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  • Freshmilk

    by Published on April 18th, 2012 15:54  Number of Views: 14573 
    1. Categories:
    2. Apple News,
    3. Apple iPhone

    Hey guys. I just thought I'd drop by to show you a new iPhone app I've just released. It's a small pick up and play style outing, offering quick 2-minute games to help you kill the time when you're bored. It took me about a month or so to produce, and was created using Adobe AIR for iOS. I would really appreciate it if you could take a look and let me know what you think.

    The app is available here. (Oh, and it's free.)

    As I said before, I'd be very grateful of any feedback you have to offer, particularly because this is my first release. Also, in case you're interested, my best score is 52. I'm not sure if anyone's beat that yet. Good luck with that one.

    I hope you enjoy it! Kind regards,
    -Andrew ...
    by Published on July 12th, 2007 22:20

    Hello everyone, once aagin, and welcome to my 16th ever release; in which, we see a new game as our entry into Neoflash. Obviously, from the title, you know the game is called Dementia, but thats about it, but I'll leave filling you in about the game and such for a minute or two; I have something more to say.

    For those who don't wanna read this, at least view the instructions in game; kxploited, no need for lua player.
    Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f3710i

    This, being a new game and all, is also the first release from a newly formed Dev team, Teh Peek-Uh-Chewz, led by me-- lolz. The team as it stands is pretty small, with me being the only coder, but for now thhis is how we aim to stay; the other people involved are:

    Gr34t3st; a well known partner and friend who has been working with me for quite some time now. He covers GFX and some of the designs, and has brought about all the GFX in this game rather quickly.

    Dante_emo Hunter
    ; I've known him as a friend for quite a long while now, I'd say around about a year. This is our first project together, but again his GFX look promising from what I've seen of them. Although he hasn't put much into this release, what he did contribute was pretty damn good; we'll hope to see more work from him in future.

    TheSilenceofNoOne; A good friend and a confident worker. If I were honest, he has no specific role in the team, although what he does helps to make the produce brilliant; His main jobs include providing music for the games, beta testing and finding glitches, and helping us with the more time consuming tasks. He has put a lot into Dementia, as we hope he will for other projects.

    With that aside, I'll now tell you about what the game is like, and how everything works-- Firstly, I may as well mention that this is a puzzle game, and a quite abstract one at that. The aim of the game is to make all the tiles yellow, from the orginal starting colour of red, but this is much easier said than done.

    The above description may seem a little confusing, so I'll try to break it down a little more. Your cursor is a simple white box that can move to any position in the grid; with the general rule of the game bing, the bigger the grid, the harder the level is. When you highlight a box and click it, its colour inverses, along with everything around it; meaning all yellows turn red and all reds turn yellow-- obviously, as said before, everything needs to finish off as a yellow.

    I hope that made sense, but if you forget, most of that is quoted in the Instructions menu in the game, as I know it can be a little complex. Moving on, I'll now show you some screenshots of the game, as made by Dante_Emo Hunter and Gr34t3st; also, I should probebly mention that msot of the background were taken from Vibestar's inner star theme, as a recolour; he gave permission to use them, so thanks to him, too.

    Good, no?

    I'd also like to thank the BETA testers for the game, and there are quite a few of them. These are Glynnder, Coolraccoon, EminentJohnFrost, TSON, and others-- but thanks to you all for your nessecery feedback on bugs and just suggestions for making the game better, you've really helped us out a lot.

    Well, thats more or less all I have to say; Please report any glitches and such, and we'll try to get them all patched up and maybe release another version with another 50 more levels before Neoflash ends. Vote Peek-uh-chewz, and thanks for reading!

    Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f3710i

    Freshmilk. ...
    by Published on June 17th, 2007 14:25

    Hi again, lol.

    I know its now been a very long time since my last release of CTF, which i must apologize for - in the midst of every other project i have going, it sort of got lost under the files of other games. Last night, however, I remembered having started CTF v0.2, but I never got to finish it - So, for the last 2 or 3 hours, I've put some time into finishing this for you guys. Being as its been quite a few months since I last looked at this, I can't exactly say whats new, apart from what I added this morning:

    - The arrows actually work now
    - Fixed scoring system for the game
    - Fixed analog glitches
    - Fixed all collision errors reported
    - Made the analog optional
    - Changed the music
    - Made the game considerably smaller by using transparent images on a gradient backing

    Some of the above are thanks to Dante_emo hunter and TheSilenceofNobody from QJ.net forums, who helped me pull this project together for you. So, for those of you that appreciate it, I present to you CTF v0.2:

    [Sorry for the upload, the attachments never seem to work for me]

    Thanks, Freshmilk ...
    by Published on April 29th, 2007 21:30

    It's now been about a month since I've released anything, and it seems as if TTR is getting a little old now, even for me. So, I decided to look back through some of my unfinished projects, when I came across this one, that I scrapped because I simply couldn't be bothered to finish it, it was too complex. 2 Hours later, here we are, a whole new game. Claxor was one of my first ideas for a game that I ever had when starting LUA. Give or take a few months, and here we are.

