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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:24
    1. Categories:
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    Wii WiiID Wiimote Battery Cover Kit
    Manufacturer: Talismoon
    Site: Buy from Divineo China
    Price: $7.95

    Overview : The Wiimote is a smart device, allowing you to carry your "Mii" on the go, and use it at a friends house. But, all wiimotes look the same. Enter the wiiID. The WiiID includes a custom battery cover with a clear window in it, and 8 different templates that you can put behind the window so you can easily tell your wiimote apart from everyone else's.

    The WiiID is practical and entertaining at the same time, as you can put funny pictures inside your wiimote (like rusty gears, or an ear of corn) making your wiimote unique and fun.

    Of course, you can also make your own template simply by printing your favoriate photo on your printer, and cutting it to the appropriate size.

    Let your wiimote join the party, with the wiiID.

    • 1 replacement battery cover
    • 20 ready to use templates
    Quality/Usability : The Nintendo Wii is a great console for the entire family to enjoy regardless of ones age. In order to get the family to play, you'll need multiple controllers. Of course, all the controllers look the same but like some people, they have their own dedicated controller. I know I do. Its my controller and no one else uses it.

    To distinguish which controller belongs to who, some paint them, some put stickers on them, some put different colored silicone skins or even a dot of red nail polish like on turtles. Ok, maybe not the last part.

    Talismoon has released Wii-ID Wiimote Battery Cover Kit. This is a battery cover but whats different is the clear screen. This allows you to insert your own design and is displayed right on the battery cover. The battery cover has a bit of a glossy look to it. At the bottom, instead of a Nintendo logo, it has a Talismoon logo.

    Included are 20 ready to use designs but I counted 19. The included designs is nothing fancy and looks a little cheesy to me. Also included is a plastic template. This allows you to print out your design, use the template to trace the size and cut it. The size of the design/cut is 1.5" (width) x 3.25" (height). Although it gives you a plastic template to cut it to size, it doesnt include anything for when you design it. A Photoshop file should at least be hosted or something so you can design around that instead of designing it from scratch and having to play around with size.

    Conclusion : Overall, the Wii Wii-ID Wiimote Battery Cover Kit is a nice idea when it comes to customization and/or knowing which Wiimote belongs to who but it falls short in some areas. The cover is glossy and the plastic clear screen looks like it can scratch easily. It comes with a plastic template that lets you trace the size but nothing is provided for when you design it. No size, no template, nothing. So if you're designing, you'll have to set it up yourself. Once you set up the correct size, you'll have to find out where the design becomes visible and where it is covered by the battery door.

    If Talismoon is reading this, I suggest releasing a template file that allows people to just import their design, adjust accordingly and print. Who wants to buy a product that makes you do extra work by having to play around configuring your own template just to print your own design? I dont.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:24
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    3. DCEmu Reviews
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    Wii Wireless Crazy Guitar Controller
    Manufacturer: PEGA
    Site: Buy from Goldenshop
    Price: $45.00

    Overview : Get your ROCK on with this alternative Les Paul Guitar Controller.

    Quality/Usability : When a new Guitar Hero game comes out, it only comes with one guitar. But what if you want your friend to join in on the fun or help you out or even duel it out. You either have to wait for manufacturer to release standalone guitars or buy two sets and sell the extra game. If you're late to jump on the bandwagon, who wants to buy or try and locate previous version of the game?

    PEGA, Nyko and other 3rd party peripheral manufacturers try to fill that void as well as offer a cheaper alternative but is the price what you pay, what you get?

    I tend to have friends over and we rock out on Guitar Hero on the Nintendo Wii. We usually have to take turns using the guitar as I only have one. Since it gets a bit repetitive and tiresome of having to pass the guitar around, I thought I'd review the Wii Wireless Crazy Guitar Controller.

    The Wii Wireless Crazy Guitar Controller looks almost exactly as the Official Les Paul Guitar that comes with Guitar Hero for the Nintendo Wii..front and back. The Crazy Guitar comes in 2 pieces..3 if you include the detachable faceplate. Also included is a shoulder strap.

    As mentioned above, the Crazy Guitar looks identical to the original Les Paul Guitar but there are some differences. The corner near the joystick on the original Les Paul is rounded. On the Crazy Guitar, its pointed. If you were to swap faceplates with each other, the tabs will fit, however since that one specific corner is rounded or pointed, it wont fit in that section.

