via IGN

Colour us surprised, as this week the Nintendo Wii's Virtual Console not only receives four new titles, but each one is a certified gem with two classics culled from the Commodore 64's back catalogue and two from within the dusty annals of the Master System.

California Games is first up, and having made its first appearance back in 1986 it still retains much of its charm in its reproduction of the bright and breezy past times of the West coast of America. Impossible Mission is another Commodore 64 title heralding from space date 1986, a randomly generated action platformer, that if we rightly recall involved a lot of cartwheels. But manly cartwheels, you understand.

Wonder Boy is the fondly remembered arcade platform title from SEGA, showing up on the Virtual Console in its Master System form that managed to stay largely faithful to the original. Our excitement is reserved, however, for Fantasy Zone, the surreal free-roaming shooter that introduced the world to Opa-Opa. We'd love to spout our love for the game to you here, but someone's already beaten us to it.

They're all available for approximately £3.50 each, or precisely 500 Wii points.

Virtual Console European Releases, August 31

Commodore 64 - 500 Wii Points
  • California Games (1987)
  • Impossible Mission (1984)

Master System - 500 Wii Points
  • Wonder Boy (1986)
  • Fantasy Zone (1986)