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Thread: New PSP Rival - GBA Micro Released - Full Details

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Smile New PSP Rival - GBA Micro Released - Full Details

    Another rival of sorts for the PSP and to be honest while its no match in power it has the fashion icon and a back catalogue of games that no console can match plus a great emulation and homebrew scene, heres the info:

    Nintendos new Micro version of the Gameboy Advance has been released, <a href="" target="_blank">Success HK</a> are the first online company ive seen with it on, lets check out the cool pic:

    <img src="">

    The Price for the GBA Micro is $115 or about £60 in UK money.

    Heres the onsite description:

    Now Nintendo takes aim at the pocket of your tightest jeans with the tiny Game Boy Micro system, quite simply the smallest and sleekest Game Boy product that Nintendo has ever created. It's thinner than a cell phone, as chic as an MP3 player and as fun as a Game Boy In an instant it attracts attention and positions the image-conscious player as someone on the cutting edge of cool.

    The sporty, silver metal Game Boy Micromeasures a mere 4 inches wide, 2 inches tall and 0.7 inches deep, allowing it to sit comfortably alongside today's hippest technological gadgets. It weighs an astonishing 2.8 ounces, or about the weight of 80 paper clips. Yet Game Boy Microhas the same processing power and plays the same games as Game Boy Advance SPmodels, complete with standard face controls and gleaming shoulder and Start/Select buttons that literally shine.

    With Game Boy Micro everyone plays with style. A removable face plate gives owners the option to buy replacements to customize the look of their systems again and again with new colors and designs. Most notably, its 2-inch backlit screen shines with incredible power, rendering games in startling clarity with fantastic colors on the best Game Boy screen ever. For the first time, users can adjust the brightness of the screen to adapt to indoor lights or outdoor sunshine.

    The Gameboy Advance has a great <a href="" target="_blank" >Emulation and Homebrew Scene</a> and the GBA Micro will be fully compatible.

    More info at <a href="" target="_blank">Success HK</a>

  2. #2
    DCEmu Regular slayer2psp's Avatar
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    lame its way over priced i hate nintendo and all of there gba's.why cant they come out with a portable with some power instead of the same old stuff in a new package. nintendo is for little kids they have nothing to offer most adult gamers they should just go away they just dont get it dead last in the console race they cant even out sale the xbox and no one even buys the xbox in japan but yet the box is a better seller then the gamecube world wide. and why and the hell cant you buy a Component cable for the game cube in a store for 480p you can only get them online what the f**k and they say ther new system wont be in HD ANOTHER WHAT THE F**K the things nintendo does and say make no sense to me at all they hate the hardcore they only care about the non gamers because they are the only people not sick of the same old stuff that they do

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by slayer2psp
    lame its way over priced i hate nintendo and all of there gba's.why cant they come out with a portable with some power instead of the same old stuff in a new package. nintendo is for little kids they have nothing to offer most adult gamers they should just go away they just dont get it dead last in the console race they cant even out sale the xbox and no one even buys the xbox in japan but yet the box is a better seller then the gamecube world wide. and why and the hell cant you buy a Component cable for the game cube in a store for 480p you can only get them online what the f**k and they say ther new system wont be in HD ANOTHER WHAT THE F**K the things nintendo does and say make no sense to me at all they hate the hardcore they only care about the non gamers because they are the only people not sick of the same old stuff that they do
    Holy $#@!! Use a comma and maybe a carriage return every now and then.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Rookie
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    well slyer2psp ur right but the real reason why id buy it, is cuz of the new games. jsut think about zelda. the games develop by themself with every new console. and i love zelda. ufortunatly its not possible to play it on psp , ok at least the gba games are possible

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by slayer2psp
    lame its way over priced i hate nintendo and all of there gba's.why cant they come out with a portable with some power instead of the same old stuff in a new package. nintendo is for little kids they have nothing to offer most adult gamers they should just go away they just dont get it dead last in the console race they cant even out sale the xbox and no one even buys the xbox in japan but yet the box is a better seller then the gamecube world wide. and why and the hell cant you buy a Component cable for the game cube in a store for 480p you can only get them online what the f**k and they say ther new system wont be in HD ANOTHER WHAT THE F**K the things nintendo does and say make no sense to me at all they hate the hardcore they only care about the non gamers because they are the only people not sick of the same old stuff that they do
    Wow...How old are you? You sound like a 9-12 years of age since you can't you correct punctuation. You probably love playing GTA and say stuff like "Die ****ing pigs.", "Where's my ****ing money you $#@!.", and "Do this feel good with my blank in your blank(hot coffee)" People like you shouldn't even play GTA even if your over age 30.

    I'm an adult and I love Nintendo. If it wasn't for their NES..Video games wouldn't have exploded like they did.

    Nintendo gave us the thumb stick and a rumble pack. Then Sony stole it.

    And I'm sick of noobs say "I'm not buying it cus its not online or have HD...its not uber enough for me" wow..when did a console "NEED" to have this? I know its NEXT-GEN but $#@!...that doesn't mean it's going to suck..when was it about what the console has then what games are for it.

    You noobs today are so ungrateful..If nintendo never made a console you would of probably never had squaresoft...or they would of made final fantasy for computer or Sega..You would of never had playstation, because there wouldn't of been an SNES.Playstation was born from a cancelled CDROM SNES project. If it wasn't for Nintendo you would still be playing your Sega and Atari or whatever.

    I am the victim of the OVER hyped PSP. PSP has a $#@!ty game line up.The only decent games I want are in Japan (e.g. Breath of fire 3, Tales of Eternia) but that really doesn't matter since I have them both for PSX.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Whilst I agree that all Sony products are an exercise in style over substance I still can't stop buying their damn shiny goodies...