    The back looks the same. There is a locking and unlocking mechanism for the neck of the guitar as well as for the faceplate. I dont know why there is a removable faceplate for the Crazy Guitar if there doesnt seem to be any replacements. You can paint on the faceplate but its already glossy. The compartment to store the Wii remote also has a little compartment to store the wrist band.

    To connect the neck of the guitar to the guitar itself, simply line up the neck and just push in. It will lock in place. To remove the neck, simply slide and hold the unlock and pull the neck out. When I first opened the box, I noticed something different on the neck. There is grease along the inside. This is suppose to allow the neck to slide in easily. Although it does, it makes a bit of a mess. I had grease along the side of the Guitar as well as the faceplate. The buttons on the Crazy Guitar are color coded but white while the original Les Paul is color coded and black. The buttons are slightly raised higher on the Crazy Guitar.

    The controls worked great and as they should. The Guitar Hero game registered each button press. However, the strum bar doesnt have that loud clicking noise. Some prefer it to be more quite but at the same time, this also means it did not register my presses which would result in me missing crucial notes and from gaining full Star Power.

    Conclusion : Overall, the Wii Wireless Crazy Guitar Controller worked great as a spare guitar controller. It feels and fits like the original Les Paul Controller. It would be nice if it was shaped like the Les Paul so that the faceplates were interchangeable but I can see that there would be legal issues with that. If it wasnt for the pointed corner near the joystick and missing Guitar Hero logo on the back, a normal person wouldnt know this was made by a 3rd party manufacturer. Thats how close it looks to the original guitar.

    Images via comments. Additional images from DealExtreme. ...
    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:23
    1. Categories:
    2. Nintendo Wii News,
    3. DCEmu Reviews

    Nyko Classic Controller Grip
    Manufacturer: Nyko
    Price: $19.95

    Overview : Play the classics with convenience and comfort with the Classic Controller Grip for Wii. The Classic Controller Grip provides the best possible experience while playing with the Classic Controller on the Wii. The ergonomically designed grips give the Classic Controller a less-strenuous feel, providing long lasting comfort during intense retro-gaming sessions. The Wii Remote Mount clips onto the back of the Classic Controller allowing for basic menu navigation while keeping the remote and cord conveniently out of the way during gameplay.

    Features :
    • Ergonomic: Specially designed grips provide a comfortable hold for long game sessions
    • Remote Cradle: Easily attach the Wii Remote to the Classic Controller for convenient control and navigation
    • Pointer Functionality: Use the Wii Remotes unique pointer functionality while attached to the Classic Controller
    • Cord Management: Keep your game time tangle free with the cord management system integrated into the Classic Controller Grip
    • Provides comfortable grips for the Nintendo Wii Classic Controller
    • Easy snap-on assembly
    • Wii Remote mount attaches remote to Classic Controller
    • Organizes the Classic Controller cord
    • Comfortably play retro games without messy wires

    Quality/Usability : One of the nice features of the Nintendo Wii is the ability to play your favorite classic games ranging from old school NES, N64, Genesis and many more. But in order to play these games, you'll need a classic controller and in order to use the classic controller, you'll need to connect it to the Wii Remote controller.

    That is where the Nyko Classic Controller Grip comes in handy. The Classic Controller Grip consists of two plastic pieces; grip for Classic Controller and clear plastic to hold Wii Remote. In between the two plastic pieces, you'll be able to wrap the cord from the Classic Controller around for cable management. Without the Nyko Classic Controller Grip, the Wii Remote would be dangling and you'll have a hard time moving around with the controller dangling while holding the Classic Controller.

    Installing the Classic Controller Grip is easy as as opening the package. Simply slip the Classic Controller Grip into the grip, wrap the cord around the plastics, slide the Wii Remote into the plastic holder and connect cable to controller.

    Conclusion : Overall, the Nyko Classic Controller Grip makes playing Virtual Console games a lot easier. Not only does it make things easier when playing, its light weight and comfortable to hold. You can also remove the Wii Remote and leave the Classic Controller still connected. This allows for easy setup for later use simply by re-attaching the Wii Remote. Only downside of this is that any Wii buttons under the "A" button such as the HOME, (-), (+), 1 and 2, is obscured and inaccessible due to the Classic Controller being in the way. Oh yea, the price is the same as the Classic Controller itself.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:23
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    2. Nintendo Wii News,
    3. DCEmu Reviews

    Hori Fighting Stick Wii
    Manufacturer: Hori
    Site: Buy from Goldenshop
    Price: $49-53

    Overview : If the Wii Classic Controller isn't cutting the mustard for your fighting needs perhaps Hori's Fighting Stick will better suit your condiment slicing and head-to-head brawling needs. Set turbo for any button you want (Turbo is approx. 20times/second). The fighting stick layout replicates the classic arcade style. The joystick acts like the classic controller, just plug it into Wiimote and it'll be at your mercy.

