The first public release of this front end for PC was released today.


@ES PUBLIC BETA NOTES - By shadow1204 - Posted by @ruantec

This is a public beta release and bugs will be present.

The purpose of this release is to show you what @ES can do

--- System Requirements ---

Although @ES uses very little in the way of resouces it it recommened that your pc meets the following requirements.

@ES will run on XP but for the best results please use Vista

If you are able to run PJ64 at 100% speed you will have no probs running @ES
2ghz cpu Should be sufficent to run @ES without any problems
512MB ram
GPU As long as your gpu is able to run even some games you will be fine with @ES

The point in saying this is mostly that to not expect to run @ES on a computer running a P3 400mhz CPU for example.
(It just won't do the job and seriously don't even try)
Going to the task manager I never see @ES use more the 12% of my "AMD athlon64x2 6000+" cpu or more then 40MB of my
ram so it is certainly not a system hog.

Please just use common sense!!

Any bugs that are found should be reported in the @ES bugs thread on NGForums!!
*link*(comming soon)

Known bugs or features that will be fixed as quickly as possible and don't require reporting include:

1/ Any scroller bugs in the coverflow menu's (will be fixed in the next two days)

2/ Some emu's will switch to fullscreen when you press ALT + ENTER but will have problems
when pressing ALT + ENTER to return to the @ES screen. (Proper full-screen support will be
included very soon)

3/ You are unable to play a video and listen to music or play a game at the same time!
This is not really a bug but I am mentioning it here anyway
(The only thing possible of this nature is music and games at the same time)

4/ At present there is no way to delete items after you add them to the coverflow menu
The only way to do this at present is to go to the playlist file for the type of item
you are wanting to delete and remove the path to it from the list

Also some things do nothing yet!
Such as the cd/dvd icon, settings and update icons on the main menu!

in a side note i would like to thank all the beta-testers that helped me to test this small app! you guys rock!


Read the readme file included!

Thank you for reading and enjoy using @ES

Download and give feedback via comments