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Thread: CaSTaway/PSP release 004!

  1. #11


    Or better stil regular Fellow, because although it only had about 85% compatability, it ran like a charm on 150mhz pentium 1. It was easily the fastest of the Amiga emulators but as the PS's got faster less effort was on speed because it was already 100% and more effort went to compatability.

    SKEEZIX, what are your favourite Atari ST games? And what will you be using caSTaway to play on your PSP?

  2. #12
    DCEmu Rookie Mr.Modem's Avatar
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    I think regular Fellow is written in assembler so it's should be hard to port, but WinFellow is rewritten in C so it should be easier to port.

  3. #13


    The truth is I barely have time to play anything, with all the coding I do (coding is fun, too, of course, even though I code for a living :P)

    Theres a lot of great games I like .. hundreds. Some of the good ones ar ein my 'mega screenshot gallery', while theres some in there that were just good photos But its a good place to get an idea.

    Also check out the Atari Legends website and (the little green desktop site) to get some good ideas.

    My screenshots (for Palm OS version):

    I'll have to add a screenshot tool to the PSP version :P


  4. #14


    Thats cool but I already know what are good games for myself to play

    Just wondered what your favourite Atari St game were.

    Here's is my list (ignoring superior Amiga versions) and in no paticular order other than the order I thought of them, if anyone is interested in what games they should try, here are my recommendations -

    Sensible Soccer
    Player Manager
    Kick Off 2 Return to Europe
    Adventures of Robin Hood
    Populous 1 & 2
    New Zealand Story
    Rick Dangerous
    Secret of Monkey Island
    Batman the Movie
    Future Wars
    Addams family
    Another World
    Cannon Fodder
    Chaos Engine
    Mega Lo Mania
    Supercars 2
    Cruise for a Corpse
    Defender of the Crown
    Fernandez Must Die
    Frontier Elite 2
    Great Courts 2
    Hard Drivin' 2: Drive Harder
    Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade The Adventure Game
    Iron Lord
    Lemmings 2 the Tribes
    Maniac Mansion
    MUDS Mean Ugly Dirty Sport
    Operation Stealth
    Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
    Stunt Car Racer
    The Kristal

    Ok so I looked at a list to remember them all but these are just the ones I love, there are many other great games worth playing.

  5. #15


    So which of those are you finding play well on the PSP

    I expect a review of each on my desk by tomorrow


  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie
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    one of my favourite games is "giana sisters", but there's a problem with castaway.
    in version 003, the game didn't start at all. in 004, the game starts and seems to run ok, but then the screen "skips" during the game. it's really strange, i've never seen this before.

    maybe there should be a thread with game related bugreports....

  7. #17
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    this is the best thread for anything Castaway related

    thanks for the bug reports, it enspires the developer to work more as he knows his work is being used

  8. #18


    Yeah Great Guana Sisters is a great game (complete super mario rip off), I have a different problem, on mine it freezes on the title screen. Mine is the Pompay pirates version.

    I'll do a compatability list of my fave games over the next few days

  9. #19


    Ok here's my first thoughts on this latest release.

    The new font looks nicer for sure, But a smaller one would be better in the disk file manager as some of the names don't show up.

    The database looking up is really cool but with over 100 disks on mine it takes over 1 minute to load! This can be VERY frustrating when wanting to quickly return to a save state! I took 50 disks off so it would run better but it still takes 30 seconds!

    So the caching of the database look up is deeply needed for next release! I think it would be best if it only did the look up when told to do it and then loaded it from the cache at all other times. Or even better only when it detects there are new disks available.

    The change in the analogue sensativity in both mouse and joystick is much better. I think giving more room for the slower speed (is a little hard to go slow intentionally) and maybe adding a slightly faster speed for a full push.

    Here's my first compatability report -


    Despite having to insert a virtual blank disk when you start a new game this works well. Only one BIG problem that is EASILY solved. As soon as you have finished playing a match you CAN NOT touch whatever you have set up as the joystick (anologue/d-pad) otherwise it will lock up! As long as you only use the mouse during the managment menu's and only use the joystick when the match has loaded it will play perfect as far as I can see.

    Great game too, having a lot of fun with it

    Other games that work perfectly -

    Kick Off 2 Return to Europe
    Adventures of Robin Hood
    Populous 1 & 2
    New Zealand Story
    Rick Dangerous
    Batman the Movie
    Addams family
    Supercars 2
    Defender of the Crown
    Stunt Car Racer

    havn't tested them all extensivly but have played them all for 10 minutes with version 03

    Games that currently do not work that I would love to play -

    Sensible Soccer
    Future Wars
    Cannon Fodder
    Cruise for a Corpse
    Hard Drivin' 2: Drive Harder
    The Kristal

    All other games in my list have not yet been tested.

  10. #20


    Alright, I need to cache that info fast. The disk lookup is driving me nuts

    Don't forget to try out Simulcra -- one of the best unknown games imho


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