    Features :
    • Arcade style stick for Nintendo Wii
    • Wii remote extension
    • Turbo mode can be set for all buttons
    • Easy to use button layout

    Quality/Usability : The Wii itself lacks some titles that either require or takes advantage of the Hori Fighting Stick, which is an arcade stick. But that doesnt mean the Virtual Console doesnt. The Virtual Console is full of games that would work great with the fighting stick especially Neo Geo and old school fighting games such as Street Fighter, Gunstar Heroes, etc.

    The Fighting stick is manufactured by Hori, known for their high quality products. The Fighting Stick is an Official Nintendo Product so you know you're getting a good product. The stick comes in a cardboard box that mimics that of the Nintendo Wii inner console box that holds the console and accessories. Gotta love the packaging and creativity. Everything about the way the fighting stick is package mimics that of the Wii packaging. The fighting stick is covered by a clear plastic bag with the cord and connectors wrapped up and protected. The top surface of the stick is protected by an adhesive film. You can leave this on or off..its up to you. I prefer to leave it on to give it added protection from any scratches or marks. I'm just anal when it comes to my electronic devices.

    The buttons are laid out as follows:

    The joystick and buttons are very responsive. Whatever direction you push the joystick, the joystick makes a clicking sound. Even when it returns to its original spot.

    The Minus (-), Plus (+) and Home buttons are located at the upper right corner of the stick (above main buttons). To the left of the menu buttons are eight switches. These are your autofire switches for each of the main buttons. These switches are fairly small and will require you to look at if you plan on switching them on or off during gameplay.

    What makes the Fighting Stick work? Like the Classic Controller, you'll need to connect the Fighting Stick to the Wiimote. With this, the Fighting Stick will work with any game supporting the Classic Controller whether it be a Wii game or VC game. The joystick is configured to the Classic Controller's D-pad so you wont be able to control any N64 games with it or move the Wii pointer so you're foruced to use the Wiimote.

    The stick worked great with fighting games on the VC such as Street Fighter and shooters. But what about Wii games? As mentioned, there werent many games that would benefit from the Fighting Stick. Super Smash Bros. Brawl wont be out for the next couple months (if it doesnt get delayed) and there werent much fighting games to begin with but since I know a friend who has Guilty Gear XX Accent Core, I thought I'd give it a try. I'm not into fighting games but with the Fighting Stick, it made playing much more fun and arcade like.

    Conclusion : Overall, the Hori Fighting Stick Wii is a must have for gamers who love fighting games (when more are available) and perfect for Virtual Console games. The fighting stick resembles the Agetec Stick for the Dreamcast. The quality is sturdy and top notch. Buttons and controls are very responsive. It would be nice to attach the Wiimote to the side of the Fighting Stick or be able to hide it in a compartment of some sort.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:23
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    Talismoon Retractable Sensor Wiire
    Manufacturer: Talismoon
    Site: Buy from TotalConsole
    Price: $19.99

    Overview : For those who take their Wii on the road, the retractable wii sensor bar reduces the bulk and weight that you need to carry with you. Convenient with many TV systems as it requires less space than a full length sensor bar and can fit in many places! The sensor Wiire consists of two sensor blocks on a retractable spool. Approximately two feel (2') in length, when fully extended.

    Features :
    • Fits anywhere!
    • Fully adjustable - for use close up or far away
    • Clever "Pack and Go" design
    • Suitable for use away from home, including at hotels, show cars, and in recreational vehicles
    • Ultra compact, completely compatible with Wii.

    Quality/Usability : The size of the Nintendo Wii is fairly small compared to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Its also the most carried around system from house to house in my family since everyone in the family can play with the Nintendo Wii. Transferring the Nintendo Wii in a case isnt the problem, its the sensor bar. Its probably the longest and probably most fragile accessory due to its size. Not to mention, the sensor bar is usually attached to the display and the double-sided tape will eventually wear off and having to deal with the long wire. Even using a third party sensor bar such as the Nyko Wireless Sensor Bar. It can be too big, too wide and/or uses too many batteries.

