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Thread: PSPBeeb with PSP Slim 'standard'

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default PSPBeeb with PSP Slim 'standard'

    I have a psp slim with the latest sony firmware, I tried to load pspbeeb on it last night and went to the games on the memory card and it just said corrupt data.

    I've tried various things in the past some have worked and some not, usually due to the fact that I am running official sony firmware.

    Is this another case of the firmware being the issue?

    I don't know anyone with a psp except my 7 year old nephew (who doesnt have custom fw on his) so I assume I would have to faf with a pandora's battery etc.

    All I am tying to play is Labyrinth!! - Has anyone used labyrinth on the psp via pspbeeb? - if so is it usable? (Otherwise I won't bother trying to put custom firmware on my psp!)

    I have original BBC images of labyrinth that I'd really like to play, however, I think the firmware is being the issue atm - can anyone confirm?


    P.S. I've looked and im pretty certain - but there isnt a bbc emulator for the DS is there? (I have a DS and an R4)

  2. #2
    DCEmu Coder zx-81's Avatar
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    you can't run any homebrew using official sony firmware. About Labyrinth, i haven't tried myself, so i don't know, but there is no reason, it should run properly.

    Finally, i haven't heard about a BBC micro emulator for DS.
    here is my blog !

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadoks rule
    The more you fail, the more you have a chance that it will work in the end.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Labyrinth runs fine under PSPBeeb.

    It's not full speed but is certainly playable, I played it all the way through on the PSP with no issues.

    If you just want to play the game no matter what the platform then try BeebEm for the PC.

    EDIT: Just realised you have a slim PSP. Make sure you get the firmware 3.X version of the lastest release (1.1.0).
    It's called '', you need that because slim PSPs cannot run homebrew based on the firmware 1.5 kernel, which was the standard until recently.
    Last edited by bah; March 27th, 2008 at 12:03.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thanks for the info guys.

    I tried BeebEP a while ago on the pc and it worked well, however, I commute to and from work on the tube so thats when I game - 2hrs plus spare per day!

    Nice to know it works well on the PSP.

    I was keen to put custom firmware on before to get the pdf reader to work, but got around it with a pdf to jpg tool, however, if its stopping my play Labyrinth Ill have to look at it in more detail!

    Does anyone have a decent guide to hand for changing the firmware on the PSP slim - I have just my psp slim, no other psp and no access to any other psp.

    Also - as a slight aside, can one easily revert back to standard sony firmware should one wish to?

    Thanks peeps!

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I thought you all might like to know that I successfully put custom firmware on my psp today, and loaded pspbeeb!

    I loaded labyrinth too, however, I need to build myself a keymapping for it to work...

    I looked at the knitelore one but found it a bit tricky, bah, did you write your own mapping for Labyrinth? - If so, any tips?!


  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    I've attached the key mappings that were included in some of the earlier releases of pspbeeb.
    One lot is by me, labyrinth works fine, some games have the keys to choose a 1 player game bound to the L or R triggers, some just have the game keys and you need to use the OSK to get into the game.

    The other is by pou-chan, I have not tried many of his mappings but he has done more games than me and I'm sure they work just as well.

    You can edit the key mappings in PSPBeeb and save the changes if you want to change them.

    Just extract the zips and copy all the .kbd files to the \kbd sub directory of the PSPbeeb folder on your memory stick.

    Edit: for making your own mappings, I found it easiest to load the game on BeebEm on my PC, work out what keys do what and then enter that into PSPbeeb (rather than trying to figure out what keys do what, one at a time, on the PSP).
    Make sure if you map a key that has a secondary function (like on a PC keyboard, pressing [ while holding shift gives {), that you choose the symbol you get when NOT holding shift in the PSPbeeb key mapping screen.
    If you bind a PSP button to a symbol that is created on the Beeb by holding shift and pressing a key, PSPBeeb will trigger shift as well as that key (in order to enter that symbol), and if the game uses shift for another function you will end up triggering that function also.

    Hope that makes sense...

    EDIT: Forgot to add, the disk image has to be named the same as the keyboard mapping file for it to be automatically loaded.
    You can rename your disk files via your PC or just load your currently named disk image in PSPBeeb, go into key mapping, load the right mapping file, then save it and it will auto load it next time.
    Last edited by bah; April 6th, 2008 at 05:53.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Wow, you completly rock Bah, I've just been on the phone to my brother (36) who used to play on the beeb all the time, I think he's looking forward to seeing this!

    I've nabbed those mappings, thanks for that.

    I hadn't thought about making them via beebem - I'm sure that will be simpler than trying to just do it straight in notepad

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Yeah I found it easiest to set them inside PSPBeeb while using BeebEm to find which keys I needed to map.

    Many games have similar mapping, so you can load the key mapping for another game with a similar layout, modify it then save it for that game.

    The beeb had a strange key layout, some keys don't exist on standard PC keyboards so the image attached to the post I linked to I'm my last post can be handy (It's just a screenshot of the keyboard mapping section of BeebEm).

    You can probably tell by my avatar that I'm quite a fan of the model B, zx is the one who truly rocks for porting the emu though.
    Last edited by bah; April 6th, 2008 at 11:36.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Indeed, your avatar is more than a hint that you have more than a passing interest in the Beeb hehe.

    The keymapping worked a treat - I didnt know I had multiples ones there too, an added bonus - Thanks!

    Got labyrinth on the go and played it for a bit, I still think its amazing I can remember where to go for the first few levels as if I had been playing it yesterday!!

    I think ill give some of these a go if I can find them, based on memories:

    Ski Slalom
    Mr. Ee!
    Chucky Egg
    Arcadians (if only for the intro music, but I bet it sounds ifffy lol)

    My brother would probably want to give Revs, Knitelore, Labyrinth, Vortex etc all a go

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro
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    Ahh... The beeb. That takes me back.

    Unfortunately, the only game I remember is a kids one Can't remember it's name, but I remember you had to get an elephant onto a truck, and as it was going off the screen it waved its trunk.

    Was it called something like playschool?


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