Source: http://taateli.fi/ps3doom/ps3doom_v001_src.zip

    The source is a mess, yes, and there are probably some stupid things in there. But that was the case even before I touched it at all. ;-)

    Supported IWADs:

    doom2.wad (DOOM 2: Hell on Earth)
    doom.wad (The Ultimate DOOM or regular registered DOOM)
    plutonia.wad (Final DOOM: Plutonia Experiment)
    tnt.wad (Final DOOM: TNT - Evilution)
    doom1.wad (shareware DOOM)

    Use the latest versions (v1.9) of IWADs only or don't complain if something breaks. Especially the earliest versions of DOOM 1 are problematic.

    edit: forgot one more thing: The filenames are case sensitive, so rename your IWAD to all lowercase if necessary ("doom2.wad", not "DOOM2.WAD").

    Source: PSX-Scene ...
    by Published on November 22nd, 2010 04:50

    Hi, now that legal development tools are available, I thought I'd start porting the classic game DOOM for the PS3!

    It took a little while to get it to start up at all (without any graphics, sound, input...pretty much nothing except debug output to the Ethernet port), mainly due to some 64 bit vs. 32 bit issues (endianness issues were already given some thought in the source!).

    Right now it only runs in 1920x1080 because the upscaler (the game still renders in 320x200) is hard-coded for this. I set the resolution info in PARAM.SFO correctly so that XMB will not even let you launch it unless you have 1080i or 1080p selected as a supported mode in display options. The controls are also hard-coded and it has no sound or music yet, but because this version is already quite playable (I just played through the whole shareware episode using it) I thought I'd upload it. "Release early, release often" you know. ;-) The 35Hz timer the game requires is implemented using a separate thread that just does usleep(1000000/35); ticker++; all the time because PSL1GHT seems not to have any support for the Cell OS Lv-2 timer syscalls yet (except for sleep & usleep). Timing seems to work OK like this though.

    To use this, download the PKG (link later in this post) and install it using "Install package files". Then copy a supported DOOM IWAD to the game's directory (/dev_hdd0/game/DOOM00666/USRDIR/) OR put it on a USB drive (or on a CF/SD/MMC/MS memory card if you have an early PS3 that has the integrated card readers) under /ps3doom/. Then you just launch the game from the XMB icon and it should work.

    The hardcoded controls are:

    • D-PAD: Navigate menus and move/turn your character.
    • START: Bring up or exit the menu.
    • SELECT: Bring up or exit the auto-map. (while in game)
    • L1/R1: Strafe left/right.
    • L2: Use button. (open doors, activate lifts, exit the intermission screen, etc.)
    • R2: Attack button.
    • CROSS: Select an option from the menus.
    • CIRCLE: Go back to the previous menu.
    • SQUARE: Use for YES in menus and cycle to previous weapon in game.
    • TRIANGLE: Use for NO in menus and cycle to next weapon in game.

    Yeah no analog support yet, sorry about that! I am probably going to add fully customizable controls including USB keyboard/mouse support later when I get around to adding some kind of a launcher for the game. The launcher will also allow you to put multiple IWADs in your WAD directory and select one of them, load PWADs, etc. Right now that's not possible. ;-)

    I also already know that the aspect ratio is a bit off (not quite 4:3 as it should be), so don't bother reporting that. This will be fixed later when I get around to adding scaling using the RSX. BTW. before you ask: I will probably not even attempt to add true high-res or wide-screen support, instead I'll probably try porting prboom+ (which has both already well implemented) in the future. I am also not interested at all in hardware accelerated DOOM. Just take a look at any of the accelerated DOOM ports for the PC or even Carmack's official iPhone port. The lighting is totally wrong in all of them (way too bright and uniform) unless perhaps you're playing a map specifically designed for them. However, if it turns out that prboom+'s software renderer can't run in 1080p with adequate speed on the PPU alone, I don't think attempting to offload some of the work to the SPUs is totally of the question then. ;-)

    I also know that saves don't work yet, that changing the screen size from the options menu crashes and that there is no way to enter cheats yet, and that order for cycling the weapons is not quite what you'd expect (it uses the internal ordering of the game which goes like this: fist, pistol, shotgun, chaingun, rocket launcher, plasma, bfg, chainsaw, super shotgun).