    Claxor is quite a simple game, you basically need to draw lines and bounce a ball off them to get the ball into the red box, using only straight lines, and with a limited number of them. Since this is a BETA, its still a little buggy, but nontheless quite enjoyable.

    Just a few screenshots...

    The game's GFX don't look like much now, once again having to be done in MS paint, so don't even bother commenting on them. They will be much improved for the next version, when I have someone to work on them for me.

    The game's controls areactually quite complex for the minute, as what with being quite glitchy, I've had to incorperate a lot of choice to still make it enjoyable.

    The controls are as follows:

    X - Start/Stop drawing line
    R - Next level/Re-randomize level
    L - Previous Level
    Select - Change View

    ^ This is just a cool trick I figured out how to do whilst playing around with the game's collision. There are 3 viewpoints, Normal lines only, Construction lines only, and both. The construction lines basically show where the ball will collide, but what with them refreshing every milisecond or less, the tend to move around the screen to hit the ball, and it looks quite cool. I've left them in just for you to see, although drawing whilst only viewing construction lines is not recommeded.

    Some known glitches to be fixed include that the ball passes straight through straight lines, horizontal or vertical, and that the ball can't tell if a line tries to deflect it downwards. Also, a few more levels would be good to. Expect to see all this in the version, which should be out sometime soon.

    Well, with all that said, have fun.
    Download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3yaept or get from the attachment ...
    by Published on January 21st, 2007 11:54

    Hello, and welcome to my first release of CTF for the PSP.
    (Finally, a break from TTR, lol.)

    For those who don't wanna read this, I'll just simply tell you that its kxploited, so theres no need for luaplayer, and that you can download it here.

    First of all, I expect your wondering what exactly CTF is. Well, as you may have guessed, CTF stands for Capture the Flag, which is a new LUA game, created by yours truely. The objective is very simple; snatch the enemie's flag and make it back to you own base, without touching anyone on the way.

    Although the game sounds simple to paly, trust me, its no easy task. As the enemies get quicker, you're forced to think of a new staetgy to get around them before they catch you. This fast paced, addictive, and yet simple game is perfect for cheap thrills on the road.

    Although there is one down side. For the time being, till i can release v0.2, the arrows don't work correctly. You may see them from time to time, but they cant hurt you... yet.

    This time around, all the GFX have been done by me, and my trusty MS paint, in the style of the original QJ game:

    Nice for paint GFX, Eh?
    To add to all this, I've evn saved you some time by kxploiting it, so theres no need to look for lua player. Have Fun Playing, But Remember, Leave you comments, as they're always appreciated!

    download and give feedback via comment ...
    by Published on October 15th, 2006 15:08

    Welcome to my 7th release of TTR.

    I'd like to mention that it is indeed kxploited, so there is no damn luaplayer needed!

    Okay, so now its time for a brief overview of the Game:
    TTR stands for Table Top Rally, which is like your average Car-Dodging style game plus one. Rather than having the same boring old layout everytime you play, there are new cars, interchangeable backgrounds and cool music. If none of these appeal to you, everything I just mentioned can be custimized and changed with the minimum of effort, in 5 minutes, to make the game look and feel just how it should. And with our new feature, custom cars, the game's already limitless boundries are stretched even further.

    This is basically the perfect game for the office, on the road, or having a wee, for an addictive fast-paced thrill game as you swere and dodge to avoid a firey death at the hands of oncoming traffic. Read on to find out more.

    Phew, you'd think i'm actually trying to sell you this thing!

    Anyways, nwo that we've heard what the game is all about, lets look at some screenshots of the new features included in this release of Table Top Rally:

    Lol, amazing, isn't it?

    Okay, now that we have a basic idea of what the game is, lets look at whats new to this version:

    - New Re-Vamped Soundtrack
    - Custom Music
    - Music Management (To set your music)
    - Movement Management (How fast or slow your car moves)
    - Improved Collision detection for Intersection
    - Fixed Intro Credits
    - Fixed white boxes on some of the cars
    - Highscores (Hopefully) Fixed
    - Once again, new GFX courtesy of PSP_Bling
    - Compatible with windows lua! (if you run the Game.lua first)

    It's hard for me to keep track of everything new in this release, theres too much to remember, so if I've missed something please tell me!

    Now its time to say thanks to everyone that made this version possible, espcially my partner Skate_3214, who basically did everything but the coding. If you didn't know, Skate_3214 is now my partner for this project and will continue to help me with versions to come. Also, whilst i'm here, i might as well apologize to long delays on this release, we just had to make sure that everything was perfect for all you TTR fans

    Thanks for playing, and have fun, but remember;
    Tell us your comments and Suggestions, they're always appreciated!

    Download and Give Feedback Via Comments ...
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