Finally, I am starting to feel better health-wise. While I'm not at 100%, I am quickly getting there.

For the past week I was usually too sick to work on my projects directly. So I was trying to get saurik's ( toolchain up and running. The reason this is important is I believe it will give a good performance increase to all my projects. Currently his toolchain seems to be early in development, but it's progressing fast. So even though I was sick, I still tried to get work done. Though it seems my work for the past week came up short. I just finished compiling psx4iphone with this new toolchain without any errors. This was a large task as the toolchain doesn't currently (though seems it will as time passes) support Objective-C which is important to iPhone apps such as mine. After days of mucking with the code and finally getting psx4iphone to compile, I ran psx4iphone. It crashes immediately with a segfault. It seems more work will need to be done before getting the toolchain running my apps. It will most surely get there, I just hope its soon.

So what does all that mean? The short of it all is, performance gains across my apps from me switching to newer tools will have to wait. That waiting period is to be determined.
In the meantime, I will focus on what I currently do have in terms of toolchains and projects using them.

There's a lot of work for me to do with my existing projects, so I will get right on it. I will also be going through forums and answering questions when I can.
Sometimes it gets hard for me to go through the entire forum, so if something really needs my attention, be sure to private message me there.

Thanks for hanging in there while I was gone,