    With the Retractable Sensor Wiire by Talismoon, they're reducing the size, batteries and wire. The size is really small. It measures approximately 2" long, 1/4" thick (3/4" when snapped together) and can fit in a pouch or small pocket. Talismoon reduced the size simply by removing the middle section of a sensor bar. Honestly, all it is is an empty space. Its the right and left side that is important since that is where the LED is located.

    The sensor itself works great. Then again, using candles or Christmas lights will also work. Simply detach Sensor Wiire and put one sensor on each side of your TV. There was no delays or any problems with the Wiimote recognizing or moving with the Sensor Wiire. The only thing that may be a problem is the wire. Although it is fairly long measuring approximately 2 feet long, the retractable wire is iffy. Majority of the time, the wire will retract but if retracting is not aligned, the wires will not retract and you're left with dangling wires. When the wires do tangle, I am able to pull on the wires and try to retract it again. But how long will I have to do this before the wires no longer retract? I've experienced retractable ID badges and once they're jammed up, its not longer usable.

    Conclusion : Overall, the Talismoon Retractable Sensor Wiire is highly recommended for those who bring their Nintendo Wii around, just to have a spare or is looking for a replacement.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:23
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    PEGA Wii 2-in-1 Combined Gun
    Manufacturer: PEGA
    Site: Buy from Goldenshop
    Price: $14.00

    Overview : Set this gun 2-in-1 gun up like a Wii Zapper or detach the Nunchuk holder and hold each one in each hand.

    • High quality 3rd party product.
    • Easy to install.
    • Natural Nunchuk trigger combined with the functional innovation of the Wii Remote.
    • Ergonomically balanced and weighted gun, comfortable for 1 handed or 2 handed gameplay.
    • Maintains Wii Innovation Motion.
    • Secure and easy installation. Extended grip for the directional control of the rear nunchuk analog joystick.
    • Full access to all buttons and digital pad.
    • Can be used as handgun only.
    • Can be used as tommy gun.
    • The Nunchuk can be separated easily.
    • Rubberized handle.

    Quality/Usability : With every gamer anticipating the release of 1st party gun, Wii Zapper, everyone was disappointed. The feel and comfortability was not to their liking and gamers around the world are looking for an alternative.

    PEGA has released another light gun attachment for the Nintendo Wii which looks similar to the Wii 5-in-1 Laser Pointer Gun minus the laser pointed, detachable Nunchuk and white casing.

    The top of the main gun has a cover that keeps the Wiimote in place and allows the Nunchuk cable to come out from the side. Pulling the trigger has a spring action which requires you to pull back a bit in order for the "B" to register. The Nunchuk itself fits snug in the attachment. The attachment itself slides into the gun but can easily slip off during an intense gun battle.

    Conclusion : Overall, the PEGA Wii 2-in-1 Combined Gun is just another light gun on the market. Nothing special. Personally, anything light gun attachment that requires you to hold hand over hand (i.e. Wii Zapper), I would stay away from. Its uncomfortable to play with. Even with the attachments taken apart, its not the same because the gun has this big piece sticking out in the back.

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    by Published on February 2nd, 2011 00:23
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    3. DCEmu Reviews
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    Wlip Solderless Wii Modkit
    Review by: souLLy
    Manufacturer: Wlip
    Site: N/A
    Price: 24.95€

    Overview: Wlip is an adaptor that has been designed especially to install any Modchip in your Wii in a faster and easy way and without damage for your console, because there is no need for welding. You can install it yourself without any technical procedure in a few minutes,

    There are two models of Wlip: Model A is used for normal leg Wiis and Model B works with cut leg Wiis. For D2C chips there are not any Wlip yet, but we are working on it. Wlip can support any Modchips models except the ones for D2C.

    Quality/Usability : I've wanted to get my Wii chipped for quite some time, the thought of some tasty Gamecube homebrew and the possibility of future Wii homebrew is a very tempting proposition. If you're like me and 99% of the population though that isn't too handy with a soldering iron, you're left with very little choice, send your beloved console along with a chunk of cash to some anonymous person who advertises on an Internet forum- not for the feint hearted, or buy a Wlip.

