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  • Nintendo 3DS News

    by Published on June 10th, 2011 09:34
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo DS News,
    3. Nintendo 3DS News,
    4. Nintendo Wii News,
    5. Wii U News

    Prior to Nintendo's E3 conference, a number of names floated around for the home console which would be unveiled. Project Cafe, of course, was the development codename for the device. A few ideas were suggested for what the final title would be, including the peculiar but interesting concept that the system itself might just be called "Nintendo". Nobody guessed at "Wii U". Nintendo, unlike its gaming rivals, seems to retain the capability to play its cards close to its chest.

    By christening the device using the Wii branding, Nintendo returns to a strategy abandoned long ago. This is the first Nintendo home console to be branded as a continuation of its successor since the venerable Super NES.

    Actually, had the company decided to give its older fans a grin of recognition by unveiling a platform called the "Super Wii", it might have been a better move. At least then we'd have avoided the confusion that followed in the wake of the Wii U announcement, which left many observers confused about what was actually being unveiled - with the idea that this was a new controller for the Wii rather than a brand new console being a popular misconception.

    At this stage, a few days after the conference and with tons of explanatory coverage appearing across the Web, anyone who frequents gaming sites and is still purporting to be confused over this issue is obviously simply being obtuse. Yet we can't dismiss the confusion that was evident across social networks and comment threads during the conference itself. Many perfectly earnest and intelligent people simply didn't get what Nintendo was trying to tell them - and these are people who are into gaming. What's going to happen when Nintendo tries to explain Wii U to its broader audience?

    Part of the problem was that the announcement itself was poorly designed and executed. In their haste to show off the flexibility of the controller, the team writing the scripts failed to set out the basis of what they were presenting from the outset, and then proceeded to bounce around between features and concepts like a giddy child at a birthday party. Contrasted with the measured, explanatory tone of the original Wiimote unveiling at TGS many moons ago, this frenetic and unfocused presentation did its subject few favours.

    That, however, is a temporary setback at best. It's just one presentation - an important one, of course, but there'll be plenty more public outings for the Wii U and plenty of chances for the company to get its story straight and its explanations rehearsed, focus tested and rehearsed again. The Wii U desperately needed an elevator pitch this week, and Nintendo didn't seem to have one - but I don't doubt that the company is busy thinking of one right now.

    What's more worrying, though, is the second source of confusion - the name. Certainly, some of the audience weren't sure if this was an upgrade to the Wii or a whole new console because the presentation was a bit slapdash - but that idea was reinforced and expanded by the fact that the branding is essentially the same as the previous console.

    It's easy to see why Nintendo decided to do that, of course. The Wii is the best-selling home console of the generation, and it doesn't want to abandon the value it's built up in the brand. Throwing away the GameCube branding was easy, but dumping "Wii" would be painful, perhaps even wasteful.

    Yet there's a problem with this decision making process - and with the thinking behind it. It's perfectly illustrated by something I've experienced personally a couple of times in the past few weeks, buying new software for my 3DS. I'm not sure when it started, but of late, retailers in Japan have started asking "are you sure you have a 3DS?" when you buy a game for the system. I've heard similar reports from the UK and elsewhere.

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...eft-blog-entry ...
    by Published on June 10th, 2011 09:31
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Carlson Choi, Namco Bandai's vice president of marketing, has told Nintendo to stand its ground on the issue of 3DS pricing, saying that a slow start doesn't mean that the device is doomed to failure.

    Speaking to Gamasutra at E3, Choi spoke about the need to persevere with the high initial price point set by Nintendo, and pledged Namco Bandai's support for the platform.

    "It's been a slow start, but that's similar to how DS went in the beginning," said Choi. "We're really close with all the first party companies, but especially Nintendo because our origin of business is in Japan. We know they'll invest heavily in it. It's a big platform they believe in and we believe in it too, so we're going to support it with our key franchises."

    Part of the justification, Choi believes, for maintaining a higher price for the platform, is that it signifies it as a high-end product, demarcating it from the smartphone market. By do that, Choi argues, the platform holder encourages publishers to produce premium content, presumably also at a premium price point.

    "The moment you cut the price of the item the perceived value goes down," Choi continued. "We'd love to have them retain the price because it keeps the premium status of that product and it allows us to bring premium games to that market."

    Nintendo were initially bullish about the cost of the unit, predicting astronomical sales along the lines of those of the original DS, DSlite and DSi. Instead, the handheld finds itself languishing on shelves somewhat, still being regularly outsold in Japan by the PSP.

    A number of studies conducted shortly after the 3DS' launch indicated that Nintendo, which has a long-running policy of ensuring profit margins on hardware, was making somewhere in the region of £108 on each unit in terms of margin between manufacturing cost and price to retailer.

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...ck-3ds-pricing ...
    by Published on June 10th, 2011 09:29
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Nintendo has announced a new 'flare red' version of its latest handheld, the 3DS.

