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Thread: Source code ATTAINED.....

  1. #1

    Default Source code ATTAINED.....

    Ok so I can't find a Halo source code but I got the Source code for CUBE so How do I compile it to run on the dreamcast. I never programeded anything before but i have the C++ program that came with the 3rd dcdev kit and I'm installing the ddr4 right now so whats a good place to start on this project...

    To anyone who says the dreamcast won't handle it I just played beta4 of the couterstrike mod and of the few maps that work it has good praphics and runs way better than Half Life DC ever could.........

  2. #2


    Well, the Dreamcast can do a lot but it definitely won't be as simple as compiling something. Half Life DC (which is the engine that Counterstrike DC uses) was ported by professional programmers that were getting paid to deliver a commercial product.

    If you are seriously interested in programming for Dreamcast, I would recommend to start with something VERY simple to learn the basics.

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