    A Wlip is a small plastic device that clips onto your Wii's motherboard that you can fit a Wii modchip into, essentially a Wii modchip that doesn't require any soldering! Not only that but if you decide you don't want to use that chip any more you can just as easily take the Wlip out of your console with the minimum of fuss or risk. On paper then it's a very enticing proposition. At the moment it's only for earlier model Wiis; people who need D2C chips are out of luck at the moment, the official Wlip site says they're on the way though so keep an eye out if you're interested.

    The modchip I chose was the Wiinja Deluxe, I grabbed mine from Futura Videogames which is an official reseller of the Wiinja chip so I could be certain it was genuine. At £23 including delivery it was fairly reasonable but be sure to hunt around for a good deal. To open your Wii you'll need a tri-wing screwdriver, I grabbed mine from DealExtreme for about 75p with free delivery, bargain!

    Installation : Take your Wlip and insert your modchip into the space provided, it should be a reassuringly snug fit. Next you need to disassemble your Wii. This was no great problem, there's a number of guides around that help you find where all the screws are hidden, after that it's a few screws inside and disconnecting two ribbon cables - if you're careful you can do all of this without doing any cosmetic damage to your case.

    Next firmly push your Wlip over a chip on the exposed Wii board, I watched the video on the official Wlip site to be certain it was in the right place, although it is obvious. Now it took me 5 or 6 times of doing this, reassembling my Wii and testing it before it would boot unsigned discs for me, I was definitely beginning to panic, so I didn't fit into the 'you can fit it in 10 minutes' category, however it did work in the end, perfectly well, so you may need to persevere to get good results.

    Conclusion : Generally pretty good. Once it worked, it worked very well, which is the main thing, I didn't destroy my Wii and if I ever want to remove it it'll be a breeze. There are some obvious down sides though – the fact that I had to try a few times before it would work shows that this kind of mod will never be as stable as a soldered chip- but if you can solder, you're not reading this review right? Also it is slightly pricey for what it is, particularly with no sites doing any kind of bundle packages at the moment.

    I guess overall if you're anything like me though, you want a modded Wii, you can't solder and don't know anyone else that can, you have a few Euros hanging around and are brave enough to open your Wii's case you could do a whole lot worse than picking one up. Especially with the Wii scene heating up!

    Please note that none of the "upgrade" products listed in this site are endorsed by Nintendo, Sony and/or Microsoft. DCEmu Reviews and DCEmu Network does not condone piracy. The primary functions of a "modchip" and/or "flashcart" are to allow you to play imported games and homebrew software that you legally own or simply just for experimenting with hardware. We in no way endorse piracy, and encourage all users to do the right thing and support the developers/manufacturers that support them. We do not take any responsibilities for any use outside of these parameters or where the use of such a device is illegal. ...
    by Published on February 1st, 2011 23:51
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    2. Nintendo Wii News,
    3. DCEmu Reviews

    Penguin United Remote Charging Dock + Rechargeable Battery
    Manufacturer: Penguin United
    Site: Buy from Penguin United (dock + battery) / Buy from Penguin United (dock + 2x battery) / Buy from Penguin United (battery only) / Buy from Penguin United (2x docks + 4x batteries)
    Price: $19.99 (dock + battery) / $24.99 (dock + 2x battery) / $7.99 (battery only) / $44.99 (2x docks + 4x batteries)

    Overview : The included rechargable battery will provide you with 38 hours of game playing time and tons of $$ saved on batteries. To recharge your Wii Remote, simply place your Wii Remote on the charging dock. Your Wii remote will be charged from USB cable using modified battery cover provided.

    Includes : (dock + battery)
    • Wii Remote Chargin Dock
    • USB Connection Cable
    • Rechargeable battery pack lasting 38 hours
    • Recharge enabled battery cover

    Includes : (dock + 2x battery)
    • 1X Wii Remote Charging Dock
    • 1X USB Connection Cable
    • 2X Rechargeable battery pack lasting 38 hours
    • 2X Recharge enabled battery cover

    Includes : (battery only)
    • Rechargeable battery pack lasting 38 hours
    • Recharge enabled battery cover
    • Requires dock

    Includes : (2x docks + 4x batteries)
    • 2X Wii Remote Charging Dock
    • 2X USB Connection Cable
    • 4X Rechargeable battery pack lasting 38 hours
    • 4X Recharge enabled battery cover

    Quality/Usability : Ever since the release of the Nintendo Wii whether it be in Asia, Europe or North America, 3rd party manufacturers have been releasing rechargeable battery packs. Why? Because everyone wanted rechargeable battery packs to save money rather then spend it on regular alkaline batteries. The Wii Remote would eat through batteries like no tomorrow and would need to be replaced as if it was a handheld system.

