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Thread: Neo CD and Dreamcast

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Neo CD and Dreamcast

    Ok, got the iso's, got the bios, got the emu. I just got this working on my psp, and I'm wanting to get this going for my DC now. How do I go about burning the discs? I saw this: in the readme, but I can't download it, dead link? If anyone could help me find that file, or gimme a quick guide on how to burn the disc's it would rock. Thanks!

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sep 2005
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    I finally figured it out, I use Neo4All tho, follow this guide:
    look on that site for selfboot.exe, i forget where i found it at, it's not hard tho. If anyone figures out how to get the music running lemme know.

  3. #3


    The link wont work for me, can you copy and paste the guide over? I'm having problems myself get it to play discs.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    here ya go:
    "hello everyone, I notice some of you having a difficult time burning this emu, so I am goint lead you through a guide using selfboot you can get it on Dcemu's homepage and make sure you have either disc jugglar or nero
    5 for this operation.

    Step 1 :get, make a folder called selfboot under your C drive,extract in your "selfboot" folder

    step 2 : download the latest neo cd emu version, after that make a folder called "neo CD" extract the emulator in this folder, after reading the docs,delete them. so that you just have the 1st_read.bin, Ip.bin
    in your "neo cd folder" you don't have to read the docs if you don't want to.

    Step 3:find the bios ( I am not telling where to get it either}
    make sure you extract the bios under your "neo cd folder"
    the correct Bios size is 512 kb

    Step 4: line up the files in your "neo cd" folder in
    this order


    Step 5: back out of your "Neo CD" folder and go to your "selfboot" folder
    click on the icon that says "SB" and the words "selfboot" right under the SB icon.

    Step 6: you should have a window that says "browse for folder" pop up, go to your C: and click on your "Neo CD" folder and then click ok

    Step 7: now selfboot will ask you what image you would like to create, if you are using disc jugglar choose "disc jugglar" and it will creat a cdi image for you. for nero users I would pick nero "DAO" and it will create a .nrg for you

    Step 8: for disc juggler users} when your image is made, it will be under the "selfboot" folder. load your .cdi image and burn

    step 9: for nero users} your image will be in the "selfboot" folder, double click on the image and nero will start up and tell you that it is ready to burn, burn and enjoy.

    after burning is complete, stick this baby in your dc, turn it on, if you see the sega license screen and the emu screen, your good to go.

    One final note, make sure your "selfboot" and your "neo cd" folders are in their own folder and on your c: drive ( or whatever letter your hard drive is} it will ensure a easy emu making progress.

    If you need extra help , PM me, I will do what I can.

    take care


    As for the selfboot program, here's a link to it, if you cant download it, hit me up on AIM at Akira1422

  5. #5


    I got Neo4all on disc using SBInducer but whenever I insert a disc of metal slug 2 (or any other game) it tells me there no cd inserted. I've tried mounting the image on discjuggler and that hasn't helped. How did you do it?

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I just burn the .ISO in nero, the hit run in neo4all. I've had a problem with MS2, it's pretty slow. pretty much every game i've tossed at neo4all runs just fine. I read neo turf masters has some graphical probs, but i'm sure it's still playable.

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