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Thread: All-in-1 Emuloader for Wii Released

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Rev All-in-1 Emuloader for Wii Released

    Eke-Eke is on a roll today with the release of SmsPlus, Genesis Plus and Hugo here comes the release of the Emuloader for the Nintendo Wii and Gamecube.

    This is a program that enables you to load emulators on your Nintendo Gamecube/Wii, using a nice graphical interface:

    Current supported emulators are:

    - Genesis Plus (Sega Megadrive)
    - SMS Plus (Sega Master System & Game Gear)
    - FCEuGC (Nintendo Entertainment System)
    - GnuboyGX (Gameboy & Gameboy Color)
    - Snes9xGX (Super Nintendo)
    - HugoGC (NEC Pc-Engine)
    - NeoPop (SNK NeoGeo Pocket)
    - Neo-CD Redux (SNK NeoGeo CD)

    The emulators are NOT provided with the loader.

    This project is now splitted in two separated applications:

    1) emuloader.dol is running in GC mode, it needs to be packed with a 7zip archive containing the emulators you want to use, see the [GAMECUBE Version] section below and follow the installation steps.

    2) emuloader_wii.elf, emuloader_wii_pal60.elf are running in Wii mode. You can directly boot the appropriate version with your favorite elf loader. DOLS version are also provided. See the [WII] section below to know how to use the application.

    WII Version =-

    This is just another basic Front SD elf/dol loader that looks for known emulators.
    To use it, simply follow the steps below:

    1/ create a directory at the root the SDCARD (FAT16 format only) and named it "emuloader" (without the quotes)

    2/ place any supported .dol or .elf emulators you want in this directory:

    - Do NOT modify the original emulator filename, the loader is looking for specific strings inside filenames in order to detect which emulator is present or not:

    - Genesis Plus ---> genplus
    - SMS Plus ---> smsplus
    - FCEuGC ---> fceugc
    - GnuboyGX ---> gnuboy
    - Snes9xGX ---> snes9x
    - HugoGC ---> hugo

    - Obviously, only use "wii mode" versions of these emulators, GC versions won't work properly in Wii mode !

    3/ launch emuloader_wii*.elf or.dol with the method of your choice (for example, using TP Hack). In the menu, the following keys are used (Note that you still need a Gamecube controller):

    . Button A: lauch the selected emulator
    . Analog Stick, Left/right button: select another emulator
    . Z Trigger: Reboot TP loader

    NOTE: if you have a PAL Wii, always use the PAL60 version.

    GAMECUBE Version =-

    This is mostly designed for modchip users to be used as bootloader DOL on a Selbooting DVD but
    you can also simply load&run emupack.dol with the method of your choice.
    See "Usage" section on how to generate emupack.dol and eventually a selbooting DVD.

    * Nice GUI (I hope ) which let you choose the console system to play
    * "All-in-1" DOL which directly includes all the supported emulators executables
    * LZMA (7Zip) support for emulator package in order to reduce the final dol's size
    * automatic bootable DVD iso generation (batch file and all needed tools included)

    * a chip-modded Gamecube/Wii or a way to boot homebrew
    * the main program, emuloader.dol (precompiled and included)
    * a 7zip archive containing the emulators dols (not included)
    * Modchip and/or SoftMod
    * 7zip ( to create the emulators package

    You can not directly use the provided emuloader.dol: it need first to be packed with a 7zip archive
    containing all the supported emulators (gamecube .dol files only) you want to use.
    As a result, you will eventually get a new file, called emupack.dol which contain everything and can
    now be used as any other dols !

