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Thread: CaSTaway/PSP 003 released!

  1. #11
    DCEmu Newbie
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    absolutely great!
    will have to test it right now.

    thx, skeezix!

  2. #12


    yeah, I'll likely do it; just haven't sweated it (So many corrupted icons, I hadn't noticed..)


  3. #13



    I would like to know how far is the accuracy of CaSTaway compare to emu like SainT...

    I know that Saint is doing cycle accurate emulation of the whole chipset and even emulate the "bad" behaviour that allowed stuff like overscan and such.
    So it is able to run quite a few demo.

    Anyway, its going to be fun playing millenium on my PSP then :-)


  4. #14
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Sound problem fixed, but now it doesn't "stop" when going in the menu's which can be a little grating on the ears.

  5. #15


    Ok here's my much improved caSTaway icon and image EBOOT. Just put this in your caSTway% folder and copy it over the current EBOOT (for 1.50). Combine it with the second 1.50 EBOOT to create a 1.00 EBOOT.

    I am emailing you the images for future use skeezix. Fantastic work! I was playing this all night. Looking forward to the database being incorporated with the disk selection as I have the whole PP collection and having to check each disk when looking for a specific game can be a real pain

    I am so blown away by how good this EMU is. Here are the few small bugs I have found so far -

    * Mouse doesn't work on some games -

    This is a strange bug because sometimes I can see the cursor but can't move it out of a small area. Main game of note Populous 2.

    * Wierd graphic "warp" when screen moves fast -

    Not really a bug but it hurts the eyes. main game of note Kick Off 2.

    That's it so far. Amazing for a third release!


    Here are a few request for future versions (if I may be so cheeky) -

    * Ability to fast scroll through games.

    Pushing left/right on the d-pad to go a full page down would be handy. Right now it takes ages to get top disk 100

    * Option for graphics smoothing off.

    I am one of the few people that prefer sharpness over smoothness in my EMU's.

    * Ability to map keys/joystick directions to left/right trigger and Circle button.

    Many platform games were designed to use up to jump, while great on a joystick, it would be much better to use the circle button to jump.

    * Ability to create a blank disk.

    I know the save state should remove the need for this for the most part but it can still be handy. For instance it is required in order to play Player Manager.

    * Transparancy option for software keyboard.

    The keyboard looks awesome but sometimes I can't see what I'm typing, an ability to turn it partially transparent would fix that.

    That's all I can think of. I am really amazed at the quality of this EMU, the framerate appears to be perfect and the load times are lightning fast.

    After playing the Amiga EMU at a frameskip of 8, I didn't think the Atari ST could be emulated so perfectly. I would have bought a PSP for this EMU alone

  6. #16
    DCEmu Rookie Mr.Modem's Avatar
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    Yeah this emu is worth the price of the PSP. To be able to play so much classics is wonderful. Here's my suggestion list (apart from things already suggested):

    *Speed fix. Some games run too fast especially in the menus. The music often runs way to fast.

    *Ability to swap the mouse from the analog to the d-pad without going into the menus. Other Shortcuts would be nice, like shortcut to diskselector.

    *The disk selector window should use the whole screen. My TOSEC (naming convention for emulator roms, disk and tape images) disks have to long names that doesn't fit in the window.

    *There is another mouse bug. In some games (Lemmings 2 - the Tribes,Hero Quest) the mouse pointer necomes invisible. You can move it and press the mouse buttons but you can't see the cursor

    As you see my suggestions isn't so important for the emu but would be nice to have anyway. And parabolee, I prefer a sharp picture over a scaled blurry picture. The last thing I have to say is; Thank you skeezix!!! I don't have any money to donate but I maybe send some artwork.

  7. #17


    My to do list is growing, thought it would be shrinking

    I've already done some tuning in the joystick area, to be more precise while its on analog.

    Better and faster scrolling around the menus for sure, and more integration with the database for sure. ie: If you've scanned a disk to find out what it is once, it'll remember and always show the game names beside the disk name (like the GP32 version.)

    Throttling to slow the emu down, and some frameskip options to speed it up.

    Some disk access indicators so you know when its hitting the disks.

    Avoiding massive key repeat in 'cursor' mode, so that cusor mode controls Dungeon Master better

    etc etc.

  8. #18


    Did you see the Icon and background image I made yet skeezix? hope you like it.

  9. #19
    DCEmu Rookie Mr.Modem's Avatar
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    I know you have a lot to do already but I have found another bug: A couple of my games doen't work. I insert the floppy but instead of loading the game, Gem is loaded. I double click on the disk icon and it says that the disk is empty. I'm sure that there's nothing wrong with my disks, I have tested them with Steem in Windows. I've tried both zipped and unzipped versions of the games. I get the same result. Is anyone else getting the same problem?

  10. #20
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Yup... same problem exactly for me. Seems most simpler platformers work fabulously but many others I've tried show an empty disk drive. File format i.e .msa seems to not be a factor. Otherwise, wonderful work!! Also, it might be nice to have a faster method of scrolling thru the game roms (those multiple disks sure get in the way!). Perhaps the use of the shoulder buttons like the Amiga Emu?? Perhaps I'm missing something here...

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