    With the need of rechargeable battery packs, Penguin United has jumped in to help fellow gamers. Penguin United released their Remote Charging Dock and Rechargeable Battery. PU originally offered only the dock and battery but due to demand, they are offering different bundles. You can pick up either a dock and battery, dock and two batteries, batteries only or two docks and 4 batteries, at relatively cheap prices!

    Upon opening up the box (dock + battery), you'll find a USB cable, dock, rechargeable battery, battery cover and instructions. Setting up the dock is easy. Just plug one end of the USB cable into either your computer or the Wii and the other end into the dock. Thats it.

    Putting the battery into the remote isnt as easy. It takes a bit of trial and error but once you know what to do, it shouldnt be a problem. To insert the battery into the remote you would need to hold the remote right-side up and hold the battery with the (+) and (-) sign facing the bottom. While holding the battery at an angle, place the (+) and (-) into position and then push down. At the same time, push the top of the battery into place. The battery should now be inserted into the remote.

    In order to charge the batteries, you must use the included battery cover as it has a custom connection that will work with the dock. The battery cover though is a bit darker then the Wii remote itself. But if you have a glove or case on the Wii remote, you wont notice it. Speaking of glove, you will either have to remove the glove or lift it up enough so that the remote can fit into the dock. When the remote is placed into the dock, there is a blue LED. A steady blue means it is charging and if the LED is blinking, it means it is done charging.

    In the instructions that were included, they suggested that the battery require 12 hours of charging before use. The battery were done charging within 2 hours or so and the dock started to blink.

    Once the battery was fully charged, I took it for a test (7 straight days of playing). After the first couple hours of WarioWare, Wii Sports and Zelda, the Wii remote still showed 3 battery bars. Played a couple more hours the next couple of days and it still showed 3 bars. Probably by the 4th or 5th day, the battery dropped a bar. By the 7th day, it was still at 2 bars. Had I played longer, it would of probably lasted me almost 2 weeks on one full charge! Thats insane.

    Conclusion : Overall, the Penguin United Remote Charging Dock + Rechargeable Battery exceeds my expectations. The battery life is long lasting. Only minor complaints is the non-matching color of their battery cover to the Wii remote and the dock not stop charging if it is fully charged. If you're looking for a rechargeable battery pack, I suggest checking out PU's Remote Charging Dock + Rechargeable Battery. Interested International buyers can purchase this through their eBay store. PU will be releasing a dual charger sometime in April. But it would be nice to see a charger only for the battery rather then a dock.

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    by Published on February 1st, 2011 23:51
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    CHUCKii Wiimote Replacement Shell
    Manufacturer: Xtreme Enterprise
    Price: $29.95

    Overview : CHUCKii is a full replacement case set for both the Wii-mote and the Nunchuk of the Wii console (sold as a complete set) and available in several colors and transparency. Made from the highest quality materials and durable ABS plastic carbonates, as well as patented Japanese acrylic paint, CHUCKii suits your lifestyle and colors up your gaming console.
    • Made from High Quality Durable Materials
    • Patented Japanese Acrylic Paint
    • Beautiful Finishing and Stylish
    • Currently Available in 2 Colors
    • Full Online Installation Instructions

    Plastic Materials Used:
    High quality ABS and polycarbonate composite plastic materials combined for greater durability and toughness.

    Paint Materials Used:
    Industrial grade Modified Acrylic paint branded RECRACK from Fujikura Kasei Co. Ltd, Japan. Paint provides excellent chemical, abrasion and weather resistance for long-lasting usage.

    Package Contents:
    • Top/Bottom Case
    • Buttons and Trigger
    • Battery Cover

    • Top/Bottom Case
    • Buttons

    Quality/Usability : With the new look that I did to my Nintendo Wii by adding a Team Xtender I-Case Black Knight case mod, I thought it was only right to have a matching Wiimote and Nunchuk to go along with it. With that said, Xtreme Enterprise is the first to release Wiimote and Nunchuk replacement shell cases.

