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Thread: Why have video games become so borring?

  1. #1
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Exclamation Why have video games become so borring?

    If you haven’t played COD4 yet (if not, why not?), then this post contains minor spoilers.

    Recently I have found myself becoming increasingly bored with video games. Often I will find myself firing up my console, and just not wanting to play any of my games. Now the reason is not that all the games released are low quality, in fact it’s far from it. It is the simple fact that all the games released in the past year (except a few, more on those later) lack a certain quality. It is this unique aspect of a game that separates it from other games. Now this ‘quality’ is not graphics or sound or whatever, it is something quite different, but I can’t pinpoint what it is. Hmm…this is quite hard to explain…


    Let me give you an example. Take Call of Duty 4. Now everybody agrees that COD4 is technically a good game. It has good graphics and sound, the online and perk system is great, now while these certainly contribute to it, these are not the things that make the game special. There are two levels in the game, where you do practically nothing. They’re almost like cutscenes, but from a first person perspective. However, despite this, these are my two favourite levels in the game. The first of these levels is where you see yourself (President Yasir Al-Fulani) assassinated. You are shoved into a car and driven through a city, before being shot in the head. It wont come through in text, but when your watching it, it is so absorbing - you feel much more sympathetic towards the character, and feel much more against the killer. The second level is when you wake up after a nuclear weapon has been activated. You crawl out from your crashed helicopter, only to find a destroyed city, with debris flying everywhere. Amazing.

    Technical aspects and how fun the game is definitely contribute to whether the game memorable or not, but there is also something else.


    Despite what I’ve said, I don’t think the ‘quality’ that is missing from so many games is the ability to emotionally involve a player. No, that’s not it. It’s just that most of the recently released video games aren’t special. Take Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 for example. It’s an ok game, but there’s nothing special about it. Again, Burnout Paradise, it pretty fun, but it’s not special, I’m not going to remember it as one of my favourite games of all time. So many games that are released now are just so uninspiring. That’s it! Uninspiring. See if you can think of a game released in the past year, that you can honestly say is inspiring, or really special. If I had to, I’d probably go with Call of Duty 4 and maybe Bully: Scholarship Edition. The only game that I can say has truly inspired me if Portal. Three games isn’t a lot. I’ve bought all the big releases this year and some small ones, but I’m still bored. There is only one reason I can think of - that gaming has become a bit stagnant lately. There were very few new franchises or series launched, and most of the big hits were sequels (Call of Duty 4, Halo 3 etc.), if you look on the horizon all I can see is more sequels like MGS4, GTA4, Fallout 3. These will all be great quality games, and I’m sure everyone will enjoy them. I mean, games can still be a hell of a lot of fun, even if they aren’t inspiring - I know I’ve enjoyed laying a lot of games this past year. Now before you all think I’m crazy I know I’m not alone in this view. I’ve spoken to a couple of people on Xbox Live that agree with me and I’m sure there must be others. Don’t get me wrong, I love gaming and I’ve really enjoyed a lot of the games this year, but just feel they could have been better. I read about games, buy games, write about games, but recently I really am loosing faith in them. Strange. Come on video game industry, show us something amazing! Maybe this year will reignite my passion for my hobby.


    Note: I know this all sounds a bit weird: ‘How can a guy have lots of fun playing games, but still be disappointed with them?’. Well before you all yell ‘hypocrisy!’, just because a game isn’t special or inspiring, doesn’t mean it isn’t a hell of a lot of fun.

  2. #2


    I don't agree. I see many many great games as before.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JKKDARK View Post
    I don't agree. I see many many great games as before.
    Because they are the same games from before, just sequels or remakes. sure there are exceptions but they slip under the radar because of the rating systems.

    Heres a comment left on the site that feeds the debate

    "Games are boring for the same reason new music is boring and new movies are boring. Cliche.....the marketers and bean counters have too much control over the creative proccess. Therefore you get standardized formats, with well polling character types, simple to follow yet "engaging" plot lines, and a host of other "features" designed to minimize investor risk. Nobody is investing in the creative process anymore just the business side."

    Check out the short segment of adam vs adam on videogame sequels

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    Quote Originally Posted by pibs View Post
    sure there are exceptions but they slip under the radar because of the rating systems.
    In my opinion it is not the rating systems fault, it is instead mostly the gamers fault, gamers are unwilling to try radically new games, because they don't want to risk blowing their money on a game they don't like.

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    I agree.
    For some reason I still to this day would rather pick up a Genesis controller and play some Sonic instead of play Xbox 360.
    Even though this is only loosely based on the point you were trying to prove, it still shows that the majority of games from modern times (6th gen - present, especially after Nintendo 64) dont have that certain quality, inspiration. Great job! :thumbup:

  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro mcdougall57's Avatar
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    i agree i dont see that many games now with that creative spark just sequels with new weapons and maybe online multiplayer this actually puts me off buying games because im beggining to play them less now. Ive got to the point where i buy games for no reason.

    N64-best console ive ever played on twas times of originality and creativity.

  7. #7
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Same here, barely used any of my consoles for at least a month now, except maybe my DS lite but even the usage is not a lot more that the former.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    DCEmu Legend Eviltaco64's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowblind View Post
    Do you have a 360? If not, then I see your point. But otherwise I disagree. Bioshock alone could keep me for days.
    Yes, I do.
    It's a good console, with excellent games, but just not my style I guess.
    Xbox has changed what video games are supposed to be, fun. I know, Halo 3/COD4/Vegas 2/whatever is fun, but I am really not a FPS fan. Just for the reason that its practically been the same thing for 10 years (with major graphical updates and some more weapons). All in all, it gets boring to me. It's like watching a different movie and following a different story, and playing the same game.
    And I agree with mcdougall, Nintendo 64 probably has the best if not one of the greatest game libraries of any console (especially thanks to Rareware)

  10. #10
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eviltaco64 View Post
    Yes, I do.
    It's a good console, with excellent games, but just not my style I guess.
    Xbox has changed what video games are supposed to be, fun. I know, Halo 3/COD4/Vegas 2/whatever is fun, but I am really not a FPS fan. Just for the reason that its practically been the same thing for 10 years (with major graphical updates and some more weapons). All in all, it gets boring to me. It's like watching a different movie and following a different story, and playing the same game.
    And I agree with mcdougall, Nintendo 64 probably has the best if not one of the greatest game libraries of any console (especially thanks to Rareware)
    Bleh, I hated halo, R6V2 annoyed me, and CoD4 just bored me. The surface is bleak, thats for sure. but GoW Bioshock TF2 and the RPGs keep me going. Too Human, Fable 2, Ninja Gaiden 2; you don't have to be a FPS fan to get going on those m8. RPGs like Lost odyssey and Eternal Sonata are amazing. I can't wait for MGS4 though, that should aleive your boredom.

    I miss the n64 days...the single greatest console i've ever played. PS2 next.

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