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Thread: Wii Homebrew Loader Channel & SNES Channel - NO TIME LIMITS

  1. #21


    I highly recommend this, because when booting homebrew with the channel instead of using the Twilight hack, the DVD motor isn't always spinning. And I'm afraid that having it constantly spinning *might* damage the system.

    The original authors may not like the fact that the time limit has been removed, but I still highly respect them for their accomplishment, and will gladly use their official version when it comes out.

    I'm switching to this for now, though, because I have a tendency to leave my consoles on overnight, and if having the dvd motor on that long causes any damage, I don't want it to happen.

  2. #22
    DCEmu Pro ____anders____'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by trelantana View Post
    I highly recommend this, because when booting homebrew with the channel instead of using the Twilight hack, the DVD motor isn't always spinning. And I'm afraid that having it constantly spinning *might* damage the system.

    The original authors may not like the fact that the time limit has been removed, but I still highly respect them for their accomplishment, and will gladly use their official version when it comes out.

    I'm switching to this for now, though, because I have a tendency to leave my consoles on overnight, and if having the dvd motor on that long causes any damage, I don't want it to happen.
    i totally agree with you except i don't leave my wii on over the night, but i also think it *can* cause damage to your wii if the drive is spinning all the time, or atleast it will shorten the life-span of your drive, so imho USE THIS ONE it rules!

    EDIT: and if you care more about the authors of the original "limited" channel than your wii, then go ahead boot zelda everytime..
    Last edited by ____anders____; April 11th, 2008 at 10:49.

  3. #23
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    I had read somewhere that the reason the authors originally put a time limit on the channel was because they wanted to see how Nintendo would react first, as there's the possibility that they could release an update that bricks the Wii if there are 'unfamiliar' channels on the system.

    That's why I'm still going to use this channel without the limiter, but I'm setting my Wii to use a dummy or invalid internet connection until either the official unlimited channel comes out or Nintendo does release such an update.

    So if you use the channel, be careful, as the TP Hack team may have had a more considerate reason to put a limiter on the original release than one would think.

  4. #24
    DCEmu Pro ____anders____'s Avatar
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    but still, i always read here or somewhere else before i decide to update my wii, to see if they block anything, like the TP exploit or something else..

    EDIT: btw, mario kart wii RULES!
    got it 2 days ago, leaked..

  5. #25


    I honestly don't care how well it works (I wouldn't even care if it booted a full speed PS2 emulator), and you guys shouldn't either. Fact is, he went against the wishes of people that actually put in their hard work making this channel, went in and changed a few lines of code, then came and posted it here so he can recieve the glory. This is how rivalries begin, and rivalries mean nothing good for the scene.

    That's like if the iPod was in development for two years. Microsoft comes in, steals the design, and releases an unfinshed rip off 2 months before it's supposed to be released.

    Another thing, he posted no warning what-so-ever. No one has any idea what this could do to your Wii at some point in time. Say a new channel comes out that you have to download. Maybe there's a bug in the homebrew channel that doesn't tell the Wii that channel slot is taken. It tries to stack the new channel on top... BRICK!!! Fact is, there's no way to prove that wrong yet.

    Jay_PaRaDoX: "The time limit was there for a reason: Prevent the bugs that exist make people think it's a bad channel."
    This is just stupid, and completely made up. The timer pissed more people off and caused more bashing then bugs ever would have. I promise you, the reason they added a timer is because they don't know what this has the possibility of doing in the long run.

    People need some patience.
    Last edited by DimensionT; April 11th, 2008 at 19:04.

  6. #26
    DCEmu Newbie Jay_PaRaDoX's Avatar
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    Just want to clarify some things:

    1- I didn't just rewrite some lines of code. The ticket had to be resigned so it accepts the changes made to it.

    2- I don't want any "glory" from anything. I could have changed the credits that are in the channel, but did I do it? NO.

    3- It's based on the original channel, so if that "slot" you talk about bricks the Wii, it's not my fault.

    4- Everyone is free to try it if they want. I'm not forceing anyone to do so.

    5- I've personally spoken with marcan and bushing, explained everything to them. Sure they aren't very happy, but they were expecting it to happen anyway.

  7. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by DimensionT View Post
    I honestly don't care how well it works (I wouldn't even care if it booted a full speed PS2 emulator), and you guys shouldn't either. Fact is, he went against the wishes of people that actually put in their hard work making this channel, went in and changed a few lines of code, then came and posted it here so he can recieve the glory. This is how rivalries begin, and rivalries mean nothing good for the scene.

    That's like if the iPod was in development for two years. Microsoft comes in, steals the design, and releases an unfinshed rip off 2 months before it's supposed to be released.

    Another thing, he posted no warning what-so-ever. No one has any idea what this could do to your Wii at some point in time. Say a new channel comes out that you have to download. Maybe there's a bug in the homebrew channel that doesn't tell the Wii that channel slot is taken. It tries to stack the new channel on top... BRICK!!! Fact is, there's no way to prove that wrong yet.

    This is just stupid, and completely made up. The timer pissed more people off and caused more bashing then bugs ever would have. I promise you, the reason they added a timer is because they don't know what this has the possibility of doing in the long run.

    People need some patience.

    First off, this works fine, 2nd its none of your buisness what other ppl do, 3rd If they didnt want this, they should have not made it so obvious that you can with skill remove the timer, finaly I don't do updates, or many channels, so don't tell me that it will brick my wii... thank you!
    Last edited by maddog482; April 12th, 2008 at 02:34.

  8. #28
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    I know this isn't the right place, but I have searched and searched for the answer and I know you guys can help me. Whenever I try to burn the snes image in imgburn it comes up with invalid or unsupported image error. I tried burning this in clone cd, but the wii didn't recognize the disk. I was about to build the iso in imgburn and then burn, but I am on my last dvd+r and I don't want to waste it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  9. #29


    Whatever, you guys do what you want. Piss off whichever ground breaking coders you want. Use whatever unpredictable homebrew you want. Because it's obvious none of you are willing to wait. Seriously...

    I want you guys to see what the scene turns into with crap like this making the headlines. Just remember, the people that endorce it don't have the right to cry when coders like the ones who made this channel refuse to update their work. Respect is what makes giving you guys free games, emulators and hacks worth while.

    I know damn well I wouldn't release anything if I knew someone would just hack into it. Making it do things I didn't want or wasn't ready for it to do.

    I'm sorry, but that's just bull$#@! on so many levels.
    Last edited by DimensionT; April 12th, 2008 at 03:36.

  10. #30
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Dang, I leave for one day, and I miss something.

    I have to agree with DimensionT here actually. I would say more, but I don't feel like it.

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