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    by Published on August 5th, 2011 08:49
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    Bethesda's vice president Pete Hines believes that the crush of high profile releases at the end of the year could have a positive effect on the industry.

    November will be one of the most crowded months for blockbuster releases on record, with Uncharted 3, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Saints Row: The Third and Need For Speed: The Run all scheduled for release in the space of a few weeks.

    Bethesda's The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is also due for release in November, with id Software's Rage falling in October, but Hines takes a positive view of the intense competition.

    "It's probably healthy for the industry because the industry gets a lot of attention when there's all these things happening," he said in an interview with Eurogamer. "Just like the movie industry gets a lot of buzz when there's a bunch of really big things at the movies and everyone's talking about them all."

    However, while the attention drawn by so many big releases could raise public awareness of the industry, Hines conceded that the situation is just likely to result in failure for some of the games involved.

    "It's probably not healthy for everyone who has one of those titles, because as you rightly pointed out usually someone gets the short end of the stick. Someone ends up falling short and not doing quite what they expected to do."

    The question is which will be found wanting, but Hines is confident that Bethesda's products will meet expectations.

    "We're feeling very good about both Rage and Skyrim and very good about our line-up for this holiday season," he added.

    In an interview with GamesIndustry.biz in April, Hines accused studios that become reliant on a single product for their continued survival of "poor management."

    "It would be wholly irresponsible for us to build towards a company that released three or four big games a year and then have our well being fall apart if any one of those doesn't do well," he said at the time. "That would be poor management on our part... We've been built smarter and better than that."

    "I certainly hate to see those kinds of things, but I think when you see it, it relates to them and their business."

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...r-the-industry ...
    by Published on August 3rd, 2011 14:00
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    2. DCEmu

    The team behind retail’s most important game says the industry must show more support for the smaller titles on the release schedule.

    Call of Duty creative strategist Robert Bowling says he’s active in promoting games on Twitter and Facebook, insisting coverage should not be reserved for just the highest profile games.

    “There are a ton of amazing games that don’t get nearly the amount of coverage they need to get,” he told MCV.

    “Developers are churning out great products, and it is a little bit of everybody’s responsibility to make sure we are giving kudos where it is deserved, and not just to whatever the highest profile thing is. From a personal standpoint, I try to champion whatever I like online – whether it is an XBLA game, triple-A title or a budget release that has a great feature. There are a lot of amazing games out there and those are the types of things that inspire bigger games.”

    Bowling’s comments came during his latest press tour for Modern Warfare 3, which is certain to be the biggest game of the year by a long way. But Bowling says the team try to block out the hype.

    “We never focus on game sales,” he added. “We don’t look at numbers from a development side. We are only focused on building on the expectations our core fans have for us and we have for ourselves. We have to stick to core design philosophies and not get caught up with buzzwords.”

    http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/infin...r-games/082590 ...
    by Published on August 3rd, 2011 13:56
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    "The UK is finally set to legalize format shifting, making it legal for the first time to rip songs or films from CDs and DVDs. Ripping is technically illegal under copyright protection laws, despite most industry lobbyists agreeing it was time for a change. The rules look set to be modernized as the government endorses a recent intellectual property report, which also called for the government to ditch plans to require ISPs to block illegal file-sharing sites without a court order.

    http://news.slashdot.org/story/11/08...egalized-In-UK ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 21:49
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    2. DCEmu

    Apple hasn't conquered the established console gaming industry, as some might have you believe, rather it's gaming itself that has defeated the iPhone pioneer, according to Xbox co-creator Seamus Blackley.

    Speaking in an interview with Edge, Blackley argued that Apple never intended its devices to be used for games, and that their current success as gaming platforms is testament to how unstoppable the medium is.

    "They hated videogames," he claimed. "The victory of games is utterly complete with Apple. It's a total victory.

    "They tried real hard to make the iPad about word processing and music, and the audience just doesn't want it. It's beautiful. You don't need to have a games strategy anymore."

    "You need to have a strategy so that your platform isn't disadvantaged in playing games, because gaming is going to be the number one activity on any platform.