    You must quit the game from the game's own menu, not from XMB. Otherwise Lv-2 will crash and reboot. AFAIK this is a bug in PSL1GHT and not my own fault, but feel free to tell me if I'm wrong.

    Anyway, here are the download links:

    Binary PKG: http://taateli.fi/ps3doom/ps3doom_v001.pkg
    v1 Source: http://taateli.fi/ps3doom/ps3doom_v001_src.zip

    The source is a mess, yes, and there are probably some stupid things in there. But that was the case even before I touched it at all. ;-)

    Supported IWADs:

    doom2.wad (DOOM 2: Hell on Earth)
    doom.wad (The Ultimate DOOM or regular registered DOOM)
    plutonia.wad (Final DOOM: Plutonia Experiment)
    tnt.wad (Final DOOM: TNT - Evilution)
    doom1.wad (shareware DOOM)

    Use the latest versions (v1.9) of IWADs only or don't complain if something breaks. Especially the earliest versions of DOOM 1 are problematic.

    edit: forgot one more thing: The filenames are case sensitive, so rename your IWAD to all lowercase if necessary ("doom2.wad", not "DOOM2.WAD").

    Source: PSX-Scene ...
    by Published on November 18th, 2010 16:52

    Starting in January 2010, the peripherals manufacturer will offer a complete range of products for Sony's PS3 motion control system

    November 18th, 2010 - Today the peripherals manufacturer snakebyte, known for its high-quality peripherals for all console, handheld and PC gaming systems, announced a new line of PlayStation Move devices. The planned line includes not only a motion controller and a navigation controller but also a camera, the snake-eye.

    Both controllers feature a rubberized shell for better grip and an ergonomic design. In order to keep up with future firmware updates, both controllers have built-in USB ports so that they can be quickly and easily updated with the latest software.

    In addition to its modern, attractive design in the snakebyte style, the snake-eye comes with an additional mount that makes it possible to attach it to the top of a TV.

    All snakebyte Move products are 100% compatible with Sony products and other 3rd party products, like chargers.

    All products in the line will also be available as attractive bundles that offer every gamer just the right combination. The following products and bundles will be available:
    • Navigation + Motion Controller
    • Navigation + Motion Controller + snake-eye
    • Navigation Controller
    • Motion Controller
    • snake-eye (camera)

    “With the snakebyte Move line we offer gamers attractive motion and navigation controller bundles, as well as a complete set including the camera, which bring the full PlayStation Move gaming experience to life,” says Mike Steup, managing director of Sunflex Europe GmbH.

    snakebyte Christmas Discount Code

    For those looking to save some money while shopping for Christmas presents, snakebyte is offering a discount code


    that shoppers can use to save €10 (min. order value: €20) on purchases from the snakebyte webshop

    until December 15th, 2011. The discount code is valid for all products in the snakebyte shop and is limited to one discount code per customer.

    Source: Press Release email

    Images via comments ...
    by Published on November 18th, 2010 15:26

    As a reminder, we have some nice on-going contests with some AWESOME prizes, that will be ending in a little over a week. It's not too late to enter! Click on the images below for rules and entry information.

    If the contests weren't enough, we also have some nice coupons for you to use as well especially with the holidays coming up.

    Be sure to follow/subscribe to our YouTube page for latest videos, Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Friend Page and Twitter for latest news, contests, coupons and deals! ...
    by Published on November 18th, 2010 15:26

    As a reminder, we have some nice on-going contests with some AWESOME prizes, that will be ending in a little over a week. It's not too late to enter! Click on the images below for rules and entry information.

    If the contests weren't enough, we also have some nice coupons for you to use as well especially with the holidays coming up.

    Be sure to follow/subscribe to our YouTube page for latest videos, Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Friend Page and Twitter for latest news, contests, coupons and deals! ...
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