New update for the Wrapper for N64 emulators

Heres whats new since our last news:

Update 7.
- Fix for motion blur (thanks Hacktarux for help!)
- Fix for bugs caused by previous fix
- Legend ini fix for Mario Kart
- Hacktarux build of the wrapper with dithered alpha fixed
- mudlord test program added to Test folder.
Update 8.
Wrapper: Fixed chromakey again, Space Invaders shield problem is fixed (Hacktarux). Fixed resolution problem when switched to fullscreen and back. Fixed high resolution problem, thanks to mudlord! Now you can set any resolution you want.
Plugin: Fixed bugs caused by previous fixes
Update 9.
Wrapper: Added support for monochrome texture buffers (dynamic shadows, black-and-white cut scenes). Hacktarux created yet another miracle
Added support for high resolutions (mudlord’s fix).
Update 10.
-recent fixes by mudlord and KoolSmoky
-textures load optimization by KoolSmoky
-user-defined VRAM size by Gonetz.
The last option should boost performance on video cards with large amount of memory.
Default value is 64mb. If your card has more memory, set correct value. If you are not sure, how much memory your card has, don’t touch it. Auto detection of available video memory is not working yet.
This is rather experimental build, so please backup previous version of the wrapper.
Update 11.
-manual VRAM size set is replaced by an automatic one, by mudlord. DX API is used for that, so it is Windows only solution. Still experimental, so keep older versions too.