    Nintendo on the other hand offer solid products with killer games but they do concentrate on the non gaming audience a bit too much.

    The Micro (whilst it looks superb and will appeal to an entirely new demographic) isn't required in any way shape or form as the other consoles in the range do what it does. If it had been introduced at a bargain basement price of around £35.00 - that would have been a different story.

    Staying on the Nintendo train, I can't wait for the Revolution - hopefully the Big N will crack it this time or it will be the Sega route for them...

  7. #7


    No one is saying Nintendo's old stuff sucked, Nintendo was great back in the day. But come on... This is 2005, not 1990. Nintendo needs to get on the ball. Gamecube would of been great had it not had such a weak game lineup. You would be lucky if a good game was released on gamecube once every 2-4 months. But it more like once every half year.

    And why bother with all these GBA's? Nintendo has turned into some money grubbing $#@! lately on the handheld market, There is 3 GBA's out now, wtf? Right after everyone has just picked up GBA SP's and DS's now nintendo wants you to come and buy ANOTHER GBA? I mean come on! Maybe if this GBA actually did something that the other one's didn't then sure. But all these redesign's of the GBA do the exact same thing the last one did. Aside from SP which brought a backlight. But that's where it should of stopped, SP. Then is just another product for Nintendo to go and shove in our faces going "LOOK ITS SMALLER, YOU WON'T LOOK LIKE A DORK NOW WHEN YOU PLAY IT IN PUBLIC!!!" But the reality is, you look like a dork period when you play ANY handheld system in public.

    About the big N's next-gen console, I honestly dont care about it's power, a console's power is only measured by its games. I hope Nintendo is smart this time around, gets some better third party support, and release good games less than 6 months apart from eachother. Because honestly I hope their selling point isn't the fact that its backward's compatible with all Nintendo systems. Which I give 6 months or even less before thats cracked and you can just load roms off the sd cards. Paying for 10-15 year old games is just stupid. Considering all Nintendo is gonna do is buy the rights from half of those dead companies and just make the money themselves. When they should be giving those games away. N64 games are the only games they should charge money for.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Newbie
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    ok, I can't help it. gotta give my 2cents on this matter as well. While the PSX was originally an add-on CD for SNES. The fact that Nintendo basically scrapped it goes to show how little vision they have for the future.

    As far as what is needed for a system to fully succeed, things like online play and hdd are essential in todays market. Without online, a home console will surely not be successful. And the fact that Nintendo's target audience are kids shows their lack of knowledge in the industry. Being that majority of game players are those that grew up with the NES, that age group is basically 20 to 35.

    Now, while I do like the micro. I may even buy one. But seriously, it's nothing new. No work is needed for that particular system to succeed. It is simply a re-design of an ancient system, aside from the GBA stuff. No different than the release of the PSTwo.

    Nintendo was once a great company....but I fear that unless they mature, they will surely fade.

    And, lockethevaliant, for you to call gamers of today noobs....honestly now, that makes you sound quite childish. I have been playing games for over 20 years, and think that power is important in a console, although not the only thing. The games are ultimately what make or break a console. But, if a system does not have the hardware to handle what is needed for a great game in todays standards, it will fail.

    Just to add another point, I always thought that the sega master was far superior to the NES, but poor marketing killed it. It was technically better, and I kinda wish sega would still make systems.

  9. #9
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by DCRich
    ok, I can't help it. gotta give my 2cents on this matter as well. While the PSX was originally an add-on CD for SNES. The fact that Nintendo basically scrapped it goes to show how little vision they have for the future.

    As far as what is needed for a system to fully succeed, things like online play and hdd are essential in todays market. Without online, a home console will surely not be successful. And the fact that Nintendo's target audience are kids shows their lack of knowledge in the industry. Being that majority of game players are those that grew up with the NES, that age group is basically 20 to 35.

    Now, while I do like the micro. I may even buy one. But seriously, it's nothing new. No work is needed for that particular system to succeed. It is simply a re-design of an ancient system, aside from the GBA stuff. No different than the release of the PSTwo.

    Nintendo was once a great company....but I fear that unless they mature, they will surely fade.

    And, lockethevaliant, for you to call gamers of today noobs....honestly now, that makes you sound quite childish. I have been playing games for over 20 years, and think that power is important in a console, although not the only thing. The games are ultimately what make or break a console. But, if a system does not have the hardware to handle what is needed for a great game in todays standards, it will fail.

    Just to add another point, I always thought that the sega master was far superior to the NES, but poor marketing killed it. It was technically better, and I kinda wish sega would still make systems.
    Your right no difference. Other than the fact Sony isnt charging a lot more than the current PS2 at the time. Looks like Nintendo is trying to appeal to the cliche' I-pod type trendy niche market.

    Great post. Pretty much sums up how I feel. And still, even with the "revolution" (great marketing hype word) announcements, the only info we had at first was you can "pay" to DL old nintendo/SNES games (which most fans or old schoolers, and by "old school" I am talking play Mario Bros. in the arcade, not N64, have on emulators anyhow).

    They need to move forward like you said. And grow with the market to appeal to me again. But some current comments from THQ about Nintendo making strides to keep with the market sure sounds promising.

    But enogh rumors Nintendo, give us facts.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Old Pro xuphorz's Avatar
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    wow, it was a gba micro thread that turned into a nintendo debate.
    i'll go head and reval my next gen plans
    2 nintendo revolution
    one for me and my bro, so we can do all the free online games together

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