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Thread: Making Windows XP/Vista Portal

  1. #1

    Default Making Windows XP/Vista Portal

    Hey..So I was wondering how can I make like a portal of Windows XP/Vista or something for the ones people made for PSP.

    And how to make it so it's like offline, without the need of using the web browser (I don't have Opera Web browser, and DSOrganize doesnt support big images)

    I made this pictures for fun (I know, they suck, just made them because I was bored)

    So is there any way to make a portal, so I make...*cough* real images *cough*?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    In short: no. Never. To port something you'd need the sourcecode, something I doubt Microsoft is willing to give up.

    There is no port of any version of Windows to the PSP. People have been able to emulate Windows 95, but very very slowly and in a way that makes it mostly unusable. The DS has much more limited resources than the PSP so even this would not be possible. There's a port of a DOS emulator to the DS that runs incredibly slowly, and that's about as far as you're going to get.

    WinDS looks somewhat similar to Windows, and Woopsi looks like an Amiga computer, but these aren't ports at all.

  3. #3

    Default ..


    I think you misunderstood me...I never said a port, i know ports need source code and blabla..I dont even know how to port that isnt what I was talking about..

    On portal i pictures made into a website..and it looks like windows xp for example...
    There are some for PSP..I wanted to make one for DS..

    And btw....MY supercard Is bricked (SD Version) How I can unbrick it OMG!!!?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Old Pro DanTheManMS's Avatar
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    Oh, okay, something like then? I thought you were attempting to use the word "port" but using the wrong word, my bad.

    It's probably possible, though it would have to be fairly simplistic to work on all homebrew browsers. For instance, it could be image-based but I don't know how well DSOrganize works with image maps (each part of an image linking to a different area of the site).

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