via Computer and Video Games

The version 1.3 patch for Warhawk will be released today between 10am and 4pm GMT, adding new equipment and other enhancements.

Between these hours, Sony will shut down the Warhawk servers for scheduled maintenance, and warns players that, while they'll be able to log into PSN and download the new patch, you won't actually be able to play until the servers are back up and running. It's a great time to get some CoD 4 time in, then.

Added features include two new pieces of troop equipment in the form of a Bio-Field Emitter, which "creates a zone of healing for allies and a zone of damage for enemies", and a Mechanic Field Wrench, "that can be used to repair allied vehicles and turrets as well as damage enemy vehicles and turrets".

And the other smaller tweaks are:

  • Integration of Contest Winner Insignias and Paint Schemes
  • .50cal turret targeting enhanced
  • Point value update for CTF defend and flag-carrier kill
  • CTF Sudden-Death trigger fix
  • Disabled CTF Flag throw/drop functionality
  • New VOIP Functionality
  • HOME Game-Launching

And if you Warhawk warmongers haven't heard, Sony is readying another major expansion, Operation: Broken Mirror, for release on PSN later this month for £3.99.