via Computer and Video Games

Metal Gear - a fairly serious military series, right? You've got terrorism, the threat of nuclear war... and man catapults. No, really.

We remember our first glimpse of the human-lobbing contraption in smaller, granier screens released back in February, but one of the shots below shows the bizarre machine in all its comedy glory.

How it's used is a mystery to us - it'd get you into the enemy base nice and quick but it surely can't be a feasibly realistic (or safe) way to travel. It's okay in Halo, in which you've also got laser guns, energy shields and alien spaceships. But Metal Gear? The series never has taken itself too seriously, we suppose.

Other shots show some of the more realistic features of the game - team-based voice chat, huge multi-team shoot outs and an overview of some of gritty, grey maps where all this will take place.

We had a blast when we went hands-on with an early version of the game last month. Check out our massive write-up here, after having a gander at the screens below, or course.
