via Eurogamer

Epic Games boss Mark Rein has assured those eagerly awaiting the Xbox 360 version of Unreal Tournament 3 that it's looking good and will be playable soon.

In a post on the Epic forums he wrote, "We don’t have a particular release date yet but we’re going to be playing it with some members of the press in two weeks at Midway’s next Gamers Day in Las Vegas.

"Should be fun," Rein added. "The game is coming along really nicely."

The PS3 version of UT3 was released last year on PC, and in February on PS3. Speaking to Eurogamer back in November Rein said the delay to the Xbox 360 game was due to an issue with mods. He explained, "We can release any mods we want on PS3 because it's an open system, whereas Xbox Live is a closed system."