    This is the first new 3DS SKU since its release in March this year. Images of the red version were released last Summer, but to date only black and blue SKUs have been available.

    The red handheld will arrive there on July 14, reports AndriaSang, day and date with Star Fox 64 3D, a remake of a respected older Nintendo title. So far, only a Japanese release of the flare red 3DS is confirmed.

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...s-sku-unveiled ...
    by Published on June 7th, 2011 21:47
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News
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    During Nintendo's E3 2011 press conference, president Reggie Fils-Aime took to the stage and confirmed that Super Mario 3D, the 3DS title briefly teased back at GDC, would launch before year's end. Also, the Tanooki Suit is back -- gameplay footage showed a blend of 2D and 3D gameplay, highly reminiscent of Super Mario Galaxy. It makes sense, since the same team is handling the 3DS game.

    http://www.joystiq.com/2011/06/07/su...d-of-the-year/ ...
    by Published on June 7th, 2011 16:40
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    Underwater races and hang-gliding confirmed for latest racer, due this Christmas
    Nintendo has confirmed that Mario Kart 3DS will be released this Christmas.
    The game was introduced during the firm's E3 press conference by Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime, who assured fans that this would be a completely new iteration of the popular racing series.
    In addition to the traditional karting antics, the key feature of this new Mario Kart is underwater races and hang-gliding, with tracks heading both along the bottom of the ocean floor and into the clouds.
    The trailer also revealed that players will be able to customise their cars, switching between different wheels, body parts and more.

    http://www.mcvuk.com/news/44743/NINT...t-3DS-detailed ...
    by Published on June 7th, 2011 16:16
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News

    There are teething problems with the freshly-launched Nintendo 3DS eShop.

    Readers are reporting error codes while linking Club Nintendo accounts and visiting the eShop.

    The error message advises rebooting your 3DS. Some machines work after this, others are taking longer to respond.

    We've asked Nintendo for comment.

    The 3DS eShop adds a Virtual Console selling GameBoy and GameBoy Colour oldies; a DSiWare shop; and capabilities for demos and other content to be downloaded to 3DS memory cards.

    The eShop is Nintendo's App Store, in other words, but games are much more expensive on 3DS than on iOS devices. Plants vs. Zombies, for example costs a massive £7.20 on Nintendo's eShop. On the App Store, PVZ costs £1.79.

    Other reports note that the US eShop has far more content than its European equivalent. In Europe you'll find just three Virtual Console games, Pokedex 3D and Excitebike to download, as well as the forgotten swathe of DSiWare games.

    Nintendo will no doubt reference the eShop at its E3 press conference this afternoon. That gets under way at 5pm BST (UK time) and the Eurogamer team will be reporting live from the event in real-time.

    http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/20...endo-3ds-eshop ...
    by Published on June 7th, 2011 12:51
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo 3DS News
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    True to its word, Nintendo has released a system update for anxious 3DS owners. The free update over WiFi delivers an internet browser and the eShop digital store to your multidimensional handheld. As a bonus, Ninty's offering the 3D-remastered NES game, Excitebike, for free until Tuesday with additional cash-money content coming to the store on Thursdays. We'll be hearing more from Nintendo, much more we hope, on Tuesday morning where we'll be bringing you live coverage of its next generation console announcements from E3. Join us, won't you?

    http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/07/n...copy-of-excit/ ...
    by Published on June 7th, 2011 03:21
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    XCM Multi-Charger Plus
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from Play-Asia / Buy from Amazon
    Price: $64.95

    Overview : Unlike another brand of multi-charger, XCM Multi-Charger Plus is compatible with PS3™ controllers, PlayStation Move controllers, Sony PSP™ Slim & Lite, PSP™, PSP™ Go, Xbox 360™ controllers, NDS™, NDS™ Lite, NDSi™, Nintendo 3DS™, iPad™, iPad 2™, iPhone™ 3G, iPhone™ 3GS, iPhone™ 4 and many other USB devices.

    Features :
    • PlayStation Move and Navigation controller charging ports
    • 4 USB ports
    • Supports any USB 5v input

    XCM Multi-Charger Plus can be used on the following :
    • PS3™ Move and Navigation controllers (2 sets)
    • PS3™ DualShock and Sixaxis controllers
    • PSP™ series (1000-3000 series and PSP™ Go)
    • iPhone™ series (iPhone 2G, 3G, 3GS and 4)
    • iPad™ series (iPad™ and iPad 2™)
    • NDS™ series (DS, DS Lite, DSi and 3DS)
    • Xbox 360™ controllers
    • and all devices that supports a 5v USB input such as Android devices (phones/tablets), Blackberry™, iPod™, mobile devices, MP3 players and many more!

