News/release from Yan2yan

Yan2yan us a lib to enable you to better manage the time in your homebrews!

- Extract the contents of the archive in the folder containing pspdev.

To include the Lib:

# Include <timeManager.h>

For the compilation, add to the line LIBS:

- LTimeManager

The functions:
Timer_start void ();
Timer_reset void ();
Timer_startPause void ();
Timer_endPause void ();
U64 timer_getTimeMicroSec ();
U64 timer_getTimeMilliSec ();
U64 timer_getTimeSec ();

Using abstract:
We must start the timer via function timer_start ().
To return it to 0, we must use our timer_reset ().
To recover the time elapsed since the start of the timer, there are 3 methods for retrieving the time in seconds, milliseconds or microseconds (these functions begin with timer_getTime ...., you should not miss)
Then there are also functions to manage a break, but as I have not yet tested, I can not talk too much about it at this time
In theory, the sample should help you more deeply.

If you encounter any bugs, please report them
And if you have any ideas of améliroations is the same price!

Download and give feedback via comments