    To open up the Wiimote and Nunchuk, I had to use the triwing from Zoozen Action PRO Toolkit v2. First I removed the battery cover and batteries, and unscrewed four (4) screws. Next, I split open the housing of the Wiimote. Be careful when doing so as you may break off a tab that holds the casing together (I snapped it off). Once the casing has been pried off, all you do is place all the innards from the original Wiimote into the replacement shell. Everything fits perfectly. You'll also have to remove the metal contacts that is inside where the batteries connect to. Once all components have been transfered to the new shell, everything fits perfectly. If you do not like the buttons that came with the replacement shell casing or just want to mix and match, the original buttons will also fit.

    The Nunchuk itself has two (2) triwing screws on the bottom. Once both screws have been removed, same process of taking the casing apart on the Wiimote applies with the Nunchuk. With the Nunchuk, everything is connected except for the buttons. You'll have to wiggle the wire so that it comes off of the bottom housing of the Nunchuk. Once its off, just place it into the replacement shell along with buttons and screw the triwing screwdrivers back on and you're done!

    Conclusion : Overall, the CHUCKii Wiimote Replacement Shell is identical to that of the original casing of the Wiimote and Nunchuk. The buttons though dont feel as fluid and smooth when pressing them. The ability to mix and match the buttons is great. I used the original power button, A and home button on the Cool Black housing and those buttons stand out more as they are colored and white as opposed to all black. Separating the casings will need to take some patience because if you just pull them apart without being careful, you'll snap off the tabs that keeps the cases closed. Once the tab breaks off, the controllers will stay closed but not completely.


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    by Published on February 1st, 2011 23:51
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    XCM II-Hot Rock Case
    Manufacturer: XCM
    Site: Buy from ConsoleSource
    Price: $64.95

    Overview : The XCM II-Hot Rock Wii Case is a new innovation in case modding technology. With a built in Digital LED thermometer, the XCM II-Hot Rock Wii Case is able to alert the user by changing the LED color when the Wii console reaches certain temperatures. Color changes takes place in 5 degree increments. For example, if your Wii console's temperature reaches over 55 degree Celsius, the LED will display 'RED' and start flashing.

    Features :
    • Below 29C : Light blue
    • 30-35C : Blue
    • 36-40C : Green
    • 41-41C : Yellow
    • 46-50C : Orange
    • 50-54C : Red
    • Over 55C : Red light flashing

    Quality/Usability : The II-Hot Rock Case by XCM is similar to that of the Team Xtender II-Case Chameleon but the difference between the two is that the II-Hot Rock Case displays the temperature of the Nintendo Wii but doesnt cycle through the LEDs like the Chameleon case does. Main purpose is to display the Wii's temperature.

    The XCM II-Hot Rock Case includes the console shell, doors, faceplate, buttons and even the rubber feets at the bottom of the Wii which makes up the whole exterior of the Wii. To match the clear crystal case, they also included a clear stand and tools to help you dismantle the Wii! Not a single piece was left out.

    Like all of XCM's products, the quality of the case is excellent and solid. Feels like it came out from Nintendo's factory. The case is clear which allows you to see all the innards of the Wii. The Crystal clear case also comes with a metal DVD cover which houses the LEDs near the DVD drive.

    I wont go much into detail regarding installation as you can find tutorials on how to dismantle or disassemble your Wii, here. The whole installation process took approximately 45 mins. This is not to say that is how long it will take you to assemble everything. I am a perfectionist and anal when it comes to things like this. For some who are pros or better at things like this can be a lot quicker while noobs, novices or perfectionists like me, may take longer. The whole process is just time consuming and tedious. It will require some patience. It took longer than the Black Knight casing was because the metal DVD cover and Air Flow (which also has LEDs) needed to be installed and wires needed to be connected in order to power the LEDs. To install the metal DVD cover and Air Flow, you can read the tutorial here.

    Once installed and the Nintendo Wii put back together, the II-Hot Rock Case is fairly bright like the Crystal Chameleon. Luckily, you have the option of turning if off the LEDs. You also have the option of turning off the LED and the digital LED thermometer. But there is no way to have the LED off but the digital LED thermometer turned on.

    Conclusion : Overall, the XCM II-Hot Rock Case is a nice product to tell you if your Nintendo Wii's temperature is too hot. With the reports the WiiConnect24 bricking Nintendo Wii's when in standby mode, this would come in handy but doesnt work when the system is turned off. There is also another cheaper do-it-yourself alternative to finding out what the temperature in your Nintendo Wii is but will not be as fancy with the bright lights.


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