    Includes :
    • PSP Slim/Go USB cable
    • DS Lite/DSi USB cable
    • 3DS USB Cable
    • iPod/iPad/iPhone USB Cable
    • US/Mexico/Canada AC plug
    • UK AC Plug
    • Australia/New Zealand AC Plug
    • Asia/Europe AC Plug

    Quality/Usability : XCM Multi-Charger Plus is an update to XCM's popular Multi-Charger. I was a huge fan of the original multi-charger and used it everyday. Finding an available USB plug or without having to turn on a computer can be hard and cumbersome. Especially when you have other electronic devices that uses USB ports to charge.

    The back has a port to plug in the AC 100-240v cable. The front contains four USB ports...the same amount found on its predecessor. But what makes this different from the original is that on the top of the charger, there are four round ports. These four ports allows you to insert two PlayStation Move controllers and two PlayStation Move Navigation controllers. Each port has its own LED. LED turns red when its charging and green when its completely charged. The base also lights up with a blue LED accent. What's also cool is that the rim around the PlayStation Move ports also light up blue.

    Charging USB devices takes about the same if you were to charge them through the wall with a normal USB cable or its original AC adapter.

    The Multi-Charger Plus measures 7.5" inches (L) x 1.75" inches (H) and about 4.5" inches (D). Just like the Multi-Charger, included are four AC plugs (Europe/Asia, USA/Mexico/Canda, Australia/New Zealand, UK). The plugs are short in length so you will not be able to place it on a table or next to your computer. Wires measure about 16 inches long from tip of plug that inserts into XCM Multi-Charger Plus to the base of AC plug (not the prongs). Also included are four USB charging cables (iPod/iPad/iPhone, PSP, NDS, 3DS). You do not have to use the included cables if you already have USB cables that came with the devices. I highly suggest using what you already have.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XCM Multi-Charger Plus worked great! I was glad that XCM still included the four USB ports with the ability to charge PlayStation Move controllers. However, the length of the AC power cable is still short. If you want to use the XCM Multi-Charger Plus, you'll have to keep it on the ground and very very close to the wall outlet unless you have it connected to an extension cord. This was one of my pet-peeves and XCM has disappointed me. The price point is also about the same as the original and is a bit high. Two of the highly used USB ports, micro and mini USB is not included. It would of been nice if they included these since its used on cellphones and PS3/Xbox 360 controllers.

    Images via comments ...
    by Published on June 6th, 2011 22:32
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    2. Nintendo 3DS News
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    E3 2011 is upon us, and you know what that means, a heaping helping of new gaming gear from Nyko. Zoom for Kinect is a set of clip-on specs that lets you get 40 percent closer to the sensor bar with no loss of function -- so the studio apartment set can get in on the gesture gaming craze. Nyko's Play Clock is a charging dock for Nintendo's 3DS that doubles as an alarm clock, because you always wanted to turn your 3DS into an alarm clock. Nintendo's new handheld could definitely use some longer battery life, however, so the company's also rolling out three new extended battery packs for the 3DS. There's the Shock n' Rock that brings thrice the juice, "added vibration feedback," and four speakers to your personal gaming party, while the Power Grip is an ergonomic external battery that also triples the 3DS' battery life. Lastly, the Game Boost battery simply snaps on for an extra hour or two of gameplay. Prices and availability remain unsaid, but there's eye candy in the gallery below and PR's after the break.

    http://www.engadget.com/2011/06/06/n...l-battery-lif/ ...
    by Published on June 6th, 2011 15:19
    1. Categories:
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    3. PS3 News,
    4. PS2 News,
    5. Nintendo DS News,
    6. Nintendo 3DS News,
    7. Nintendo Wii News,
    8. PC News,
    9. Xbox 360 News

    Take-Two's detective thriller L.A. Noire has retained the number one spot in the UK software chart in a week which saw the biggest new release, Bethesda's Hunted, only manage fourteenth. It's the game's third week in first place.

    Hunted was the only well-publicised boxed release, with PC-only expansion back The Sims 3: Generations beating the RPG by four places with a tenth placed debut.

    LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean has swapped places with Codemasters' DiRT 3 as it climbs back to second, with Zumba Fitness, Brink and Wii Sports Resort maintaining fourth, fifth and sixth respectively.

    Positions in the chart are unlikely to remain as stable next week, when Infamous 2 and Red Faction: Armageddon hit stores, as well as the notorious Duke Nukem Forever.

    Last Week This Week Title
    a 1 L.A. Noire
    3 2 LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean
    2 3 DiRT 3
    4 4 Zumba Fitness
    5 5 Brink
    6 6 Wii Sports Resort
    8 7 Call of Duty: Black Ops
    7 8 FIFA 11
    12 9 Portal 2
    New Entry 10 The Sims 3: Generations
    10 11 Mario Kart Wii
    17 12 Art Academy
    13 13 LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
    14 14 Hunter: The Demon's Forge
    11 15 Just Dance II
    18 16 Red Dead Redemption
    9 17 Crysis 2
    16 18 Wii Fit Plus
    Re-Entry 19 Wii Party
    14 20 Tiger Woods PGA Tour 12: The Masters

    http://www.gamesindustry.biz/article...-uk-number-one ...
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