News from Mollusk:

Hello all !

I haven't done any extra work on PocketGravity yet, but I set up (or at least tried ^^) a page for sharing scenes ! Nothing major, it just takes the scenes, extracts the mini-view, and displays all that...

The only working extension is .pgs, all other extensions will be rejected, I don't people uploading tons of stuff ^^

Uploading is restricted to registered members to avoid spamming. Sorry for those who aren't registered and don't want to :/ You can just PM me with the link and I'll add it for you...

A few comments before you check it out :
1. The 4 uploaded scenes were uploaded for testing purpose only, I'll remove them once a few other scenes are posted...
2. It looks horrible because I didn't have much time so I just made a quick upload form and a quick display routine... If you have any layout ideas, feel free to share !!!
3. I haven't seen any, but there might be some bugs. I only tested on windows using firefox, sorry... Feel free to bug me (here,, PM, msn, whatever) if you see anything weird...
4. Upload time !

Thanks to all of you