    "The highest calling of any digital device is to play a game," he added.

    According to Blackley, the audience for gaming is bigger now that its has ever been and consoles, albeit loosely defined, have reached near ubiquity.

    "All kinds of people are releasing consoles," he insisted. "They're called iPads, and Facebook. What's happened is not that the console business has died, it's that it has won."

    Being capable of playing games is now any hardware's basic litmus test for commercial viability, he argued, whether it be a phone, an e-reader or a laptop.

    "You can't release a device that's not a console now, and if you release one that can't be a good console, it will fail. It's just true."

    Blackley co-wrote the initial proposal for the Xbox proposal and put together the team that eventually built Microsoft's first home console. He left the company in 2002 and has recently been working at a Hollywood talent agency representing game developers.

    http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...defeated-apple ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 21:32
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    2. DCEmu

    EA Sports boss Peter Moore has said good old-fashioned retail remains "a very strong partner" despite today's announcement of an EA Sports 'Season Ticket' subscription service which heavily focuses on digitally distributed content.

    Launching today for PS3 and Xbox 360 in North America, and for Xbox 360 only in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, it offers subscribers early digital access to full games, 20 percent off DLC, free premium web content and other features for $24.99 / 2000 MS Points (about £17.30) a year.

    It could be seen as the first major step away from retail distribution methods for EA, but Moore insists retail remains important to EA Sports.

    "With regards to our ability to look at this as a full service... we still see retail as a very strong partner here," said Moore in chat with Industry Gamers. "There are still millions of people who go through the doors of the GameStops of this world every single day and they're the core consumer we're looking at."

    He went on: "But we're going to learn a lot in the next 12 months. This is about understanding what the consumer likes, understanding the price points so we can do some price elasticity testing on this and making sure what we're delivering is what the consumer wants... we'll see how we evolve this program in the coming years."

    http://www.computerandvideogames.com...trong-partner/ ...
    by Published on August 2nd, 2011 10:27
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    EB Games has told MCV that it believes a national classification system like the rest of the entertainment industry is best for Australia.

    After the Australian state and territory Attorneys-General reached an 'in principle agreement' last month to introduce an R18+ classification, problems began to arise concerning the ability for individual states and territories to implement the rating in different ways. Some states are already indicating that they intended to deviate from the course by either abolishing the MA15+ category or altering the guidelines for both.

    Debra McGrath, EB Games national brand and marketing manager, told MCV: "A national classification system, as it exists in other entertainment industries, is the best solution for the implementation of R18+. We look forward to making the necessary changes required to properly implement the R18+ classification on a national level."

    The likelihood of an ubiquitous national shceme, however, is quite low, and the logistical issue surrounding a state-by-state implementation will have to be met by all local retailers.

    McGrath continues: "EB Games will follow whatever guidelines are necessary to successfully introduce R18+ and will make any changes required around logistics and distribution to support the process."

    "This is a massive step forward for the Australian Gaming Industry and the greater Australian consumer. EB Games are proud to have helped our customers have their say."

    EB Games helped the process, with over 46'000 submissions being made during the campaign for an R18+ rating.

    http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/eb-ga...-system/082573 ...
    by Published on August 1st, 2011 16:58
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    There is a new Street Fighter world champion: Japanese player Fuudo.

    At the Evo fighting game tournament in Las Vegas, Fuudo, using Fei Long, defeated US player Latif, using Crimson Viper, 3-0 in the grand final.

    Tournament favourite and 2010 world champion Daigo "the Beast" Umehara finished fourth. Poongko, using Seth, defeated Daigo in a top eight bracket match.

    Daigo recently switched main character, from Ryu to Yun, following the release of Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition.

    Elsewhere, the Marvel vs. Capcom 3 tournament saw an upset as tournament favourite Justin Wong managed only third.

    PR Balrog sent US player Wong home, using Dante, Wolverine and Tron Bonne to defeat Wong's Wolverine/Akuma teams.

    But it was Viscant, using Wesker, Haggar and Phoenix, who went all the way, defeating PR Balrog 3-0 in the final.

    Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition results:

    Winner: Fuudo (Fei Long)
    2. Latif (C.Viper)
    3. Poongko (Seth)
    4. Daigo Umheara (Yun)
    5. Kindevu (Yun)
    5. Tokido (Akuma)
    7. Wolfkrone (C.Viper)
    7. Flash Metroid (Zangief, C.Viper)
    Marvel vs. Capcom 3 results:

    Winner: Viscant (Wesker/Haggar/Phoenix)
    2. PR Balrog (Wolverine/Dante/Tron/Amaterasu)
    3. Justin Wong (She Hulk/Wolverine/Akuma/Storm/Wesker)
    4. Combofiend (She Hulk/Taskmaster/Spencer)
    5. Noel Brown (Wolverine/Wesker/Akuma/Phoenix)
    5. Filipino Champ (Magneto/Sentinel/Phoenix/Dormammu)
    7. X-Ray (Dante/Amaterasu/Magneto)
    7. Mine (Wesker/Taskmaster/Phoenix)

    http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...east-is-beaten ...
    by Published on August 1st, 2011 16:48
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    Street Fighter IV producer and Capcom veteran Yoshinori Ono, a key driving force behind the recent resurgence in fighting games, has said he doesn't expect the genre to crash again through over saturation like it did in the 90s.

    Using the first person shooter genre as an example of a crowded yet continually successful marketplace, Ono said the fighting genre is capable of sustaining its recent momentum.

    "For first person shooters, you have Call of Duty, Battlefield, Medal of Honor, and other games," he told Siliconera. "It would be awesome to get fighting games that big. I don't think it will ever get quite that far, but I think it is possible for fighting games to thrive, you can see how long the FPS genre sustained itself without collapsing, and I think we can do the same this time.

    "The key is not just attracting new fans, but keeping current fans satisfied, keeping them plugged in, and interacting with the community," the Street Fighter x Tekken producer added.

    "We need to make sure the player's voices are heard and they feel cared for. As long as we treat the fans right and cater to them, I think they will stick with us for the long haul. I don't think we will see the bubble burst like the way did in the '90s."

    These days, the idea of fighting games reaching Call of Duty levels of success seems far-fetched, but in 1991 few games could match the popularity of Street Fighter 2. At its height, the arcade game is rumoured to have caused a 100 yen coin shortage in Japan.

    http://www.computerandvideogames.com...pse-again-ono/ ...
    by Published on August 1st, 2011 09:48
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    Scotland Yard has tonight charged 18-year-old Jake Davis, who was arrested in the Shetland Islands last week, with five offenses including unauthorized computer access and conspiracy to carry out a DDoS (distributed denial-of-service) attack against the SOCA (Serious Organized Crime Agency) website. When announcing his arrest on Wednesday, police said that they believed Davis used the online nickname 'Topiary' and acted as the spokesperson for the Anonymous and LulzSec hacking groups. Topiary's final twitter message said 'You can't arrest an idea' just before his arrest."

    http://it.slashdot.org/story/11/08/0...mous-Spokesman ...
    by Published on August 1st, 2011 09:41
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    id Software's John Carmack has defended violent video games, arguing that they could in fact reduce aggression in players.

    "There is more evidence to show that the violent games reduce aggression and violence," the technical director told IndustryGamers.

    There have actually been some studies about that, that it’s cathartic. If you go to QuakeCon and you walk by and you see the people there [and compare that to] a random cross section of a college campus, you’re probably going to find a more peaceful crowd of people at the gaming convention."

    "I think it’s at worst neutral and potentially positive."

    Carmack also dismissed the controversy around the issue.

    "I never took seriously the violence in video games debate. It was basically talking points for people to get on CNN and espouse their stuff on there," he suggested.

    "There was an E3 where all that was going on where I was giving interviews and the reporters would start going into their questions, and I wasn't supposed to talk about any of that. My wife was there and she’d start kicking me when I was about to go, 'Well, I think…' And in the end it didn’t matter, it didn’t make any impact on things. I never felt threatened by it and it turned out not to matter."

    John Carmack is one of the founders of Doom developer id Software.

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...ially-positive ...
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