LilyPad 0.9.1 is a Windows pad plugin. If you run into any bugs or have any suggestions, I'm open to ideas. I'll update this post and bump the thread when I release new versions. Changelog included in rar. 0.9.1 adds a fix for getting/releasing mouse focus and saves file. 0.9.0 adds a work around for an issue with some buggy force feedback drivers. It also adds the ability to load/save configurations in other files and support for guitars (See bottom). No other major changes. The rather messy C++ source is available as well. I'm not terribly concerned about it, but consider it licensed under GPL version 2.

A quick list of the features: Keyboards/Mice/Direct Input devices are all supported. It supports multiple devices of all types, and devices of different types can be mixed and matched. Sensitivity can be adjusted. Force feedback is supported. Multiple keys/buttons/axes can be bound to the same PS2 button, and one key/button/axis can be bound to multiple PS2 buttons. Keys can be mapped to the analog sticks. Axes can be mapped to fake Lx/Rx axes. Pressure sensitive buttons and other single-direction axes (Like foot peddles) are also supported.

Heres whats new:

Fix for mouse focus bug.

Load / Save buttons remember last touched file and path.