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Thread: What will get me banned, can I get unbanned?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Apr 2008
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    Default What will get me banned, can I get unbanned?


    I have a soft modded 360 which 6 odd months ago was banned. I have a couple questions.

    1) If I buy a new 360 and hard mod it will it get banned?
    2) Can I get my current banned 360 unbanned?

    What exactly will get an xbox banned?


  2. #2


    You can't mod your Xbox 360 console if you're going to use Xbox Live. You can't get unbanned sadly, so you will need a new console and NOT mod it if you want to play online.

  3. #3


    for the original xbox, there was something that would make it so that your system doesn't get banned (basically hides the fact that you modded it) but i dont know if there is anything like that on the 360 (i'd rather not try with mine on account that i like xbox live to much)

  4. #4


    I heard that you can unban your 360 but it involves allot of soldering and crap

  5. #5
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
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    Not sure how far I can go into this, and I want to state now, that if you don't own the game, you shouldn't even be trying to play it online....


  6. #6


    you can't get unbanned, once your banned, your banned, although, you dont need a new Hard drive, its your xbox thats banned, not your account, and not your hard drive, so you can stil play live on the subscription you have already paid for, and with your current hard drive and account, just sell the banned as a core system on ebay or something and swap youd hd onto a new one, and no one should be getting banned nowadays, just keep it updated, pm me if you need more info

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