
Marat Fayzullin has updated the port of his ColecoVision emulator ColEm to the Android platform.

I have published ColEm-Android 3.1, a new version of my ColecoVision emulator, adding all the features introduced into my other emulators over the last month. The new ColEm comes with simplified Wiimote support and the new Virtual Joystick Editor, replacing the old Layout Editor. It finally shows button labels, gravity, and lets you resize buttons individually. Also, if your external gamepad has a BACK button, that button is now going to be fully usable and assignable. See the complete list of changes below.

  • Painless Wiimote support with "Input | Wiimote Support" option.
  • Now showing current key assignments in "Assign Keys".
  • Replaced "Edit Layout" option with "Edit Virtual Joystick".
  • Buttons can be individually resized in Joystick Editor.
  • Added scale, shape, and transparency options to Joystick Editor.
  • Added gravity indication with dotted lines to Joystick Editor.
  • Added button labels to Joystick Editor.
  • Gamepad BACK button fully usable and assignable.
  • Removed separate joystick size, shape, and opacity settings.
  • Moved "Keep Screen On" to the "Video" tab.
  • Fixed scanline effects on x86-based Android devices.
  • Fixed crashes when downloading DropBox files.
  • Fixed crash when setting backdrop location.
  • Fixed some Russian translations.