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Thread: Request source of pSX emulator for Chui

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default Request source of pSX emulator for Chui

    More News from our Spanish Pals DCIberia

    Bad google translation follows:

    Our guru developing Dreamcast Chui has commented on the forums:

    I think it would be good if we had the help of pSX source emulator:

    On this great emulator for Windows and Linux, but is not available source, because not know why.

    Could we ask all of us to share in their forums such source porting pSX to Dreamcast, GP2X?

    I have always believed in these cases that a request often fall on deaf ears but about 100 always draws attention at least.

    Come apoyad and dadnos ideas to bring to our request and mostremosle Chui all possible support, where the river sounds, water leads. You do not need to send them an e-mail, just have to post in the comments or forums to express your support and we will send an e-mail to all official support to the initiative, however, anyone who wants to deliver an e - mail to the programmers are also welcome.

    Do not forget to bring your initiatives and comments and read the original text on the forums. We have also opened a thread in the forums Dreamcast EOL.

    It is important that posteen for the record your support publicly and what we teach.

    Chui have our full support, let's see what we can do.

    Greetings psxemulator Team.

    I am a developer from the dreamcast scene and all the community would like to see a port of this emulator on Dreamcast as well as gp2x,
    We would be the ones who would port this, as people would like to see a psx emulator working on these consoles but for that we would need the source code which has not been released before, by this I do not mean you should release this open to the public but at least to us developers in order to make a port ofthis to other systems rather than windows or linux possible.

    We would appreciate if you consider that, thanks in advance and please reply soon.


    Email Neoblast's team psxemulator team, you can use that as an example or as an idea to send them but the important thing is to see that there is movement of people

    Email team: [email protected]

    More info -->

  2. #2
    DCEmu Dreamcast ron's Avatar
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    Thank You very much Wraggs for your support and patience, we need support for all Dreamcast fans, in order to make Chui able to port the emulator.

    Anyway thx for the support .... THANK YOU
    Last edited by ron; March 28th, 2008 at 00:30. Reason: Update
    SH4 Risc LittleEndian

  3. #3


    The google translation makes it almost impossible to understand what this is about... Here's what Maturion posted about it at

    Quote Originally Posted by Maturion
    Chui needs the source of the PlayStation emulator pSX in order to get a base for PSX4ALL. This emulator is available for Windows and Linux, but sadly the source code isn't available. Chui and DCiberia have started a petition to make the authors of pSX to relase the source code. We need a lot of people for this petition so post your nick here so we can get enough votes! After having enough users posted here Chui will send an e-mail to the authors with all your nicknames so they can see how many users want a port of pSX.

    So just post here.



    Parece ser que alguien próximo al coder de pSX ha respondido a un mail de uno de nuestros supporters:

    Open source
    This is not happening ever. pSX Author is writing this emulator, and will not be releasing the source. Do not ask for it, and do not ask to help him program it or try to convince him to work with some other programmer. He is doing perfectly fine on his own, and that's just how it is. If you are a developer and need help and/or ideas from pSX Author, you can ask him for specific stuff from the source code, and he might reveal it to you, but the full source is out of the question at this point.
    Vamos a ver si les hacemos entender que nadie quiere ese source excepto CHUI con la única intención de portarlo a Dreamcast (con todos nuestros respetos), y que tampoco queremos que séa OpenSource. Por favor no les envieis más e-mails de forma personal, vamos a intentar reunir al máxino número de apoyos para que exclusivamente le pasen el source a Chui, con eso ya basta.

    Vamos a reunir el número máximo de apoyos a ver si podemos conseguir que el autor/autores del emulador le permitan hacer el port de forma que todos podamos saber si es posible hacerlo funcionar en Dreamcast bajo la única resposabilidad de Chui en cuanto a código. Repito-- no les envíeis más emails individuales y dejemos que la unión haga la fuerza. Gracias a todos por vuestra colaboración e ilusión.



    It seems to be that somebody next one when coder of pSX has responded to a mail of one of ours supporters:

    Open source
    This is not happening ever. pSX emulator Author is writing this, and will not be releasing the source. For Do not ask it, and do not ask to help him program it or try to convince him to work with some to other to programmer. There am is doing perfectly fine on his own, and that's just how it is. If you plows to developer and need help and/or ideas from pSX Author, you for dog ask him specific stuff from the source code, and there am might reveal it to you, but the full source is out of the question AT this point.
    We are going to see if we make them understand that nobody wants that source except CHUI with the only intention to carry it to Dreamcast (with all our respect), and that we do not want that séa OpenSource either. Please not them envieis more e-mails of personal form, we are going to try to reunite to the máxino number of supports so that to exclusively they pass source him to Chui, with that already is enough.

    We are going to reunite the maximum number of supports to see if we can obtain that the autor/autores of the emulator allow him to do port so that all we pruned to know if it is possible to make it work in Dreamcast under the only resposabilidad of Chui as far as code. I repeat -- emails more individual them envíeis and we do not leave union it makes the force. Thanks to all for your collaboration and illusion.
    Last edited by quzar; March 29th, 2008 at 00:36.

  4. #4
    Dream Coder
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    I cleaned up the translation:

    It seems that somebody close to the coder of pSX has responded to a mail of one of our supporters:

    Open source
    This is not happening ever. pSX emulator Author is writing this, and will not be releasing the source. For Do not ask it, and do not ask to help him program it or try to convince him to work with some to other to programmer. There am is doing perfectly fine on his own, and that's just how it is. If you plows to developer and need help and/or ideas from pSX Author, you for dog ask him specific stuff from the source code, and there am might reveal it to you, but the full source is out of the question AT this point.
    We are going to see if we make them understand that nobody wants that source except CHUI with only the intention of porting it to the Dreamcast (with all our respect), and that we do not want it to be open source either. Please do not send them more personal e-mails, we are going to try to get together the maximum number of supporters so that to exclusively they pass source him to Chui, with that already is enough.

    We are going to reunite the maximum number of supports to see if we can get the author(s) of the emulator to allow the making of a port just to see if it is possible to do it, under the responsibility of Chui. I repeat -- do not send more personal e-mails and let us unite in strength. Thanks to all for your collaboration and illusion.

    Basically, Chui posted in the DCIberia forum saying that he thought people should get together and petition the author of pSX to release the source of the emulator so that it could be ported to gp2x and Dreamcast (actually, more accurately, to see if it could be ported). This got reposted to a number of spanish scene websites, and then to english scene. They got a response from a representative of the author saying it would not happen. Now the decision has been made to instead collect a list of usernames and submit them to see if that would sway the author, and further reassert that they don't want the project open sourced, but for the source to be given to Chui so that he can work on it. Also, that we shouldn't pester the author personally.
    Last edited by quzar; March 29th, 2008 at 00:48.
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