    To do this, after extracting the content of the archive somewhere on your hard disc, simply follow the steps below:

    1) Using 7zip, create a "emupack.7z" archive with all the needed emulators dols (be careful not to use compressed/dollzed)
    and place this file in the same directory as "emuloader.dol"
    You have to use LZMA method for compressing, as well as the best compression level (ULTRA)

    Important: Don't modify the original emulator filename, the loader is looking for specific strings
    inside filenames in order to detect which emulator is present or not:

    - Genesis Plus ---> genplus
    - SMS Plus ---> smsplus
    - FCEuGC ---> fceugc
    - GnuboyGX ---> gnuboy
    - Snes9xGX ---> snes9x
    - HugoGC ---> hugo
    - NeoPop ---> neopop
    - Neo-CD Redux ---> redux

    2) Double-click on emupack.bat: this will create the file "emupack.dol"

    You can now directly load/run emupack.dol with the method of your choice (SDLoad,...) if you want but the best way
    is to create a GC-Linux bootable DVD with all your roms and use emupack.dol as the bootdol.

    For more infos about how to create a GC-Linux bootable DVD, you may want to read this:

    Actually, the /pcutils folder contains everything you need to create the bootable DVD image, including automatic
    batch files to generate your bootable DVD ISO file in a simple&quick way

    3) First, put all the roms you want for each systems in their respective /bootdisc subfolders
    You may want to create more subdirectories as the limit is 1000 files max. per directory
    Be aware that the total size for the /bootdisc directory should not exceeded ~1.35GB if you are using Gamecube
    and 4.7GB if you planned to use it on the Wii (still in GC mode).

    Be aware that the minimal size should be at least ~500MB or the DVD won't boot !
    Please refer to the related emulator's documentation for other specific requirements.

    4) Double-click on BuildISO.bat (or BuildISO_PAL.bat in you have a PAL Wii, BuildISO_JAP.bat for japanese Wii)
    and wait for the .iso file to be generated.

    5) Burn the emudisc.iso image file with any DVD software & launch the DVD in your console (a modchip is required)
    In the menu, use D-Pad to navigate & Button-A or START to choose a console system

    Once you've started running one emulator, there is no way to come back to the menu, you have to reboot your console

    Download and Give Feedback and Compatability Reports Via Comments

  2. #2


    Thanks alot man, you dont know how much i like this pice of homebrew

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Whoa!!!

    Eke-Eke, you are a man on fire!! I suspect you will sleep well tonight, what a busy day!

    I personally LOVE Emuloader and can't wait to try the Wii version! I am your fan! -Z

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I am having trouble with the naming of the emulators... At first I only had Genesis and SMS as options.. I renamed today's new Hugo to hugogc_wii.elf and now it works!

    So, what should each file be named to show up (all work individually but not in emuloader) in the menu? Is there a link to the emulators or do unofficial ones work? Please help me finish organizing my card as this release is great!!

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by wraggster View Post
    - Genesis Plus ---> genplus
    - SMS Plus ---> smsplus
    - FCEuGC ---> fceugc
    - GnuboyGX ---> gnuboy
    - Snes9xGX ---> snes9x
    - HugoGC ---> hugo
    There you go, says in the post

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    This is probably going to sound silly, but I do need to ask.

    In the case of certain emulator-types (snes9xgx, fceugc), can an alternate version that was not released by Eke-Eke work with this?

    As in, the snes9xgx editions by Askot and dsbomb, or their equivalent FCEu build for example?

    Also, is there a Wii version of Gnuboygx? I noticed in the archives a strictly GC version, but as the Wii version of the All-In-1 states, using a GC version will not work.

    Any info is appreciated.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    rbervoets, I can take the jab, but sincerely the initial post's file naming did not work for me- I only got SMS and Genesis to work. I renamed hugo.elf to hugogc_wii.elf and the "gc" did it. Also, I found the others work when I kept the "_wii" in the titles, for example fceugc_wii.elf, genplus_wii.elf, etc.

    Also, Negfactor, it DOES work for me to use the unofficial wii-mote version of Snes9x.

    Let's hope a NeoGeo CD redux update is on the way with Wii-mote support, front Sd support, and a way to get around that constant "No Bios Available" issue.

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